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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Grateful to all who joined us last night!

Wonderful learning from you @theJagmeetSingh - thank you for reminding us that another world is not only possible, but just a few hours’ drive from NYC 😉

$200k+ raised going directly to 6 relief efforts here: https://t.co/Dn7xy2LXCT" / Twitter

Evidently referring to Canada's national health insurance. I remember in the mid-1980's a Canadian enthusiastically describing it -- and saying that in most other industrialized countries, it would be considered *conservative*.

From NYC to these nearby Canadian cities/towns:
  • Montreal QC - 6 hr
  • Kingston ON - 6 hr
  • Niagara Falls ON - 6h 40m
ً on Twitter: "@AOC can we appreciate how jagmeet killed right in front of you and you still questioned if he did it 😭 https://t.co/PV2efT0UMN" / Twitter

syd loves corpse on Twitter: "corpse: i wanna hear what aoc has to say

aoc: *corpse impression* i was by the office *laughs* https://t.co/yaxYpkmBYx" / Twitter

They did make an interesting policy announcement: a proposal for the Canadian government to support the manufacture of medicines as competition for price-gouging drug companies.
Craig Bro Dude on Twitter: "AOC on Twitch talking about how people get briefed to run the clock out with filler words when questioned by Congress >" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One of the things that genuinely surprised me in Congress is the sheer mediocrity of witnesses called forth by the GOP in hearings. ..." / Twitter
One of the things that genuinely surprised me in Congress is the sheer mediocrity of witnesses called forth by the GOP in hearings.

Yesterday they brought in a guy w/ a polka dot bowtie backed by oil lobbyists arguing that fossil fuels are “healthy.” HEALTHY.

It’s embarrassing.

I honestly thought GOP witnesses would be well-prepared, w/ sophisticated arguments for the opposing view - evil-genius lobbyist types.

But they’re often sloppy + reaching (not all though). I think if everyday GOP voters saw the witnesses called on their behalf, they’d be upset.
Seems like a big come-down. :D
DeVos knocks free college push as 'socialist takeover of higher education' | TheHill - as opposed to takeover by oligarchs like her.
The Hill on Twitter: "DeVos slams free college push, calls it a "socialist takeover of higher education" (links)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Tuition-free public college is a dangerous socialist takeover of higher ed, as opposed to the far superior capitalist takeover of higher ed, which reliably buries millions of Americans in trillions of dollars in debt & graduates them into low paying jobs without good healthcare👍🏽" / Twitter

That kind of "socialism" used to be common, though it has faded due to state budget cuts. Tuition has grown faster than inflation, for whatever odd reason. Here is one example, the University of California system.

The history of UC tuition since 1868 | The Daily Californian
with the help of Inflation Calculator | Find US Dollar's Value from 1913-2020
  • 1921: residents: $25 ($360), nonresidents $75 ($1,080)
  • 1956: residents: $84 ($800), nonresidents $300 ($2,900)
  • 1968: residents: $300 ($2,200), nonresidents: $1,500 ($11,000)
  • 1970: resident undergrads: $450 ($3,000), resident grads: $480 ($3,200), nonresident undergrads: $1,650 ($11,100), nonresident grads: $1,680 ($11,300)
  • 1975: resident undergrads: $630 ($3,050), nonresident undergrads: $2,130 ($10,310)
  • 1985: resident undergrads: $1,296 ($3,136), nonresident undergrads: $5,112 ($12,371)
  • 1995: resident undergrads: $4,354 ($7,439), nonresident undergrads: $12,053 ($20,594)
  • 2005: resident undergrads: $7,434 ($9,912), nonresident undergrads: $25,254 ($33,670)
  • 2011: resident undergrads: $14,460 ($16,739), nonresident undergrads: $37,338 ($43,222)
What happened to California's free tuition? A history of fees and budget issues | abc10.com has similar numbers.
Joe Manchin, D-WV Senator: Joe Manchin digs in: 'Under no circumstances' would break tie to nuke filibuster and pack court
"Knock Down The House" documents Paula Jean Swearengin's effort to primary him back in 2018. She failed, though she won in the 2020 Senate primary. She was nevertheless defeated by incumbent Shelley Moore Capito (R).

Senator Joe Manchin on Twitter: "Defund the police? Defund, my butt. I'm a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans' jobs & healthcare. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police. https://t.co/EIFHX5OQ37" / Twitter

AOC behind JM with an icy stare, early in 2019

For Manchin, a Divided Senate Is a ‘Golden Opportunity’ for Action - The New York Times
A year ago, Joe Manchin III was ready to quit.

