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Advice For Divided Democrats

Bernie did not create the current situation.

He arrives in the midst of a system thoroughly corrupted in every way, from the players, to the Parties, to the media, to now the courts, by money.

And faced with the fact that your Chosen One Candidate has lost, you start making excuses. But even your excuses are bullshit.

Bernie actually did accomplish something. He proved that an "outsider" candidate could raise enormous amounts of money from individual donors. He's spent that money, too. If money = corruption, then Bernie is corrupt, having both out raised and out spent Clinton since the beginning of the year. He's throwing money around in amounts that are unprecedented for a candidate without Super PAC support.

And he still failed. I know that stings. Not only is he losing to Clinton, he's losing on the dime of idealistic supporters who emptied their pockets because they felt the Bern. Sanders (like Jeb! and all the other well-financed Republicans) found out the hard way that you really can't just buy a nomination. You have to convince the primary voters that you're the better choice.

Bernie failed.

Trump succeeded by "divide and conquer" and understanding how to get free media coverage. Bernie just flat-out lost.

Some of his supporters have apparently decided to start whining and making excuses immediately, rather than wait for the convention. Want a tissue?
And faced with the fact that your Chosen One Candidate has lost, you start making excuses. But even your excuses are bullshit.

No you ignoring the fact that the system turns off 50% of the electorate is bullshit.

Live in your dream world where winning in a corrupted system is a message from people rather than a message from people with money.

Bernie showed there are a lot of people who see through this system and want something else. He overcame incredible odds to do it. The entire system is against him and his message.

And Hillary supporters just want to pretend this message doesn't exist.
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