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About Time -- Mueller appointed Special Counsel

I haven't heard anyone mention Mueller having access to Trump's tax returns. And to those of his potentially Russian funded LLC's.

This should have happened months ago, rather than relying on the partisan incompetence and stupidity of Congressional investigative committees. But I guess we've become so desensitized that only the series of White House fuckups we've seen this week can even get us this far. Mueller seems to be as good a pick as we'll get - he has a solid reputation in D.C. and took the Bush admin to the mat over its illegal surveillance programs. And he has close ties to Comey, so hopefully won't be treating the WH with kid gloves. But who knows how long it'll take before anything actually comes of this.
Perhaps, because his pa will no longer be (p)resident in the White House, poor little Baron will be able to go back to school in New York in September instead of reluctantly relocating to some unfamiliar DC prep.
I haven't heard anyone mention Mueller having access to Trump's tax returns. And to those of his potentially Russian funded LLC's.

He has subpoena power.

How would that work? Mueller would need to subpoena the IRS? Could that be over-ruled, such as with an appeal process?
I haven't heard anyone mention Mueller having access to Trump's tax returns. And to those of his potentially Russian funded LLC's.

In criminal proceedings, communiqués and papers (including tax returns) will be available to the prosecution where a need for such information is demonstrated (assuming he hasn't destroyed it, e.g. tapes).
This is the downside to being a narcissistic asshole. When Trump fucked with Comey, he ended up picking a fight with a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and all's he's armed with is a blunt stick.

Yes, I think the decision to fire Comey will be remembered as Trump's undoing. He is simply not a smart man and does not possess the faculty to calculate long-term risks or consequences attached to his impulses.

As long as 30+ percent of the country remains detached from reality, he'll always have his support base and the GOP will be afraid to oppose him. But there are still a lot of people like Comey and Mueller in D.C. And if they can dig up enough dirt to press charges, he can't hide anymore.

I can hear it now...
"Having received an offer that I, in the best interests of the United States of America, cannot refuse, I have made a difficult executive decision to pass on the responsibilities of President into the able hands of Lyin' Mike Pence. If anyone needs to reach me, please email me at s.kislyak@rt.ru.com. It has been a great honor to serve as the Greatest President of Any Country Ever."
I haven't heard anyone mention Mueller having access to Trump's tax returns. And to those of his potentially Russian funded LLC's.

In criminal proceedings, communiqués and papers (including tax returns) will be available to the prosecution where a need for such information is demonstrated (assuming he hasn't destroyed it, e.g. tapes).

Can they go directly to the IRS for the tax returns or do they have to subpoena them from Trump? I mean, Trump is apparently favoring Lieberman as FBI director, and:
Having left the Senate in 2013, Lieberman, a Democrat-turned-Independent, is now senior counsel at the firm Kasowitz, Benson, Torres and Friedman, which has offices in nine cities.
The firm has represented Trump in matters for years. Last October, Marc Kasowitz, a partner at the firm, threatened The New York Times with legal action after the newspaper published pages from Trump’s 1995 income tax return. ...

ETA: I figured something was amiss when I watched the start of the Betsy Devos confirmation hearing at which Lieberman escorted Devos to her seat and sat beside her during questioning.
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I knew this business was suspicious...


The Trump administration is exploring whether it can use an obscure ethics rule to undermine the special counsel investigation into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia, two people familiar with White House thinking said on Friday.


Within hours of Mueller's appointment on Wednesday, the White House began reviewing the Code of Federal Regulations, which restricts newly hired government lawyers from investigating their prior law firm’s clients for one year after their hiring, the sources said.

An executive order signed by Trump in January extended that period to two years.

Mueller's former law firm, WilmerHale, represents Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, who met with a Russian bank executive in December, and the president's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, who is a subject of a federal investigation.

Legal experts said the ethics rule can be waived by the Justice Department, which appointed Mueller. He did not represent Kushner or Manafort directly at his former law firm.

If the department did not grant a waiver, Mueller would be barred from investigating Kushner or Manafort, and this could greatly diminish the scope of the probe, experts said.

The Justice Department is already reviewing Mueller's background as well as any potential conflicts of interest, said department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores.

And Lieberman, the favored candidate for FBI director, comes from Donnie's law firm.

According to Ben Wittes, a friend of Comey's, Comey was not reassured by Rosensteins hiring, wondering if Rosenstein was subjected to the same loyalty oath advances. If Meuller was hired by Rosenstein with a mind to subvert his investigation, I'd say Rosenstein took the Trump oath.

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