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Americans Losing Confidence in All Branches of U.S. Gov't


Jun 10, 2005
Basic Beliefs

It's too bad Gallup didn't ask any question about why people were losing confidence in all branches of the US government. Could it be because people are fed up and realize all branches are in thrall to big business? That the Supreme Court seems to have a majority that doesn't mind imposing religious values on the rest of us?

What happens to a government that has lost the trust of the governed?
Also, what happens when a populace knows fuck all about how government works? I'm not saying our government is great, but the ignorance about how government works is as much of a problem.
This is probably the most chilling line of the report:

At this point, Americans place much greater faith in the military and the police than in any of the three branches of government.
Also, what happens when a populace knows fuck all about how government works?

I don't think the problem is that Americans don't know what their government is doing but that they know exactly what their government is doing and feel powerless to stop it.
Reality appears to be creeping in.

Well, not everywhere of course.
dismal, I need a conservative/libertarian actor to be in my next socialist snuff porn flick.

send me ur contact info
dismal, I need a conservative/libertarian actor to be in my next socialist snuff porn flick.

send me ur contact info

H. Clinton
Chappaqua, NY

BTW I am really, really rich.
The reactionary right-wing thinks Obama is a communist czar from Kenya. The right-wing thinks Obama is acting like a King. The Moderates don't understand why Obama is acting like a king because the right-wing propaganda is saying he is. The Liberals are tired of Obama for not being an actual liberal and being told to shut up, both by him and the right-wing.

What we have here is a war of propaganda. The first majors shots rang out in early February 2009. The War Against Obama started when the "grassroot" protests started being planned. Obama got a crap ACA bill rammed through Congress who only had something like 12 months to review it, and then the right-wing lied their asses off to the seniors and told them Obama wanted to kill Medicare (something the Republicans actually want to do). This led to a ridiculous to unprecedented landslide in 2010, when the Moderates figured all that protesting must mean Obama is a meanie and the right-wing got out the vote to deal with the Democrat in the White House.

Since then, Congress has come to a screeching halt. The amazing thing is that the Tea Party is the only reason why Obama hasn't been impeached yet. They tossed out candidates in the General Election that couldn't possibly win.

The Right-Wing wants Obama to fail. They have said as much... the fucking Minority Leader in the Senate said it! They are winning in that regard. What sucks is that the public in general doesn't seem to understand this. The right-wing has swallowed the flavor aid, the reactionary right-wing is planning a revolution because their guy didn't win the Election. They both think "big government" is the problem. But keep voting for Big Government! So these people can't be swayed.

All that leaves are moderates, liberals (who are under represented in Government, but allegedly in control of DC, the media, and Jesus), and the god blessed undecided voters who are so unbelievably ignorant of current events, politics, most things in general, they shouldn't even be voting! The moderates don't see what is going on, the liberals are starting to suffer from exhaustion of the right-wing tirades against them and a Government that is anything but liberal. So even the liberals are angry, but they are angry because of real world conditions, not reactionary right wing fantasy cosplay.

The Supreme Court is highly politicized thanks to some key picks by W and Bush. Yeah, one could say Obama and Clinton, but Stevens was actually a moderate/conservative Justice, so he was in line with Ginsberg... so do the math.

The White House has to run by Executive Order decree because the Republicans won't work with him. This sets a bad standard, but Jebus, what else is there to do?
America is very polarized now. The right and the left think the country is going in the wrong direction. So no surprise there is a loss of faith in government showing up in the polls. Lots of good data here: http://www.people-press.org/2014/06/12/political-polarization-in-the-american-public/
When W was President, the right-wing didn't think we were headed in a bad direction. They were against dissent and accused the left-wing of being paid off by Hussein.

While Obama is President, the left-wing has issues with where the nation is headed. The right-wing is stating that any compromise as part of the minority is betraying principles.

While the left is susceptible to partisan dumbery, the right-wing embraces it.
Reality appears to be creeping in.

Well, not everywhere of course.

It's barely made a dent in my understanding of the universe. I'm about to be penniless, homeless, with a bottle of water and a bag of cereal to my name... and my cell phone is dying. On the upside, one of my friends is giving me a sharp knife.

This should end well..... :D
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