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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I can't help but wonder what Derec does for a living.

For the better part of last year, I worked for a grocery store chain. If Derec had to do my job I'd hazard a guess that he'd be screaming that 20 bucks an hour was not nearly enough let alone "ridiculous." For the last 3 months I've been working in a factory making less than that, and I'm willing to bet that if Derec were part of my cell, he'd be crying in pain as he tried to keep up with the relentless pace of the job.

That's the thing. These people who claim that X job is not nearly worth Y per hour have clearly never worked such a job, and wouldn't suffer to do it even if they were paid a decent wage.
Ocasio-Cortez joins Hunts Point Market workers' strike
Hundreds of workers at the Hunts Point Market are on strike after failing to reach an agreement with ownership. They had help Wednesday with a prominent national figure.

"We've gone through a lot to take care of our community to make sure that we have food on the table for them," Gill said. "We're only asking for the same thing in return."
AOC Skipped Inauguration to Support a Teamsters Union Strike in the Bronx | Teen Vogue
Claudia Irizarry Aponte, a reporter for the New York-based publication The City who covers the Bronx, captured Ocasio-Cortez arriving at the picket line Wednesday evening with a pack of coffee and hand-warmers, wearing work boots.

Irizarry Aponte also captured part of a speech AOC gave on a bullhorn at the picket. Ocasio-Cortez invited everyone to “pull up” and show solidarity with the union. Another clip from Gothamist/WNYC news editor David Cruz captured more video of Ocasio-Cortez telling the strikers their efforts are a way of asking for “transformational change” for workers across the United States. Speeches from Assemblymember Amanda Septimo and and New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams were also caught on tape.

“What we’re doing here today is taking the upside down and making it right side up,” Ocasio-Cortez told the crowd.
That reminds me of something AOC did in her first campaign. In early fall of 2018, she went to Los Angeles. But she didn't meet with big-name studio executives or even big celebrities. She visited some activists and spoke before them.
Alex Press on Twitter: "📢@TeamstersJC16 Local 202 is still on strike and @AOC joined them. @CTULocal1 might have to strike too. Peter Robb is out of a job and @newyorkerunion won’t work.📢 I wrote about how organized labor spent the first 24 hours of the Biden presidency (link)" / Twitter
As Joe Biden Takes Office, Labor Marches On
When you’re standing on this line, you’re not just asking for a dollar, you are asking for transformational change for your lives, and for the lives of every food worker across this country, for kids of food workers across this country. There’s a lot of things upside down right now in our economy. And one of those things that is upside down is the fact that a person who is helping get the food to your table cannot feed their own kid. That’s upside down. What we’re doing here today is taking the upside-down and making it right-side up.
Other labor unions are striking or are prepared to strike.
Even as the Bronx strike built momentum, a storied union in another city began preparing for their own potential work stoppage. Members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), who have led and won strikes in recent years and, in doing so, helped transform the politics of the country’s third-largest city while also inspiring the nationwide 2018 teachers’ strike, are preparing for the possibility that they will withdraw their labor for the second time in fourteen months. The last strike, in 2019, lasted fourteen days.

By sunrise this morning, there was a new strike. After two years of negotiating for a first contract, staff at the New Yorker began a twenty-four-hour work stoppage at 6 AM.

That makes two strikes in New York and labor on the march elsewhere, with a president sufficiently determined to at least appear pro-labor that he has installed a bust of Cesar Chavez in the Oval Office. Let’s hope he finds a way to repeal the ban on secondary boycotts, a tactic of which Chavez was so fond.

It’s a start.
Seems like the beginning of a new era of organized-labor militancy.
On Martin Luther King, Jr:
Abortion Opponents Claim Martin Luther King Jr. Would Be Fighting Against Planned Parenthood Today – ThinkProgress
King saw an explicit link between the struggle for racial equality and the struggle for reproductive justice. In the acceptance speech he wrote for his award from Planned Parenthood — which his wife, Coretta Scott King, accepted in his place — he explained that reproductive rights activists like Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger help further broader movements for equality. “Margaret Sanger had to commit what was then called a crime in order to enrich humanity, and today we honor her courage and vision; for without them there would have been no beginning. Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her,” King wrote, going on to say that the African American community has “a special and urgent concern” with issues of family planning.