As the most conservative Senate Democrat, he saw nothing but dysfunction and inaction when he looked around on Capitol Hill. “This place sucks,” he repeatedly declared. As he often has since arriving in Washington, he openly mulled leaving to try to reclaim his old job: governor of West Virginia.
Paula Jean Swearengin ran against him in 2018 and failed. Her run is documented in "Knock Down the House", along with AOC's, Cori Bush's, and Amy Vilela's.
Instead, he stayed for a second term. Now, with President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. preparing to govern from the middle in a Congress whose thin majorities will force him to compromise on almost every priority, Mr. Manchin, a centrist, suddenly finds himself at the center of relevance in the nation’s capital.
Yet he bellyaches more about the left than the right.
“I guess she put the dagger stare on me,” Mr. Manchin said. “I don’t know the young lady — I really don’t. I never met her. I’m understanding she’s not that active with her bills or in committee. She’s more active on Twitter than anything else.”

That amounts to a sharp insult in a chamber where legislative prowess is prized. Mr. Manchin said he would stand firm against the agenda that the left flank of his party is pushing.

“We’re not going to defund the police, we’re not for the new green deal,” he said. “That’s not going to happen. We’re not for Medicare for All — we can’t even pay for Medicare for some.”

Lauren Hitt, a spokeswoman for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, said the congresswoman had submitted more amendments than 90 percent of other freshmen — including those promoting fair housing and a tear gas ban that passed the House — and had missed fewer votes than Mr. Manchin. “The congresswoman has earned a reputation as a tough, prepared member in committee hearings,” Ms. Hitt said.
He opposes ending the filibuster, a rule that now means that a bill will need at least 60% of votes to advance.

‘We’ve Harmed the Senate Enough’: Why Joe Manchin Won’t Budge on the Filibuster - The New York Times

AOC responded to him:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I find it amusing when politicians try to diminish the seriousness of our policy work, movement organizing & grassroots fundraising to “she just tweets,” as though “serious” politics is only done by begging corporate CEOs for money through wax-sealed envelopes delivered by raven" / Twitter
Manchin: Ocasio-Cortez 'more active on Twitter than anything else' | TheHill
Ocasio-Cortez hits back after Manchin criticism | TheHill

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Here are some highlights from our food & housing benefit stream last week! 👾

I got to ask @theJagmeetSingh about Canada’s COVID policy, which offers $2k a MONTH in relief 🇨🇦

It’s wild how a drive away people have checks & uni healthcare while people here claim it’s impossible. https://t.co/Z8Dtz1wvdx" / Twitter

AOC is rolling out another constituent service for her district:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sign up to be a homework helper for kids & working families who could really use a helping hand during the challenges of remote learning 📚

All it takes is 1 hour a week for 4 weeks. Never tutored before? We’ll train you!

Join or contribute here: https://t.co/2LmTjdx7I9" / Twitter

Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC thinks concentrated wealth is incompatible with democracy. So did our founders. Time to tax the rich. https://t.co/Tt79Rnvw5Z" / Twitter
AOC’s Call For Abolishing Billionaires Is Deeply American

At the Official AOC Shop she now has a "Tax the Rich" sweatshirt.

Stephen Punwasi on Twitter: "Everyone: @AOC is selling a "tax the rich" sweatshirt for $58! That's way too expensive.

Me, a former mass market apparel designer: Made in America. Union printed. Sounds about right. That's what it costs to pay everyone a decent wage along the way.

#TaxTheRich https://t.co/afPZ6quQmZ" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Republicans are freaking out bc we don’t use slave-wage labor for merch that funds grassroots organizing.

But what’s the difference between Trump’s merch and ours?

Ours is made in the US. 🇺🇸

(& for GOP who joke that we shld give 👕 for free, we actually do - just volunteer 😉)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Pretty sad how much people have been conditioned to believe that not getting crushed by costs of healthcare, housing, education, and low wages is either “radical left politics” or “nice but unrealistic”" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "🚨We need your help!

Remote learning is hitting working families hard & worsening inequality.

To help, Team AOC successfully launched a Homework Helpers program. Now we want to grow to 3k volunteer tutors!

Can you give 1 hr/wk for 4 weeks?

Join us! ➡️ (links)" / Twitter

Incoming GOP congresswoman to take aim at AOC with conservative 'squad' - POLITICO - "Nicole Malliotakis expects to form an alliance with other Republican women."

She beat Max Rose (D) for NY-11 this year, making her the only New York City Republican Representative.
“I think what you're going to see is a group of individuals who are going to serve as a counterbalance to the values of the socialist squad,” Malliotakis told CNN’s Dana Bash. “We don't believe we should be dismantling the economy. We don't believe we should be destroying free market principles. We don't believe in 'Green New Deal.' We don't believe in packing the courts.”

“I think one of the reasons why we were so motivated to run is seeing the Democratic women being elected in 2018 that don't necessarily reflect our values, particularly those who are self-described socialists,” Malliotakis said. “I think there's just a stark contrast between what we're offering and what people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are offering. And that's something that needs to be debated in Washington.”
Lauren Windsor on Twitter: "NEW: Perdue campaign mocks @AOC's working class roots... #GASenRunoff https://t.co/UXRHS9og7F" / Twitter
These people are nuts. It's not just Chuck Schumer. Chuck Schumer is controlled by people like AOC, who believes that the biggest hardship in life was figuring out whether it was still or sparkling and you don't know hardship till you've cried in the back.

