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A Day Without Fascist Overreach?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Meanwhile, leaning closer to the A Day Without Fascist Overreach...

article said:
The memo was sent on Monday to a number of networks, including MSNBC, CNN and NBC, by Mr Trump’s 2020 campaign communications chief Tim Murtaugh, under the headline, “Credibility of Certain Guests”, according to a copy obtained by Axios.


In the memo, Mr Murtaugh singled out six guests who he claimed made “outlandish, false claims” about the probe over the last 18 months: Congressional democrats Richard Blumenthal, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and Eric Swalwell; Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez; and former CIA director John Brennan.

The memo claims those who made “outrageous and unsupported” claims about the president is “not limited” to the six highlighted critics, and asks networks to reconsider booking them in future.

“At this point, there must be introspection from the media who facilitated the reckless statements and a serious evaluation of how such guests are considered and handled in the future.”
So how far away from establishing a Ministry of Truth? And when was the last time a President sent his enemies list to the press?!
Elect a fascist, get fascism. Why would you expect anything else?!
From the footage of his Michigan rally this weekend, he's more manic than ever, and it has spread to the Trumpanzees. They were really a sight. Now it's not just "LOCK HER UP!!" Trump gave them a line about "..these Democrat candidates. They must be held accountable!" and his crowd roared "LOCK THEM UP!!" at him. They look and sound exactly like 1930s brownshirts. A scrum of exhilarated people with gleaming faces, screaming nonsense at a chubby man who waves his hands and rants at them. We have not seen this in our country before. It's sick, ignorant, and disgraceful. We are in bad shape.
From the footage of his Michigan rally this weekend, he's more manic than ever, and it has spread to the Trumpanzees. They were really a sight. Now it's not just "LOCK HER UP!!" Trump gave them a line about "..these Democrat candidates. They must be held accountable!" and his crowd roared "LOCK THEM UP!!" at him. They look and sound exactly like 1930s brownshirts. A scrum of exhilarated people with gleaming faces, screaming nonsense at a chubby man who waves his hands and rants at them. We have not seen this in our country before. It's sick, ignorant, and disgraceful. We are in bad shape.

We'll see if the 2020 coup attempt is successful and the US gets Dear Leader Donald Bin-Trumpkin for Life.
If it fails, there will be a body count of course, as a few of his stupidest AK-wielding sycophants are likely to start flinging lead indiscriminately until they are put down. But it will be lower and more localized than the body count from Trumpism, if it is given an extended life.
From the footage of his Michigan rally this weekend, he's more manic than ever, and it has spread to the Trumpanzees. They were really a sight. Now it's not just "LOCK HER UP!!" Trump gave them a line about "..these Democrat candidates. They must be held accountable!" and his crowd roared "LOCK THEM UP!!" at him. They look and sound exactly like 1930s brownshirts. A scrum of exhilarated people with gleaming faces, screaming nonsense at a chubby man who waves his hands and rants at them. We have not seen this in our country before. It's sick, ignorant, and disgraceful. We are in bad shape.

We'll see if the 2020 coup attempt is successful and the US gets Dear Leader Donald Bin-Trumpkin for Life.
If it fails, there will be a body count of course, as a few of his stupidest AK-wielding sycophants are likely to start flinging lead indiscriminately until they are put down. But it will be lower and more localized than the body count from Trumpism, if it is given an extended life.

I don't think we will see a coup attempt unless the Republicans are going to lose power.
A president has an enemies list? A president has called out people who lied about him? A president wants a favorable press? That's never happened before. Ever. Not once.

I have yet to discover the purpose of your posts. "this type of thing has happened before". Uh huh... care to elaborate on that.. at all? What happened "then" and how does it parallel or diverge from what is happening "now"?

"It's the same but different!"... uh huh....
I don't think we will see a coup attempt unless the Republicans are going to lose power.

Nice feargasm you have going. People said that about Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I doubt it very much. Feargasms are always self-induced.

A president has an enemies list? A president has called out people who lied about him? A president wants a favorable press? That's never happened before. Ever. Not once.

I have yet to discover the purpose of your posts. "this type of thing has happened before". Uh huh... care to elaborate on that.. at all? What happened "then" and how does it parallel or diverge from what is happening "now"?

"It's the same but different!"... uh huh....

My purpose? My enjoyment primarily. However if you're looking for a deeper philosophical meaning there is one too.

People are acting as if everything going on is unprecedented, that we've never had things this bad. That's ridiculous. Any sentence that includes "is the most" in reference to the Trump administration (or the Obama administration) is probably wrong. It's all hyperbole and feargasms.

We see the political landscape getting more and more fractured. I'm saying those who make those statements are trying to increase the fracture and I'm saying they are wrong.
We'll see if the 2020 coup attempt is successful and the US gets Dear Leader Donald Bin-Trumpkin for Life.
If it fails, there will be a body count of course, as a few of his stupidest AK-wielding sycophants are likely to start flinging lead indiscriminately until they are put down. But it will be lower and more localized than the body count from Trumpism, if it is given an extended life.

I don't think we will see a coup attempt unless the Republicans are going to lose power.

