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Anarchists ruin another protest

Harry Bosch

Jul 4, 2014
Basic Beliefs
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....
They could be of any political spectrum as well. I remember hearing about some protest in Canada that had "anarchists" attack as a pretext for the cops to shut it down. But these protestors all had the same boots with yellow vibram soles.
AFAIC, the Portland PD did a good job of respecting protesters, while trying to protect other people and property, and arrested violent protestors with minimal force. The anarchists are nutty assholes...
They could be of any political spectrum as well. I remember hearing about some protest in Canada that had "anarchists" attack as a pretext for the cops to shut it down. But these protestors all had the same boots with yellow vibram soles.
AFAIC, the Portland PD did a good job of respecting protesters, while trying to protect other people and property, and arrested violent protestors with minimal force. The anarchists are nutty assholes...
Are they even anarchists? Seem more like hooligans.
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....


Seriously though, these types ("anarchists") are just a pain in the ass, looking to cause trouble and behave like the thugs they think they are. They are probably just miserable human beings that are a failure.
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....


Seriously though, these types ("anarchists") are just a pain in the ass, looking to cause trouble and behave like the thugs they think they are. They are probably just miserable human beings that are a failure.
Who are these people? They always seem to show up at G-8 summits and protests all over the place. They throw stuff at cops, break things, and leave. They don't seem to have any sort of platform other than Hooliganism Forever.
Who are these people? They always seem to show up at G-8 summits and protests all over the place. They throw stuff at cops, break things, and leave. They don't seem to have any sort of platform other than Hooliganism Forever.

I would be surprised if they weren't anti-protesters hired by whoever doesn't want to be protested.
Who are these people? They always seem to show up at G-8 summits and protests all over the place. They throw stuff at cops, break things, and leave. They don't seem to have any sort of platform other than Hooliganism Forever.

I would be surprised if they weren't anti-protesters hired by whoever doesn't want to be protested.

I think this is starting to become more and more of a possibility. In the past decade, protests have come under public scrutiny more than they have since the 60's and 70's. Everybody and their sister has an opinion about BLM, Occupy, the Women's March, etc. This is partly due to the rise of the internet. This is a situation ripe for the picking if you want to portray any protest negatively. Just hire some people to do something destructive in the same geographical location, and most people won't bother to check if it had anything to do with the protest. They won't even stop to consider if the cause they are protesting for is worthy or not, even in light of the violence; the mere presence of violence in a public place is enough to shut their minds completely to that possibility. I very much doubt this reality has escaped people who are counting on shut minds to keep them in power.
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....

Don't agree. There can be legitimate reasons to hide your identity. And anarchists will always fuck everything up. I personally like them. They're a hoot. But everything they do will end in failure.

Seriously though, these types ("anarchists") are just a pain in the ass, looking to cause trouble and behave like the thugs they think they are. They are probably just miserable human beings that are a failure.
Who are these people? They always seem to show up at G-8 summits and protests all over the place. They throw stuff at cops, break things, and leave. They don't seem to have any sort of platform other than Hooliganism Forever.

They are what I call the 'Brand Name Anarchists'. They wear brand name clothes and bandannas and masks over their faces. While the protest is starting they gather in a circle and chant "2,4,6,8! Organize to smash the state!" They wait till the major action is elsewhere and then smash the windows at a McDonald's or Starbucks and tip over some trash cans. The police charge, they run home and change their clothes. Then they gather in a hipster bar, drink a lot of cheap beer and brag how they "took direct action against the system."

When the people actually need bodies like for a strike or to guard a women's health center, these waps are nowhere to be seen.

Eldarion Lathria
Back in the 70's, there was Tommy the Traveller. He was always going from city to city to whip up violent revolution amongst the foolish young leftists. He turned out to be an FBI informant - agent provocateur. He was as far as I remember, never arrested.
Who says these are Anarchists?

The criminals themselves?