The anti-choice community often claims that even if King supported Planned Parenthood during his life, he would oppose the national women’s health organization now because it stokes racial divisions. Far-right abortion opponents frequently try to make the case that Planned Parenthood endorses “black genocide” by specifically encouraging black women to have abortions.
Happy MLK Day: Your Friendly Reminder Martin Luther King Loved Planned Parenthood and Birth Control

AOC follows squarely in that tradition, saying that abortion is a matter of bodily autonomy.
MLK is just like the bible for righties. They will interpret any way that fits their needs.
'I don’t think Pelosi will give Trump a pass' - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube - interviewed by Chris Cuomo of CNN

She first talked about visiting that picket line, then talked about how great the festivities are, then CC asked her why she didn't show up as a show of unity and force. She talked about how she thinks that some Congresspeople are dangerous to many of their colleagues. Like Andy Harris, R-MD, who tried to bring a gun to the House floor. Rules against members having guns with them date back to the Civil War, she said.

She is sure that the Speaker won't give Trump a pass. She continued with stating that some Congresspeople deserve to be expelled from Congress because of their traitorous, fifth-columnist conduct (my phrase, not hers). If they don't consider the last election legitimate, then that lack of legitimacy ought to apply to their elections also.

Shannon Watts on Twitter: "“The moment you bring a gun onto the House floor in violation of rules, you put everyone around you in danger. It is irresponsible, it is reckless, but beyond that it is the violation of rules," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC). https://t.co/XZ6kzKfcjI" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "GOP lawmakers campaigned with images of them cocking guns next to photos of myself,

Now they are trying to violate DC law and House rules to sneak guns onto the House floor two weeks after a white supremacist insurrection that killed 5 people.

Why?" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "myself, @IlhanMN, & @RashidaTlaib*" / Twitter
Alex Horton on Twitter: "Hundreds of Guard soldiers relegated to the Senate garage, breathing in exhaust fumes and covid. Story coming in a bit https://t.co/8OW4frePOh" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yeah this is not okay. My office is free this week to any service members who’d like to use it for a break or take nap on the couch.

We’ll stock up on snacks for you all too.

(We’re in the middle of moving offices and it’s a bit messy so don’t judge, but make yourself at home!)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update: looks like they’re letting them back into the Capitol. The offer on snacks, etc still stands!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Update Part 2: The snacks have been delivered!" / Twitter
That's awfully considerate. I looked in the comments, and I didn't notice any right-wingers brag about how they outdid her in charity.

Kristin Mink #AbolishTheJimCrowFilibuster on Twitter: "@AOC Just want to say, she really means it. A few yrs ago, AOC saw me walking around lobbying (as a private citizen, not a lobbyist) while nursing a baby and said I was welcome to nurse in their office any time. And I did! The baby was noisy and fussy and everybody was cool af. https://t.co/h4HWb7h1Rw" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@KristinMinkDC Hope you and baby are doing well! 💞" / Twitter
Kristin Mink #AbolishTheJimCrowFilibuster on Twitter: "@AOC We are, thanks! She can talk now! 😂

(P.S. Thank you so much for your support of @Masks4America — spreading the word & letting us store masks in your NYC office! We’ve now distributed almost a million pieces of crowd-funded PPE to frontline workers and vulnerable communities!) https://t.co/PzXOUNtOyk" / Twitter
NYC Hunts Point Produce Market Workers End Strike with a Raise - THE CITY
Workers at the Hunts Point Produce Market on Saturday morning approved a new three-year contract that will net them a raise and get them back to work Sunday.

Some 97% of workers voted in favor of the pact, ending strike that disrupted the Bronx-based hub — which touts supplying 60% of the region’s produce — for almost a week.

“They’ll be able to feed their families,” said Teamsters Local 202 President Daniel J. Kane Jr.

He added as workers around him cheered: “It’s the largest deal we’ve ever signed.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Our food produce workers wanted a $1 raise after risking their lives in COVID. They were denied, asked to pay more for healthcare, & told “you’re lucky to even have a job.” So they went on strike. Community supported them.

Now they’re getting a $1.85 raise and $0 out of pocket." / Twitter

Yet another Bernie Sanders mitten picture:
reggie on Twitter: "📸: @kidnoble (pic link)" / Twitter
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "The OG and his mittens 🥰" / Twitter
NYC Hunts Point Produce Market Workers End Strike with a Raise - THE CITY
Workers at the Hunts Point Produce Market on Saturday morning approved a new three-year contract that will net them a raise and get them back to work Sunday.

