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A Warning - By Anonymous

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist

Rachel Maddow just read some excerpts from the new book "A Warning by Anonymous"

Basically, Anonymous tells us Trump has basically the intellectual abilities of a not too bright 8 year old. Rachel reads off some excerpts from the book that are even more discouraging than what we know already about Trump from his public persona. I know a lot of people here usually don't do videos, but maybe it might be good to make an exception for Maddow, here. It is not that long.

What remains to be seen is if this book will shift attitudes among Trump supporters. Trump has to be manipulated like a small child to keep him, and us, out of trouble. His aides have been encouraging his to tour the country making campaign speeches because he likes doing them, and when he is doing that, he doesn't do startlingly stupid things in the Oval Office they have to try to derail. And it is getting worse, not better.
Is there really a need for another tell all book about how fucked up Trump is as President? Seriously, who is this book for?
Is there really a need for another tell all book about how fucked up Trump is as President? Seriously, who is this book for?

The same people who were mesmerized listening to the audio book version of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
Is there really a need for another tell all book about how fucked up Trump is as President? Seriously, who is this book for?

If this anonymous writer, who was part of the inner circle of Trump's administration is correct, Trump is far more incompetent than so far as been admitted to the American public. America needs to know just how bad it is before election day. Especially as it initially appears the GOP held Senate will block impeachment and removal of Trump. Trump has passed beyond mere incompetence. It is for those who still cling to the notion Trump is a good leader who is being persecuted by bad old liberals for partisan reasons. All competent people around Trump have either been essentially fired or left. Trump is surrounded by yes men and spineless men who cannot be counted on to restrain Trump. That is this writer's warning to us all. But especially to the Trump supporters.
Fuck Anonymous! They've held him back? We betrayed the Kurds, have trade wars and tariffs with our allies and adversaries, America is becoming unilateral and pulling away from our alliances. What exactly has "Anonymous" and the "resistance" done to protect and shield America from Trump?
This book has less credibility than a tell-all written by Omarosa, with a forward written by Scaramucci and endorsed by Spicer.
Fuck Anonymous! They've held him back? We betrayed the Kurds, have trade wars and tariffs with our allies and adversaries, America is becoming unilateral and pulling away from our alliances. What exactly has "Anonymous" and the "resistance" done to protect and shield America from Trump?
It's a secret but Trump wanted to nuke CNN headquarters
Fuck Anonymous! They've held him back? We betrayed the Kurds, have trade wars and tariffs with our allies and adversaries, America is becoming unilateral and pulling away from our alliances. What exactly has "Anonymous" and the "resistance" done to protect and shield America from Trump?

Anony doesn't pretend to be anti-Trump. (S)He just doesn't like some of the worst shit Trump tries to do. Now acting all butt-hurt that Trump won't behave despite all the special care and feeding.
Is there really a need for another tell all book about how fucked up Trump is as President? Seriously, who is this book for?

Exactly. The people that need to know don't read.

It's worse than that... whatever anyone they trust say is in the book, is in the book... so as far as they are concerned, the book is proof that Trump is a victim and has been treated so unfairly that he deserves all the extra terms he needs to catch up with his promises that he already kept but can do much more of. He should have like 5 more terms.. one for every unfair book that is released
Criticising Trump in a book is like criticising the Amish on television.

.. when there is 1 Amish-worshipped person telling all of the Amish that what it said on Television is that "they" are coming for their horses so it's time to get out the torches and pitchforks and reject anything they're told that the evil "they" is doing.

2. "The president has proposed doing away with judges on more than one occasion":
Too many of his policies are getting stuck in legal limbo, he says. "Can we just get rid of the judges? Let's get rid of the fucking judges," Trump fumed one morning. "There shouldn't be any at all, really."He went a step further and asked his legal team to draft up a bill and send it to Congress to reduce the number of federal judges. Staff ignored the outburst and the wacky request.

President McCrazypants strikes again.

The anonymous senior White House official who wrote a bombshell book about President Donald Trump's tenure says they will not remain anonymous for long.
In a public interview on Reddit on Tuesday evening, the author warned there were other current and former White House officials who were considering speaking out against the Trump administration
"Trump will hear from me, in my own name, before the 2020 election," the author said in a comment.
The author also warned there were other current and former White House officials who were considering speaking out against the Trump administration.

"Other people who are currently serving, and who have left, are also considering adding their voices before votes are cast in 2020," the author continued. "We talk about this with some regularity. In the meantime, Trump must answer to the American people for his own conduct instead of redirecting their attention."


This is beginning to get interesting. Expect some loud squealing from Trump any time now. This is going to be so much fun!

The anonymous senior White House official who wrote a bombshell book about President Donald Trump's tenure says they will not remain anonymous for long.
In a public interview on Reddit on Tuesday evening, the author warned there were other current and former White House officials who were considering speaking out against the Trump administration
"Trump will hear from me, in my own name, before the 2020 election," the author said in a comment.
The author also warned there were other current and former White House officials who were considering speaking out against the Trump administration.

"Other people who are currently serving, and who have left, are also considering adding their voices before votes are cast in 2020," the author continued. "We talk about this with some regularity. In the meantime, Trump must answer to the American people for his own conduct instead of redirecting their attention."


This is beginning to get interesting. Expect some loud squealing from Trump any time now. This is going to be so much fun!

This reminds me of all the crap Michael Avenatti spewed in his five seconds of spotlight. I wouldn't put too much stock in a surprise reveal.
"A fucking moron."
- Rex Tillerson

"He's like an eleven year old child."
- Steve Bannon

"An idiot."
- John Kelly

"An idiot and a dope"
- H.R. McMaster

"An idiot surrounded by clowns."
- Gary Cohn

"An empty vessel when it comes to things like the
Constitution and the rule of law."
- Steve Pruitt

Everybody that has a brain and has worked with Trump has told us what sort of a man he is. Now we will get a lot of specific examples from somebody that has worked with him. And then, possibly others who have also had first hand knowledge of what a moron Trump really is. This is going to be a laugh riot.
Fuck Anonymous! They've held him back? We betrayed the Kurds, have trade wars and tariffs with our allies and adversaries, America is becoming unilateral and pulling away from our alliances. What exactly has "Anonymous" and the "resistance" done to protect and shield America from Trump?

My opinion is that the resistance has actually done a lot to ensure that much of what has been happening as a result of Trump's ascendance to power sees the light of day now instead of 20 or 50 years later--or never. Pressure on the GOP and probably more importantly, the Dems has kept a lid on some of the worst and, IMO, has brought impeachment inquiries forward. I don't think they would have ever progressed to actual impeachment inquiries if all the 'little people,' all of those government workers who truly are anonymous at any point in time had not and were not willing to put info out in the public.

My personal opinion is that some of the most egregious public behavior and twitter storms have been designed and timed for public consumption to distract from all the ways that this administration is quietly dismantling and selling off protections and resources. Are enough people paying attention? Nope. But that's on all of us. We've been letting this shit go on for far too long. It's just hit its crescendo now and too many are too deaf to take note.

Yeah, we still have that asshole in power. We still have a morally corrupt GOP mostly in power and more than willing to continue to obstruct. Yeah, we're still living with the fruits of the GOPs war on education for the past 30 years. It's been easy to sit in the comfort of our homes with 24/7 crap on the screen(s) and be complicit by being not too dissatisfied with what's happening. We'll see where we are a year from now.
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