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120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

In the case of Christ, we have answers and documentation near to the actual events, i.e., actual written accounts we can read, which describe what happened..

Shame on you for repeating the LIE that the stories of Christ performing miracles are based on historical documented events. They are not. There are NO eyewitness accounts to these events, and none of the miracles were documented by contemporary historians who either witnessed said miracle events, who ever met this person who is alleged to have performed magic, or even spoke to anyone who knew this miracle worker and witnessed any of the miracle events. There is not one iota of evidence that the Jesus character described in the Bible actually existed, much less performed miracles like walking on water, healing the sick, returning to life after days of being dead and then flying up into the sky.

You continue to repeat this lie despite being called out on it numerous times in this thread. You refuse to address the posts that point out the specific nature of the untruths you keep repeating. I believe that your behavior is a direct consequence of your indoctrination into your religious beliefs. Religion is a disease that preys on the minds of the weak, the foolish and the gullible, and corrupts their ability to acknowledge reality. Your posts on this forum serve as an excellent example of the harm caused by religious beliefs.
Lumpenproletariat is apparently unwilling to address the problems with his "evidence."

What he calls evidence is nothing more than anonymous myths written by people who demonstrated that they were perfectly fine reporting things that clearly did not happen. These tales first appear 1500 miles and 40 years removed from the allegations they make and they include fantastic descriptions of events that are impossible.

His myths show every sign of progressive development over several decades and clearly borrow elements from other stories that were around for centuries before. It's an absurd thing to give such obvious mendacities any credibility at all, yet people still believe the bullshit Joseph Smith sold, so why not?
Lumpenproletariat is apparently unwilling to address the problems with his "evidence."
I note he's gone from tentative to insistent. Instead of 'why couldn't we say that the accounts are based on eyewitness testimony' he's now insisting that they are dependable accounts, and ARE evidence, without once showing any evidence for the conclusion.

I'd guess that his 'maybe they're accurate' supposition didn't receive the welcome he'd expected, and he's reacting poorly...
My time-travelling goldfish told me that he went back and checked and the only person whom Jesus ever brought back from the dead was named Marcus Septonius, so the Lazarus story is complete bullshit. It can't be used as evidence of a miracle.
My time-travelling goldfish told me that he went back and checked and the only person whom Jesus ever brought back from the dead was named Marcus Septonius, so the Lazarus story is complete bullshit. It can't be used as evidence of a miracle.
Are you sure? Your goldfish is notorious for drawing conclusions from spot-checks. Is there any time-traveling amphibian to corroborate his report?
My time-travelling goldfish told me that he went back and checked and the only person whom Jesus ever brought back from the dead was named Marcus Septonius, so the Lazarus story is complete bullshit. It can't be used as evidence of a miracle.
Are you sure? Your goldfish is notorious for drawing conclusions from spot-checks. Is there any time-traveling amphibian to corroborate his report?

No, you're thinking of the crayfish. That guy did shit work, so I fired and ate him. The quality of the goldfish's reports has been above reproach and he's committed to a well-documented methodology.
My time-travelling goldfish told me that he went back and checked and the only person whom Jesus ever brought back from the dead was named Marcus Septonius, so the Lazarus story is complete bullshit. It can't be used as evidence of a miracle.

Your story would be more credible if it had been reported by an anonymous time travelling goldfish to a random stranger, and you had received the information fourth or fifth hand, than from a goldfish you knew in actual life. This is because Lumpy claims that the testimony of anonymous strangers as propagated through word of mouth over many generations is more credible than the sworn testimony of actual eyewitnesses in a court of law.
My time-travelling goldfish told me that he went back and checked and the only person whom Jesus ever brought back from the dead was named Marcus Septonius, so the Lazarus story is complete bullshit. It can't be used as evidence of a miracle.

Your story would be more credible if it had been reported by an anonymous time travelling goldfish to a random stranger, and you had received the information fourth or fifth hand, than from a goldfish you knew in actual life. This is because Lumpy claims that the testimony of anonymous strangers as propagated through word of mouth over many generations is more credible than the sworn testimony of actual eyewitnesses in a court of law.

