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2020 Election Predictions

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Well, if Covid-19 gave us two things to be grateful for, it at least:

1) Cancelled Cats!
2) Contracted the 2020 election season

But still, even contracted, these things are just too long. But now we are on the final stretch of the 104 week ironman event. We saw so much. From 15 debates that didn't ultimately matter to Rudolph Giuliani... "tucking his shirt". And while we wish we could unsee all of that, we are left with Donald Trump and Joe Biden facing off for the richest prize in politics, the Presidency of the United States... or if Trump wins re-election, another 4-year paid vacation.

So now we are left with predicting what happens on election night... if anything. Heck, we need to predict when we think we'll have a winner... if we'll have a winner... if the vote matters?! WTF America?! But lets assume, we vote, the vote counts, we have a winner. 2016 really screwed things up. Hillary Clinton was winning in the polls, then some really late bullshit fell on her, and she lost in a convincing electoral college defeat via 70,000+ aggregate votes in three states... and a near 3 million popular vote win. But as right-wingers that were once conservatives say, "The popular vote doesn't matter." So we are left with trying to gauge what in the heck the polls mean this year and use history as a primer... which is kind of risky as Trump has defied pretty much all historic precedences up to now.

Let's first talk of the power of incumbency. Incumbents always win. In US History, no incumbent President has ever lost re-election, not one. Except for a few. Which ones lost? Herbert Hoover, vacuum cleaner magnate, was seen as under appreciating the Great Depression. His repeated calls that the economic downturn would disappear like magic weren't well received, especially when the magic didn't happen. As a result, Teddy Roosevelt's son Franklin Delano Roosevelt won. Some historians question whether that claim is actually accurate, but I'll let the philosophers decide. Another interesting incumbency failure was George HW Bush, long lost fourth cousin of future President George W. Bush. George HW Bush's history is quite interesting, as he had the fabled military success over the Iraqis in Kuwait. Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield showed he had finesse in deriving cool names for military operations. With the success of those names, George HW Bush was doing well, but then saxophones became extremely popular. Most mid 80s to late 80s songs had saxophone solos in them and the craze was still quite alive in the early 90s, right before Grunge hit the street. George HW Bush was seen in a grocery store noting he couldn't play a saxophone. This provided an opening for first chair Oxford Marching Band saxophone player, William Jefferson Clinton to knock one out of the park. The people were impressed, and he won the '92 election over the current President and Ross Perot, another person who couldn't play the sax.

What does this tell us? In general, incumbents always win. Donald Trump, despite all thoughts that are decent, is the incumbent. So the question is, what is the basis of states not re-electing him that elected him in the first place? The first place to look is turnout, especially of the African America vote. Turnout was lower among African Americans in 2016 because they just didn't feel the Obama vibe in Hillary Clinton. Her lack of charisma that President Bill Clinton, her step son, had was apparent... and despite the African American vote providing Hillary Clinton the nomination in 2016 over aging Vermont Socialist Methuselah, they just didn't give enough of a fuck to turn out in big numbers in 2016. They did turn out, but not enough. Had African Americans given just about 0.05 to 0.10 times more of a fuck in 2016, the US would have been in a better place now.

Now I know what you are thinking... didn't the African American vote get Biden the nomination?! Yes... be afraid, be very afraid. Of course, despite a potential for African Americans having issues with Joe Biden and his at times spotty record on race, the President has done his best to anger a fatigued segment of the population who has at times boiled over in 2020, in part to several high profile, or more appropriately well publicized killings of unarmed blacks by the police (or as President Trump would say, when the police choke like in a golf tournament). In particular, Donald Trump's warning that the niggers are coming to the suburbs to fuck your white wife might be enough to re-energize a segment of the population that is tired of being targeted for votes, but seemingly getting little in return, like the Estonian Vote.

So, with the African American vote, maybe being a little larger this year (or not), are there any other compelling reasons someone might either change their vote in 2020 or turnout when they didn't last time? For this answer, we turn to a little know current event that most Americans are not aware of, the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite there being little press about this, about a quarter of a million Americans are dead from this pandemic. But the rub is, despite nearly a quarter of a million dead, there really isn't that big of a tilt in the polls, because in general, most people don't know someone who died. Therefore, it is a bigger deal that people can't get drunk at a bar and hit on someone that isn't their wife in the hopes of having a quickie in the bathroom.