I was thinking, I was like geez, I'm so glad I didn't have to do that in my former career. That was our biggest problem in the mountains of Afghanistan was figuring out do we offer them still or sparkling and what if they don't like it? Rough out there, man.

That's Congress, these days. We cannot give these people control. We cannot give these people control. ):06 2M views
Words superimposed on a picture of Rep. Dan Crenshaw speaking in front of a campaign bus.

AOC responded:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The GOP acts like they care, but behind closed doors, this is what they actually say about the working class.

Good to know how little you truly think of food workers, @DanCrenshawTX.

I wonder: did you have catering while bonding w/ wealthy donors over your disdain for the poor?" / Twitter
Candace Owens calls AOC ‘spoiled rotten brat’ for suggesting Republicans couldn’t handle her old waitress job | Fox News

Candace Owens on Twitter: "I used to be a waitress and I worked multiple doubles. I am laughing out loud at how much of a coastal elitist you have to be to view that as the definition of a hard day at work. Please get on a plane and see the rest of the world (or country) you spoiled rotten brat." / Twitter

Candace Owens on Twitter: "“And then he sent his French fries back THREE times! Republicans could NEVER handle that”" / Twitter

What a competition.

Ocasio-Cortez hits back at critics who pounced on $58 'Tax the Rich' sweatshirt | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | The Guardian
- "Congresswoman says price was appropriate because garment was made by unionised workers in America – unlike ‘Trump’s merch’"
Ben Shapiro, a podcast host, author and successful conservative gadfly, tweeted of the merchandise sold on ocasiocortez.com: “Only the rich can afford this idiotic sweatshirt.”

“For $27,” Shapiro tweeted over of a picture of a shirt featuring the words “student debt” struck out, “you can buy AOC’s bullshit T-shirt rather than spending it paying off loans you voluntarily took”.

Supporters who bought the shirt, Shapiro argued, would still have student debt and would still be “bearing it alone, since you’ll still be paying down that student debt. You’ll just be $27 poorer and AOC’s war chest will be $27 richer.”

Shapiro also said, “Nothing says economic justice like spending $65 on a sweatshirt”, again over a picture of some AOC merchandise.
Back in the fall of 2018, BS challenged AOC to a debate. She responded that it was as welcome as a catcall. That is to say, not at all.
AOC doesn't have any "working class roots". Her father was a New York architect. She went to a very expensive private university, and then decided to tend bar instead of getting a real job because that allowed her to take extended time off for silly activism like driving 1,700 miles (one way!) from Queens to Cannonball, ND to protest an oil pipeline.

Good to know how little you truly think of food workers, @DanCrenshawTX.
They think tending bar in Queens is not a hardship? That it's a lot easier than soldiering in Afghanistan?
Both statements are quite correct.
NYC Rep.-elect Nicole Malliotakis says AOC's growing influence in New York politics must stop | Fox News - she's in NY-11, with Staten Island in it.

AOC, Rice face off for powerful committee post - POLITICO - "But with both New Yorkers vying for the open seat, the state's lawmakers risks losing spots on the Energy and Commerce panel. "

Rep. Kathleen Rice is in NY-04, in Long Island just east of Queens. AOC is in NY-14, part in the Bronx, part in Queens.
Ocasio-Cortez, whose district spans parts of the Bronx and Queens, has insisted she alone has the state’s backing.

“I’m the only member to have the full region’s endorsement for New York state,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a brief interview this week. Asked about the state’s support of Rice as well, the freshman Democrat said: “She has a couple signatures but she does not have the region’s endorsement, nor does she have the support of Dean Nadler.”

House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler, dean of the delegation, signed a letter supporting Ocasio-Cortez but notably did not sign Rice’s letter. His office, as well as Rice’s office, declined to comment.
AOC was the first to compete for a seat in that committee. Rep. Greg Meeks of Queens:
“We think that given what’s important to New York, it would be great if we could get two more members on Energy and Commerce,” Meeks added.

But the more likely scenario is that neither would get a spot given how competitive it is — more than a dozen Democrats are vying for what will be only two to four open seats with lawmakers from several regions angling for the spots.
Some members worry about how AOC will give more prominence to her environmentist concerns, like her Green New Deal, but they are afraid of picking fights with her in public.

"Rice, meanwhile, has more seniority in the delegation. But, as a vocal Pelosi critic, Rice has made some enemies and was shut out of a much-desired spot on the House Judiciary Committee two years ago."

There are also two competitors from Texas.

"Some senior Democrats on the committee privately would prefer that Steering does not offer the seat to Ocasio-Cortez, whose aggressive style of politics could complicate bipartisan work during the Biden era."

Seems like AOC hasn't given up yet.
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