Those who want to tarnish the good name of Anarchism? Capitalist scum?
AFAIC, the Portland PD did a good job of respecting protesters, while trying to protect other people and property, and arrested violent protestors with minimal force. The anarchists are nutty assholes...
Are they even anarchists? Seem more like hooligans.

Either hooligans or some group secretly funded by the right to give leftist protests a bad name.
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....

I don't understand why they would want to make your group look bad unless they are a different group...
I'm proud to say that I joined the May 1 protest in Portland, Oregon. It started off great. A large group of people wanting to protest the current state of our government. It started peacefully. There were many families there with children trying to make a point. Then all of a sudden the anarchists showed up. I saw several with disguised masks. I'm sorry, but if you wear a mask at a protest to hide your identity: you're not a protestor you're a thug. And a coward. As soon as I saw the thugs show up, I wisked my kids away. And we went home. But I heard (and then saw it on TV later) that the anarchists started throwing rocks at the cops, breaking windows, setting fires. A few anarchists ruined the entire event.

To copy Trump: very sad....

I don't understand why they would want to make your group look bad unless they are a different group...

They completely ruined the protest. Once they started beating up people, damaging property, and then throwing rocks at the police, the protest was cancelled.
protest the current state of our government.
What does that mean, and how do you gauge your success?

I think of protests a bit like I think of marketing, and there's a significant difference between a marketing goal and a management goal, yet most people confuse the two and regard marketing efforts as a failure when in fact the marketing goal wasnt what was unnecessarily met but the management goal.

It may very well be my intent to change an aspect of the current state of government (kind of like a management goal in need of tweaking). Marketing is an eclectic discipline that is regarded as a managerial tool. One may want to first communicate the change desired through marketing efforts and use a protest as a means to do so.

What's interesting is that a marketing goal can be successful yet not materialize into a successfully met managerial goal.

If your overarching goal was to bring about change, then that's something quite different than if it was to protest for that change. Yes, I grasp that you are protesting so that change might transpire, but sometimes we utilize the wrong tools for the job we seek to accomplish ... my steak won't cook no matter what setting I turn the fridge to, lol.

So, that brings me full circle back to my original question. Well, it seems you were clear enough, as you said there were many there trying to make a point, and if that's the case and the point was made, then characterizing the protest as ruined because of ensuing violence seems to suggest that maybe there was more sought after than trying to make a point, and more wanted than what can be accomplished through mere protest.

Had there been no interruption to the protest, would it have been followed by yet another one, not because the points weren't made but rather because the changes sought hadn't materialized?

Just trying to make sense of it all :)
Who says these are Anarchists?

The criminals themselves?

Those who want to tarnish the good name of Anarchism? Capitalist scum?

Yes, they self identified themselves as anarchists. About 25 of them were arrested. They call themselves the "Anarchist Student Union".


Protesters burned objects, including road cones and a Portland Tribune newspaper stand, in the streets. Riot police rushed at the protesters, detaining multiple people and extinguished the flames....

...Damage, including broken windows, was reported at multiple downtown locations. Windows were broken at Portland City Hall, the Gus J. Solomon U.S. Courthouse and Goldmark Jewelers

This sounds like the Apocalypse. Those brave police who rushed into a burning road cone.

Broken windows!!!!!!


Self described?


These are not Anarchy.

Just a bunch of boobs misusing the word to feel good.
Yes, they self identified themselves as anarchists. About 25 of them were arrested. They call themselves the "Anarchist Student Union".


Protesters burned objects, including road cones and a Portland Tribune newspaper stand, in the streets. Riot police rushed at the protesters, detaining multiple people and extinguished the flames....

...Damage, including broken windows, was reported at multiple downtown locations. Windows were broken at Portland City Hall, the Gus J. Solomon U.S. Courthouse and Goldmark Jewelers

This sounds like the Apocalypse. Those brave police who rushed into a burning road cone.

Broken windows!!!!!!

So are you defending the people that did this or claiming the people that did this aren't anarchists?
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