Yeah, so large pile of corpses and the African American vote don't seem to be the Achilles Heal for Trump... so then what? Is there anything this guy could do that'd cost him the election? Sadly, the answer appears to be in doubt. Does this mean you need to get online and find some Canadians (-iens) to adopt you? Not necessarily, but I would at least get familiar with the Canadian requirements and look up a bit of Canadian history to become more literate (there isn't much so it shouldn't take long, the 19th century literally has only one event that happened of any importance!).

So what stands between you and sharpening those razor edges? The polls! Yeah, yeah, I know, 2016 resulted in the polls taking a massive dump down our throats. And if that isn't graphic enough, I have no idea what would be. The polls were hot and heavy for Clinton and dissipated at time got closer to the election. Then some rat phucking from Russia and Giuliani might have helped make those polls irrelevant. It is still uncertain if the polls were wrong and underweighted the rural areas or if the unknown or undecideds in 2016 went heavy towards Trump. If it was the prior, it is impossible to tell if that is still happening. Clearly the pollsters would be weighting differently to catch more rural support. If they are, then Trump could be in a world of hurt. If it is the later, then Trump could definitely be in trouble.

Polling in 2016 in October and November provided Clinton with two things: a sub-50 point polling number, a lead that was smaller than the undecideds. There is good reason to suspect that undecideds turned the election in 2016 because if people were dumb enough to be undecided with Trump and Clinton, they were definitely dumb enough to vote for Donald Trump! While Johnson might have fit in with being part of the problem with Libertarian voters shifting Trump in the voting booth, it seems more possible that those "likely voters" that were too stupid to provide a name in a poll swung heavy for the guy that wanted to trade them magic beans for their cow, because they were really really stupid. And I'm not being judgmental here. They were very fucking stupid.

The polls in 2020 have a different story: Biden has 50+ points in PA, MI, WI, and other places, his lead is bigger than the undecideds. If one was to put their faith that this nightmare is going to fucking end... this is where I recommend misplacing it! Hindsight provides us a tale of how the polls might have been right in 2016, just we didn't interpret it because the pollsters didn't weight strongly enough for idiots. With fewer idiots polling as undecided, it would appear that it is possible that there is a reason to put the poisons back on the top shelves.

But this is a predictions thread. What is my prediction?! It is 2020.

We're fucked!!!



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Hope you're wrong.
Hope so very much you're wrong.
But because you might be right: the Founding Fathers can suck my balls.
Talk about a system which contravenes the will of the electorate and mocks the concept of representative democracy. And it's like conservative religion: enshrining old documents which clash with reality as it has developed among people through the generations.
Actual Prediction

I'd max out Biden's EVs at 341 if things went closer to what the polls are saying.. That still puts TX, OH, and GA in Trump's column. I just don't see them swinging.

I predict a blue tsunami, to be known in history as The Blue Tsunami. Turnout will be yuge, the likes of which the world has never seen. Trump will be flabbergasted, gobsmacked, and dumbfounded. He will consider claiming a landslide of such epic proportions must indicate a rigged election. But on November 11, 2020, at exactly 2100 Eastern iPhone Time, an estimated 73% of the population of the United States, men, women, and children will step outside their home, throw open the sash, and collectively scream,"Fuck you Trump". This will be repeated in nearly every nation great and small, in all languages. Even my three year old granddaughter is working on her enunciation to have her best sailor mouth ready for the 11th.

How do I know? As they say, "As goes Medina, so goes Ohio, so goes the nation". People are still lining up in droves, young people, properly dressed people, liberal people. Every registered but apathetic twenty and thirty-something that rarely gets around to voting is out there voting early. Turnout on November 3rd will be but those few corn crawlers who have invested so much of their garage sale money in Trump signage, they feel they just must. Also, and my findings are preliminary, it looks like some of the suburban Trump signage is coming down already. More to follow.

No sir. This will be the death knell of the Republican Party as we know it. Hence forth it will be split between the conservatives and the nationalists.

Oh, and Mitch McConnell will pass away for Christmas. Huzzah!
10 days to go.