Some 97% of workers voted in favor of the pact, ending strike that disrupted the Bronx-based hub — which touts supplying 60% of the region’s produce — for almost a week.

“They’ll be able to feed their families,” said Teamsters Local 202 President Daniel J. Kane Jr.

He added as workers around him cheered: “It’s the largest deal we’ve ever signed.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Our food produce workers wanted a $1 raise after risking their lives in COVID. They were denied, asked to pay more for healthcare, & told “you’re lucky to even have a job.” So they went on strike. Community supported them.

Now they’re getting a $1.85 raise and $0 out of pocket." / Twitter

Yet another Bernie Sanders mitten picture:
reggie on Twitter: "??????: @kidnoble (pic link)" / Twitter
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "The OG and his mittens ??????" / Twitter

"You're lucky to have a job?" More like "you should feel lucky to have workers at all... A shame if they were to just... Stop working..."
Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "I don't know about you, but I think it's fair to tax the ultra-rich a little more in exchange for:

🏥 universal health care
📚 free public college
🛣️ investment in clean energy
🌲 infrastructure and transportation
🇺🇸 a better, fairer America for everyone" / Twitter

Goya board silences CEO Robert Unanue after he tells Fox News the election was rigged - CNN - "Unanue will no longer be allowed to speak to the media without the board's permission, the source said."

AOC got entangled with Goya some months back - Goya CEO names Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 'employee of the month,' claiming her tweets boosted sales - CNN
On Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that she didn't call for a boycott. Her original tweet was part of the backlash Goya faced in July after Unanue spoke at the White House, praising President Donald Trump. He had been invited to the White House as part of the administration's Hispanic Prosperity Initiative.

In response, Ocasio-Cortez shared a video of Unanue's remarks in a tweet, saying, "Oh look, it's the sound of me Googling 'how to make your own adobo.'" Minutes later, she shared a screenshot of a text that included a homemade adobo recipe.

Ocasio-Cortez responded to a tweet Tuesday asking if she actually called for a Goya boycott. She responded, "No, I just googled how to make my own adobo." The New York congresswoman went on to criticize media coverage of her remarks, specifically Fox News labeling it a boycott.
I've been checking on some Congressional committees and some Congresspeople, and committee members still aren't settled, as far as I can tell.

I found this summary of the committee drama llama around Katie Porter.
Silent Amuse 🥁🐝💛🌊🌊🌊 on Twitter: "Timeline of Katie Porter's Fall from Grace ..." / Twitter
Timeline of Katie Porter's Fall from Grace

* Katie decides she wants to be on the Oversight Committee so she can yell at former Trump officials while the cameras roll. This means she has to give up her seat on Financial Services because it's an exclusive Committee.

* Katie ranks her preferences 1. Oversight 2. Natural Resources 3. Financial Services

* She seeks and receives a waiver to serve on both Oversight and NR at the same time.

* She seeks a 2nd waiver to sit on all three committees - HIGHLY unusual. Financial Services says no.

* Katie takes to Twitter to complain that other people got a waiver but she didn't, even though she did. She just didn't get two. She also inexplicably says "I play by the rules" even though she JUST SAID IN THE SAME TWEET that she requested the rules be waived for her. Twice.

* This sparks a flurry of op-eds about how Katie was "removed" from Financial Services "because banks are afraid of her" and how Nancy and Maxine fucked up and someone better fix this NOW.

* The banking community says, "Who?"

* White women on Twitter lose their damn minds and tweet furiously that Katie was ROBBED and ONLY SHE CAN SAVE US and she should be allowed to serve on as many committee as she wants because she's better than everyone in Congress put together.

* The next morning, Punchbowl breaks a story reporting that Katie asked Chairman Maxine Waters to remove one of the women of color on the Financial Services Committee so she could have their seat.

Chairman Waters declined.

* It gets worse. After Katie was denied the second waiver, she went to leadership and lobbied for Financial Services to be downgraded to a non-exclusive committee so she could serve on it without a waiver.

Chairman Waters was NOT pleased to learn Katie tried to demote her.

* Her next move was to sic her minions on Nancy and Maxine in hopes of pressuring them to bend to her will. It did not work.