Admittedly, I haven't followed the whole thread, but I don't recall anywhere that he ranked a given standard of evidence higher than goldfish testimony. If he did, then I have an issue with him because my goldfish told me that they're the most reliable folks out there - and that comes from a goldfish, so you know it's true.
Your story would be more credible if it had been reported by an anonymous time travelling goldfish to a random stranger, and you had received the information fourth or fifth hand, than from a goldfish you knew in actual life. This is because Lumpy claims that the testimony of anonymous strangers as propagated through word of mouth over many generations is more credible than the sworn testimony of actual eyewitnesses in a court of law.

Admittedly, I haven't followed the whole thread, but I don't recall anywhere that he ranked a given standard of evidence higher than goldfish testimony. If he did, then I have an issue with him because my goldfish told me that they're the most reliable folks out there - and that comes from a goldfish, so you know it's true.

Its not that the credibility of your goldfish is suspect, but that the crediibility of an anonymous goldfish is higher than that of a goldfish who is not a stranger to you.
Admittedly, I haven't followed the whole thread, but I don't recall anywhere that he ranked a given standard of evidence higher than goldfish testimony. If he did, then I have an issue with him because my goldfish told me that they're the most reliable folks out there - and that comes from a goldfish, so you know it's true.

Its not that the credibility of your goldfish is suspect, but that the crediibility of an anonymous goldfish is higher than that of a goldfish who is not a stranger to you.

I think that if you got something from a goldfish, you can trust it, regardless of how well you personally know that goldfish.
Its not that the credibility of your goldfish is suspect, but that the crediibility of an anonymous goldfish is higher than that of a goldfish who is not a stranger to you.
Plus, Tom's Goldfish has access to post-Gutenberg print media technology which makes his story less credible....because, um... mass printing, somehow.
Well it is a well established fact that it took centuries to make shit up before there was a printing press. Afterwards it only took days. I read it somewhere on the Internet so it has to be true.
Its not that the credibility of your goldfish is suspect, but that the crediibility of an anonymous goldfish is higher than that of a goldfish who is not a stranger to you.

I think that if you got something from a goldfish, you can trust it, regardless of how well you personally know that goldfish.

Not sharemarket tips, unfortunately.
At the risk of getting this thread back on topic, I've just realized another big hole in Lumpenproletariat's line of argumentation.

Lumpenproletariat's argument is based on the idea that the miracles of Jesus were far and away more impressive than those of anyone before or since. He has spent a considerable amount of effort extolling the uniqueness and impressiveness of the Jesus miracles. He has implied (without any evidence whatsoever) that as early as 65 A.D. Massive numbers of people believed that Jesus performed all these wonderful miracles that set him apart as being the one true god.

But the same myths Lumpenproletariat uses to argue these claims are the same ones that tell us Jesus made this prophecy:

John 14:12-14

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Now back in the good old days, Moses said the following about prophecy:

Deuteronomy 18:20-22

But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Now it would appear to me that Lumpenproletariat is riding on the horns of a miserable dilemma. On the one hand he's claiming that nobody else's claims to the miraculous ever approached those done by Jesus. On the other hand, Jesus claims that someone is going to do greater miracles, and does so prophetically. So either Jesus is a false prophet and nobody should be afraid of him, or someone has managed to eclipse the miracles done by Jesus. Lumpenproletariat has been claiming all along that nobody since that time has even come close, a point germane to his whole argument.

And just as telling, Jesus asserts that "If ye will ask any thing in my name, I will do it."

Few things are more clearly stated in all of scripture. Lumpenproletariat could settle this whole argument right now if he would simply ask Jesus to help him find an avalanche of unimpeachable evidence. An entire, preserved trove of artifacts saved by Jesus's momma would be the sort of thing one would expect. Some adversarial letters written by Jewish officials talking about this Jesus person who was setting the entire countryside on its ear would make a lot of sense, or a court order authorizing the use of Roman guards to watch the tomb. A letter from Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimithea, Zaccheus or Jairus, all evidently well-educated and powerful people who could easily have settled the matter for all time by doing everyone the favor of just marking their extraordinary encounter with this alleged man by having an ornate pot commissioned with a record of the event or a painting or a statue.

But Jesus won't do that will he? It's easy to rationalize and say "They won't believe with all the evidence they have, they wouldn't believe if Jesus came and talked to them face to face."