So ... an election rigged in favor of Republicans is our only hope for avoiding a bloody civil war, eh?
Fuck that. Let's kick the fascists out, spill some blood if need be, and move on past this kakistocracy.
Nice feargasm you have going. People said that about Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I doubt it very much. Feargasms are always self-induced.

I have yet to discover the purpose of your posts. "this type of thing has happened before". Uh huh... care to elaborate on that.. at all? What happened "then" and how does it parallel or diverge from what is happening "now"?

"It's the same but different!"... uh huh....

My purpose? My enjoyment primarily. However if you're looking for a deeper philosophical meaning there is one too.

People are acting as if everything going on is unprecedented, that we've never had things this bad. That's ridiculous. Any sentence that includes "is the most" in reference to the Trump administration (or the Obama administration) is probably wrong. It's all hyperbole and feargasms.

We see the political landscape getting more and more fractured. I'm saying those who make those statements are trying to increase the fracture and I'm saying they are wrong.

"is the most", from what I have been exposed to, has always referred to "in modern times". So much has changed in communication technology and social structures / norms that comparing Trump to Harding, for example, is apples to oranges (lol - see what I did there?). Maybe... just maybe... if Harding was able to communicate to 300 million people instantaneously during an age of anti-fact, we could begin that conversation. But, due to current norms and capabilities, its not that hard to be "the worst in all history", due to radical change in potential impact.

a caveman walks into a movie theater yelling "I'm going to kill you all" while waving a wooden stick.
a Nazi walks into a temple yelling, "I am going to kill all the Jews" while waving an assault rifle...

well, the caveman said he was going to kill everyone with his stick... not just all the Jews.... the caveman was "worse", according to your logic.
The aspect of modern communications you are referring to doesn't actually change the equation as much as you wish it does. Sure, Trump can communicate with 300 million people, but 300 million people can more easily look at what is going on without the official gatekeepers of the media standing in the way.

Your comparison between cavemen and Nazis is as absurd as you mistakenly think my posts are.
Nice feargasm you have going. People said that about Clinton, Bush, and Obama. I doubt it very much. Feargasms are always self-induced.

I didn't say we would see a civil war if they lose power. I'm saying I don't think we will see one merely for His Flatulence not being able to run again.
The aspect of modern communications you are referring to doesn't actually change the equation as much as you wish it does. Sure, Trump can communicate with 300 million people, but 300 million people can more easily look at what is going on without the official gatekeepers of the media standing in the way.

Your comparison between cavemen and Nazis is as absurd as you mistakenly think my posts are.

well, I never called your posts "absurd". I just fail to see the validity of the point you keep trying to make.

You seem to be comparing Availability to Integrity, which is the problem I see. The "problem" that existed in the distant past was one of Availability of information. The (actual) problem that exists today is Integrity of information. When you know you don't know something, you can plan accordingly. When you don't know you are getting flawed information, it is far worse, as you then make faulty decisions.
Trump is the worst thing that has happened to the country due to this critical difference.
People are acting as if everything going on is unprecedented, that we've never had things this bad.
Last time an administration put forth an enemy list to the media?
That's ridiculous. Any sentence that includes "is the most" in reference to the Trump administration (or the Obama administration) is probably wrong. It's all hyperbole and feargasms.

Trump's administration and McConnell's Senate have broken all sorts of protocols. And when one needs to cite Adams (Alien Sedition Act), Wilson (WWI protest arrests), Nixon (Mr Watergate) as prescedent that it was worse at one point, that is admitting things are bad.

I mean sure, the W Admin lied us into war in Iraq. That was pretty bad. And Trump hasn't lied the US into any military conflicts. Of course, he did help North Korea gets Chinese and Russian sanctions lifted and he shat on the CIA when he gave Putin's word serious weight while speaking at a Press Conference with Putin, and then asked his Admin whether Putin's intelligence could interview previous US diplomats and offer East Ukraine a referendum for independence... and give back the Maryland HQ to Russia... all for absolutely no gain to the US. This is worrisome.
People are acting as if everything going on is unprecedented, that we've never had things this bad.
Last time an administration put forth an enemy list to the media?
Is that better or worse than having an enemies list that the media digs up?
That's ridiculous. Any sentence that includes "is the most" in reference to the Trump administration (or the Obama administration) is probably wrong. It's all hyperbole and feargasms.


Trump's administration and McConnell's Senate have broken all sorts of protocols.

Protocols aren't the same thing as rules, remember that.

I mean sure, the W Admin lied us into war in Iraq. That was pretty bad. And Trump hasn't lied the US into any military conflicts. Of course, he did help North Korea gets Chinese and Russian sanctions lifted and he shat on the CIA when he gave Putin's word serious weight while speaking at a Press Conference with Putin, and then asked his Admin whether Putin's intelligence could interview previous US diplomats and offer East Ukraine a referendum for independence... and give back the Maryland HQ to Russia... all for absolutely no gain to the US. This is worrisome.

A lot of what you just listed is actually good. The rest is your panic that Putin is hiding in your closet spying on you.

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