North Carolina - Biden is up +2.9%
Georgia - Biden is up +1.0%
Florida - Biden is up +3.3%
Nevada - Biden is up +6.5%
Arizona - Biden is up +3.2%
New Hampshire - Biden is up +11.4%

Iowa, Ohio, Texas are essentially tied
Iowa - Biden is up +1.2%

Gallup tells us 28% of voters identify as GOP, 27% Democratic, 42% as Independent.

Washington post polling tells that the Independents intend to vote for the Democrats by +18%. They favored Democrats by 5% in 2016. 538 gives Trump 12% chance of winning. 538 gives Democrats 73% chance to take the Senate.
Watching MSNBC. Joy Reid reported on some new studies on this election's voters. There is we all well know, an unprecedented turn out of mail and early voting. And it is very heavily from generation Z, generation X and younger millennials. These voters usually do not turn out to vote in large numbers. But that is changing now and they are turning out in unprecedented Numbers. The younger voters do not support Trump or the GOP. Grim news for Trump and the GOP.
Watching MSNBC. Joy Reid reported on some new studies on this election's voters. There is we all well know, an unprecedented turn out of mail and early voting. And it is very heavily from generation Z, generation X and younger millennials. These voters usually do not turn out to vote in large numbers. But that is changing now and they are turning out in unprecedented Numbers. The younger voters do not support Trump or the GOP. Grim news for Trump and the GOP.
Just remain calm. There is plenty of time to get the hay, wood, rope, and poles.
As I continue to mindfuck the stats to death... I stumbled on this.

UofTexas had a poll released yesterday that puts Biden 3 points ahead in Texas. Yeah... that sounds crazy. So I dove into the numbers.

In 2016, the Exit polls indicated Trump won just under 90% of the Republican vote. Which seems small. Clinton won 93% to Trumps 88% of Dem/GOP, respectively (in 2008 it was 89/93 for Obama/McCain). With numbers like that, how did Trump win, well other than Texas having a lot of Republicans? Trump won independents 52 to 38, which seems good... and got him Texas, but McCain won Independents in Texas 62 to 36.

The UofTexas poll? Biden leads independents 52 to 29! :eek: Yeah, if that is accurate, it deserves another :eek:. Now I know what you are thinking... how the fuck can Biden be only 3 pts up if he has Indys by that much? Well, it is still Texas. So we need to dive down a little deeper. Is it possible that that is the case?

NY Times/Siena released a poll back in September. The numbers aren't as rosy as the UofTexas (some branch) poll, but it indicates that Biden had a 40 to 39 lead with 6% going to the Lib and 14% unknown. The result of that poll was a tie. However, within their own party, it was 94% for each candidate. Does this mean Texas might go for Biden? It seems so unlikely, but if a poll indicates high voting percentage from his own party (which reduces an under representation), and an indication that Independents are swinging in Biden's favor, it makes the math get quite interesting. Indeed, it seems impossible, but this is 2020!
Unless the Republicans are successful at voter suppression, I think that Biden will win by quite a large margin. I personally know of several middle aged Black folks who have never voted in their lives, but they voted for Biden in this election. This is the first time in decades that more people over 65 are voting for the Democrats. Women of all races are supporting Biden by a large margin. College educated white people support Biden by a fairly good margin. In fact, the only group that still supports Trump be a sizable margin are white men without college degrees.

Several of my older friends voted by mail and we all checked our ballots on ballot tracking to be sure they were accepted and counted. People have been standing in line for hours to vote, and that is mostly happening in areas that are heavily Democratic.

I don't remember the exact number but tens of thousands of former felons are now registered to vote in Florida, and I doubt most of them are Trump supporters. I saw one interviewed and he had tears in his.eyes as this will be the first time in his life he will be able to vote. He's a Biden supporter.

I don't see this election as being similar to 2016. Clinton was a very unlikable candidate and I know quite a few Democrats who voted third party last time because, "we don't like her". They have learned their lesson and I think the vast majority of them are voting for Biden this time, even if they don't like him.

So, other than some serious mischief coming from the Republicans or hacked voter machines etc. I don't see how Trump can win a second term.

And, maybe I missed it Jimmy, but I didn't see you mention Jimmy Carter. He lost his second term, and he was a far better president compared to Trump.

Fuck, there are even a fair number of Republicans for Biden. When did that ever happen before?