Well that's just a big fat lie. I would believe if there was a reason to believe it. All my life I have sought nothing but truth and I continue to do so even to this day. I used to believe Jesus was a real person who had done all these things and I believed it with fervor and conviction. But I only believed it because others whom I trusted told me it was so. My parents were devoutly religious; my home town preacher was a man I admired for many reasons; everyone seemed to believe it without reservation. I knew of no reason to doubt.

But then I went to college to become a preacher myself. I spent 16 years preaching in congregations all over the Southeast US. During that time I remained a student of the very things I preached, continuing to gain more and more knowledge about the reasons for the hope that was within me. I had good reason to continue believing -- my very livelihood depended on it. Sure, I had questions, but I figured all these experts knew what they were talking about and they had access to the information I needed to settle the issue for all time. One day I would do the work to see the information myself and settle all these issues.

The time came when I decided it was no longer acceptable to lean on those nameless experts who knew. I needed to know for myself. It took years, but one by one the walls fell. Each seemingly impregnable bulwark of evidence was nothing but a facade, an illusion held up by nothing more than bluster and furrowed eyebrows dripping with sincerity. There was no substance behind any of it.

Anonymous, contradictory gospels filled with thousands of interpolations. Pseudo-graphical epistles written far later than advertised by people claiming to be someone else. Yes, there was Paul's authentic epistles, but what of it? What if Paul was the Joseph Smith of Christianity? All the evidence, and I do mean all of it was completely consistent with that premise. Surely the one, true and living god, the all-powerful, wise and all-knowing god I had believed in all my life could have taken better pains to ensure that his message wasn't so difficult to ascertain with absolute surety and confidence.

So here we are. I'm still a truth-seeker. Let's see the truth if there is any to see.
Lumpenproletariat's argument is based on the idea that the miracles of Jesus were far and away more impressive than those of anyone before or since. He has spent a considerable amount of effort extolling the uniqueness and impressiveness of the Jesus miracles. He has implied (without any evidence whatsoever) that as early as 65 A.D. Massive numbers of people believed that Jesus performed all these wonderful miracles that set him apart as being the one true god.
Yes, but all of that is clearly just the product of Lumpy's ignorance.
He said the Mormon miracles didn't compare to Jesus' miracles, but at the time he made this statement he knew fuck all about Joseph Smith's miracles, or the attestations to them.
He knew nothing of any divine or demi-divine being similar to Jesus that predated Jesus.
He also clearly knew nothing about Early Christainity, or the various ways the early sects differed, or the range of their dogmas, thus his estimation of the uniformity of Christain belief was simply an ignorant fantasy in his head.

You do describe a significant dilemna for Lumpy's theories, but not for Lumpy. He'll just ignore any information that doesn't support his thesis...same as he's done for the entire thread. He might marginalize the parts of the Books that are problematic, he's quite willing to throw out troublesome scripture. But in the end, it's still going to be dogged adherence to what he thought he knew at the beginning. Kind of like the Zero card in the Tarot deck, the truthseeker who knows not what he knows not.
I think that if you got something from a goldfish, you can trust it, regardless of how well you personally know that goldfish.

Not sharemarket tips, unfortunately.

Yeah, I really took a bath on those shares in Consolidated Ants Eggs in the last crash.

Bloody goldfish. :mad:
Its not that the credibility of your goldfish is suspect, but that the crediibility of an anonymous goldfish is higher than that of a goldfish who is not a stranger to you.

I think that if you got something from a goldfish, you can trust it, regardless of how well you personally know that goldfish.

Absolutely. I have it on good authority that this is where we get the term "gold standard".
Interestingly, one of the reasons I find Christianity and the very veracity of a Jesus or god not believable is that it appears to do nothing to improve its followers.

But it does "improve" the believers, because they gain eternal life.
You appear to have a difficulty in getting 'the point.'

She's asking for evidence, a reason to believe Christain theology.
Your answer is only effective for those who already accept Christain theology. It's certainly not evidence because we have no evidence of that eternal life.
But it does "improve" the believers, because they gain eternal life.
You appear to have a difficulty in getting 'the point.'

She's asking for evidence, a reason to believe Christain theology.
Your answer is only effective for those who already accept Christain theology. It's certainly not evidence because we have no evidence of that eternal life.

Ya, that's kind of like saying "Suicde bombers get a whole gaggle of virgins up in Heaven and therefore your arguments against suicide bombing are wrong".
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