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AHCA vote delayed

Carter was trying to help people in general. He had a different kind of Christianity than the Republican free-market Christianity that followed.

Carter was not trying to throw millions off their health insurance plans.

Trumps ineffectiveness is because he has no plans and no ability to deal with people. He has been a petty dictator barking orders his entire adult life. He does not know how to get along with others.

He has no traits of a good leader.

All his associations are because of "deals", because of money.

No disagreement here wrt to their characters, but their characters are not the point.

You're trying to say how similar they are.

Carter was ineffective because he had too many plans and tried to implement them too quickly.

Trump is ineffective because he has none. He has goals but no plans.

I'm saying how very different they are.
Now I can't even tell if Trump is going after Ryan or not.
From: 3/23/2017
Rob Portman wants dollar-for-dollar spending cuts for any debt ceiling hike

That should do wonders for the Don the Con spending plan....
How is that even possible?!

Raise the ceiling by $400 billion (an annual deficit), you need to cut $400 billion from the annual budget... which is probably 80% of our non-military discretionary spending. The only way to do what Portman suggests is to eliminate or drastically slash Social Security or Medicare, immediately (which is a DC no-no).
I couldn't find the original article I read, but I think it wasn't quite as stupid as the article I did link sounds. I think it was some sort of 5ish year period or such, so I think the other article said it would require the 2017 budget to be cut by something like $90 billion (sorry for the vagueness). The point is that I really doubt the fiscal loons will be cooperative to raising the debt ceiling without getting something for it. They couldn't get it with having both houses aligned against Pres. Obama, so I think they will be fairly pissy about getting nothing from Don the Con, when he is wearing their big red R. And Don the Con seems to really want to get the red flowing, except when he pretends that he will balance the budget.
TheHill said:
Under the Senate Republicans' bill, legislation to raise the debt limit would also need to include dollar-for-dollar spending cuts. The spending reductions could take place over a 10-year period and would not be allowed to include timing shifts and expiring spending for emergency purposes.

Not certain how this would be "dollar for dollar" as the Republicans allegedly want.
Aha...not sure how the math works, but here was the comment from MarketWatch:
Past precedent is that the debt ceiling gets raised by $1 trillion to $2 trillion at a time. Even the low end of Portman’s dollar-for-dollar formula means that roughly $90 billion of spending in the first year would have to be trimmed, assuming inflation of 2.2%.
And even at the "low end", $90 billion is a good sized chunk of change. Represents about 20% of non-military discretionary spending.
Aha...not sure how the math works, but here was the comment from MarketWatch:
And even at the "low end", $90 billion is a good sized chunk of change. Represents about 20% of non-military discretionary spending.
You didn't compensate for the $54 billion of DoD increases ;) Yeah, we seem to have entered a new chapter of DC imaginary mathematics. And then there is supposed to be Yuge tax cuts, increased border spending and The Wall, increased VA funding, oh and then the pretend infrastructure spending. They would have better luck shoving FFvC thru the eye of a sewing needle...

Maybe the Repugs have invented a new game blending Marco Polo (but everybody is blindfolded) and the circular firing squad...
And even at the "low end", $90 billion is a good sized chunk of change. Represents about 20% of non-military discretionary spending.
You didn't compensate for the $54 billion of DoD increases ;) Yeah, we seem to have entered a new chapter of DC imaginary mathematics. And then there is supposed to be Yuge tax cuts, increased border spending and The Wall, increased VA funding, oh and then the pretend infrastructure spending. They would have better luck shoving FFvC thru the eye of a sewing needle...

Maybe the Repugs have invented a new game blending Marco Polo (but everybody is blindfolded) and the circular firing squad...
Going to need a lot more pension smoothing to make these numbers work.
Now I can't even tell if Trump is going after Ryan or not.

He probably doesn't know himself. It's not like his actions have consistency from one minute to the next.

Whether or not he actually is, it's safe to say that Ryan thinks that he is. It's likely that nobody ever bothered to tell Trump any of the details of what was in the health care bill and it was Ryan's baby all the way, but he continuously made statements tying Trump to it as soon as things started to go badly because he knew that Trump was going to be dumping any failure on his head. It'll be the same with anything in the future.

Hopefully, they'll all end up so busy preparing circular firing squads that they never get around to getting anything done until 2019 and then obstructionist Democrats can be the reason that nothing ever gets done.
Now I can't even tell if Trump is going after Ryan or not.

He probably doesn't know himself. It's not like his actions have consistency from one minute to the next.

Whether or not he actually is, it's safe to say that Ryan thinks that he is. It's likely that nobody ever bothered to tell Trump any of the details of what was in the health care bill...
In Trump's address to Congress, he flipped to "health care access", so it was very clear that he knew that this bill wasn't about expanding the number of people with health care.
...and it was Ryan's baby all the way, but he continuously made statements tying Trump to it as soon as things started to go badly because he knew that Trump was going to be dumping any failure on his head.
Trump welcomed it though and tried to sell this "health care bill".

Hopefully, they'll all end up so busy preparing circular firing squads that they never get around to getting anything done until 2019 and then obstructionist Democrats can be the reason that nothing ever gets done.
That is a very hard argument to make seeing the Republicans didn't hold a vote.
He probably doesn't know himself. It's not like his actions have consistency from one minute to the next.

Whether or not he actually is, it's safe to say that Ryan thinks that he is. It's likely that nobody ever bothered to tell Trump any of the details of what was in the health care bill...
In Trump's address to Congress, he flipped to "health care access", so it was very clear that he knew that this bill wasn't about expanding the number of people with health care.
Except that the speech was about the most un-Trump speech he has ever given. I'm sure the speech writer knew the difference in semantics, but Trump was being cheered and clapped at....Oh look at me. They Love Me. I'm adored. Oh, yeah, reminder to self-keep reading as they badgered me to do... :D
In Trump's address to Congress, he flipped to "health care access", so it was very clear that he knew that this bill wasn't about expanding the number of people with health care.
That's still a big assumption. I'm pretty sure that a whole bunch of people put that phrase under greater scrutiny than His Flatulence did.
It's entirely possible that his ONLY briefing was someone saying 'Obamacare was about health care, republicans want health care access.' and he nodded and said, "okay, i can remember that."
That is a very hard argument to make seeing the Republicans didn't hold a vote.
They just LIE.

They've got Trumpsters who think that they are enjoying the benefits of Trumpcare already.
As Yoda Would Say: "Analysis critical you may find, but among the morons much it is not."
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