Don't count Georgia out. It's very close here, and it might be the time we revert back to blue like we were when I first moved here in the early 90s. Still, I can understand the anxiety. There could't be anything much worse than a second Trump term. Attempts to suppress the vote are real, but it seems to be making people more determined than ever to vote. I am concerned about mail in ballots being thrown out in some states. That is my biggest concern right now.
And the New Hampshire newspaper came out for Biden first time for a democrat in 100 years.
George W Bush wasn't good. Had polling under 50% and he won. The serious question, among the wiseass remarks in the OP, remains what states change. Almost no states changed in '04, despite a pear shaping Iraq occupation.

For every reason I can think of that Biden should win, I keep falling back to W increased turnout in '04 and won re-election. Inertia can be a bitch.

I'm dying to see another Texas poll which indicates that Independents are abandoning Trump. It'd be way too good to be true.
Unless the Republicans are successful at voter suppression, I think that Biden will win by quite a large margin. I personally know of several middle aged Black folks who have never voted in their lives, but they voted for Biden in this election. This is the first time in decades that more people over 65 are voting for the Democrats. Women of all races are supporting Biden by a large margin. College educated white people support Biden by a fairly good margin. In fact, the only group that still supports Trump be a sizable margin are white men without college degrees.

Several of my older friends voted by mail and we all checked our ballots on ballot tracking to be sure they were accepted and counted. People have been standing in line for hours to vote, and that is mostly happening in areas that are heavily Democratic.

I don't remember the exact number but tens of thousands of former felons are now registered to vote in Florida, and I doubt most of them are Trump supporters. I saw one interviewed and he had tears in his.eyes as this will be the first time in his life he will be able to vote. He's a Biden supporter.

I don't see this election as being similar to 2016. Clinton was a very unlikable candidate and I know quite a few Democrats who voted third party last time because, "we don't like her". They have learned their lesson and I think the vast majority of them are voting for Biden this time, even if they don't like him.

So, other than some serious mischief coming from the Republicans or hacked voter machines etc. I don't see how Trump can win a second term.

And, maybe I missed it Jimmy, but I didn't see you mention Jimmy Carter. He lost his second term, and he was a far better president compared to Trump.

Fuck, there are even a fair number of Republicans for Biden. When did that ever happen before?

Don't count Georgia out. It's very close here, and it might be the time we revert back to blue like we were when I first moved here in the early 90s. Still, I can understand the anxiety. There could't be anything much worse than a second Trump term. Attempts to suppress the vote are real, but it seems to be making people more determined than ever to vote. I am concerned about mail in ballots being thrown out in some states. That is my biggest concern right now.

Politico has a good article to this. Black turnout in Georgia is higher than in '08. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't a black guy run in '08? Biden be killin it.

Early voting in my quaint little town still has a 30-45 minute line, and this in some pretty crappy weather. I don't think anyone is taking chances thinking we've got this in the bag.
Interesting. If all things remain equal with 2016 regarding voting support percentages among whites (75 to 21 for Trump, about in line with 2008) and blacks (89 to 9 for Biden... it 98 to 2 for Obama), but 4.3 million vote, an increase of 200,000, and Blacks get to 35% (it was 30% in 2008 and 2016), that'd mean about 250,000 more blacks vote in Georgia in this election and that turns the state blue.

The key statistic here is percent of the vote that is black. THAT has to increase. Increasing turnout in kind with white voters won't cut it, so blacks need to double down on turnout. They need 35% or more. Or with a smaller turn out percentage increase, if the voting block is 95 to 5 for Biden, that tightens it up. Note, 2018 and 2016 and 2008 all had Blacks at 30% of those voting.

But currently there are no signs Georgia is going blue.
Considering how contentious any result is going to be, and how hard Republicans have worked in packing the courts, I suspect the real winners of this election are going to be fucking lawyers.
Considering how contentious any result is going to be, and how hard Republicans have worked in packing the courts, I suspect the real winners of this election are going to be fucking lawyers.

I think not ANY result.
I mean, any result that doesn't favor Trump WILL be contested, but it won't be contentious if it's a landslide. The fact that a claim is specious never stops Cheato from pursuing it.
It it's a landslide and the packed court awards it to Trump anyway...
THAT will be contentious, in a big way.
Prediction: If Texas somehow, inexplicably, goes to Biden...

It will be Texas' last "winner-take-all" style election, and faithless electors will be several in this election.
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