Then the truth came out.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

Katie didn't even need a whiteboard this time. #MiniMeeMaw
Not very flattering, and I'd have to check this against other sources. KP seems to have accepted it without throwing a Trumpian temper tantrum, however.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Quick update on our Homework Helper program: I was just assigned my first family! 🤗
I’ll be tutoring a 1st grader on reading & writing for 1 hr/week for the next 4 weeks.
Any tips out there on helping kids learn how to sound out words? Let me know! :) (link)" / Twitter

She appeared on "All In" with Chris Hayes of MSNBC.

AOC: I’m ‘extraordinarily encouraged’ by Biden’s climate executive actions - talking about such things as making all gov't vehicles electric.

AOC: There are ‘legitimate white supremacist sympathizers’ at core of House GOP
“There are no consequences in the Republican caucus for violence. No consequences for racism. No consequences for misogyny. No consequences for insurrection. And no consequences means that they condone it. It means that that silence is acceptance,” says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
She talked about the difference between this individual Congress and the previous one, the 116th (she said 115th). In the previous one, Republicans were mostly submissive to Trump, either out of believing in Trumpism or else out of cowardice or fear of retribution from the President. This term, however, she notes the presence of out-and-out white supremacists and she notes the wimpy response of the Republican leadership compared to Rep. Steve King. No stripping of committees or anything strong like that. She suspects that R Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy answers to the QAnon people, not the other way around.

She recalled KM pulling aside Rep. Ted Yoho of FL, someone who infamously attacked her and called her a "fucking bitch", and not really doing anything. That's a reason why she made that speech about him. Then noting the lack of consequences for misbehavior on the Republican side. She suspected that some Republicans have replaced "fealty" to Trump to "fealty" to white-supremacist orgs as a political tool. As to Republicans who disagree but don't object, she asks what that says about what the Republican Party is becoming. The Republican Party is turning from a party of "limited government" into a party of something "much more nefarious".
All In with Chris Hayes on Twitter: "“I’m feeling extraordinarily encouraged,” says @AOC discussing Biden’s executive orders on climate. (link)" / Twitter

Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“[Biden had] a good-faith openness and relationship to activist communities...Saying ‘we are not going to be resistant to grassroots movements, but we’re going to collaborate with grassroots movements to create as many jobs and as much justice as possible.’” -@AOC (link)" / Twitter

Eliza Relman on Twitter: ".@AOC says Kevin McCarthy "answers to these QAnon members of Congress, not the other way around."

"When I hear that Rep. McCarthy is going to pull a member aside who's made white supremacist-sympathizing comments, I think, what is he going to tell them? Keep it up?"" / Twitter

All In with Chris Hayes on Twitter: "“There are no consequences in the Republican caucus for violence. No consequences for racism. No consequences for misogyny. No consequences for insurrection. And no consequences means that they condone it. It means that that silence is acceptance," says @AOC. (link)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Republican members of Congress don’t want consequences for white supremacy or insurrection against the United States because their political strategy is to embrace white supremacists and the scepter of the Confederacy to get power in the first place." / Twitter

So they want the white-supremacist vote? I wouldn't be surprised.

Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: ".@AOC: "When I hear that Rep McCarthy is going to pull a member aside who has made white supremacist sympathizing comments, the thing that I think is, what is he going to tell them? 'Keep it up?' Because there are no consequences in the Republican caucus." (link)" / Twitter

Let's see what becomes of that.
AOC: I’m ‘Extraordinarily Encouraged’ By Biden’s Climate Executive Actions | All In | MSNBC - YouTube

AOC: There Are ‘Legitimate White Supremacist Sympathizers’ At Core Of House GOP | All In | MSNBC - YouTube

AOC - Twitch - first part of Thursday's conversation at that site. Starts halfway, and AOC has some technical difficulties at first. She introduces Alexis Goldstein, an activist who worked on Wall Street and who participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement. But AG had audio trouble. AOC described how she was once working for an educational nonprofit, and how she had an office near Zuccotti Park, where Occupy Wall Street had camped out.

AOC - Twitch - GME and Retail Trading - second part. AG described her experience at Wall Street. She was making some very wealthy people even more wealthy, she discovered, so she quit, did some consulting, and then got involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. It was much more horizontal and much less vertical in its organization. Then a long comment letter about some financial regulation - something that seemed out of character for the Occupiers.

Then how we got to where hedge funds might have to be bailed out. Then about shorting, betting that a stock will go down in price. Then options - getting to buy some stock at some time. Then a lot of discussion of Citadel and Point72, two hedge funds that bailed out Melvin Capital, a hedge fund that shorted GameStop stock in a big way.
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