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And now militia groups are responding to the hype


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
Basic Beliefs
Atheist, skeptic, nerd
Responding to all the caravan nonsense, there may be one to two hundred armed nutcases heading to the Texas border.

According to the military’s assessment, these are the biggest danger they will face. They warn of incidents of people trying to steal National Guard equipment during deployment. Locals are also not happy at the prospect of trigger happy gangs trespassing on their ranches.
According to the military’s assessment, these are the biggest danger they will face. They warn of incidents of people trying to steal National Guard equipment during deployment. Locals are also not happy at the prospect of trigger happy gangs trespassing on their ranches.

Hmmm... is this the promised civil war? Conservative ranchers vs. marauding right wing gangs?
Delicious. May the best gang win.
Good thing the military isn't really going to be there. Imagine what happens if a military soldier shoots a militia man who was threatening some possible migrant.
Good thing the military isn't really going to be there. Imagine what happens if a military soldier shoots a militia man who was threatening some possible migrant.

He gets a medal for protecting an innocent person from getting shot?

That sounds like the kind of thing one would get a medal for.
Good thing the military isn't really going to be there. Imagine what happens if a military soldier shoots a militia man who was threatening some possible migrant.

He gets a medal for protecting an innocent person from getting shot?

That sounds like the kind of thing one would get a medal for.
Please remember, these militia idiots thought Obama was going to invade Texas. Having a soldier shoot at them could be a "tipping point" for them. But it won't happen because no military presence.
You'd think armed, organized gang members or Islamic terrorists would have the wherewithal to take a bus to the border rather than slogging a thousand miles through unfriendly territory on foot.
Are they planning to suddenly pull out their hidden AKs and grenades and attack the first border official they meet -- as a thousand heavily armed border guards, DHS, National Guards and Army personnel look on?

I'm trembling in my boots...
You'd think armed, organized gang members or Islamic terrorists would have the wherewithal to take a bus to the border rather than slogging a thousand miles through unfriendly territory on foot.
Are they planning to suddenly pull out their hidden AKs and grenades and attack the first border official they meet -- as a thousand heavily armed border guards, DHS, National Guards and Army personnel look on?

I'm trembling in my boots...

They need the travel time for final assembly of the suicide vests they are all wearing, which they will detonate in unison once they set foot on American soil. They're all infected with ebola and smallpox, and the hope is that blowing themselves to bits will spread their diseases far and wide, and everyone in the US will die.
Responding to all the caravan nonsense, there may be one to two hundred armed nutcases heading to the Texas border.

According to the military’s assessment, these are the biggest danger they will face. They warn of incidents of people trying to steal National Guard equipment during deployment. Locals are also not happy at the prospect of trigger happy gangs trespassing on their ranches.

Thanks for proving that fear-mongering isn't coming just from the RWNJs. Regardless of who they are, trespassing is trespassing. Trespassing with a gun could result in criminal charges if not the use of deadly force.


While it's obvious there are some LWers who applaud RWers killing each other, let's not forget that violence often begets violence. Letting people break the law or applauding violence against people could have broad repercussions.
Good thing the military isn't really going to be there. Imagine what happens if a military soldier shoots a militia man who was threatening some possible migrant.

He gets a medal for protecting an innocent person from getting shot?

That sounds like the kind of thing one would get a medal for.
Please remember, these militia idiots thought Obama was going to invade Texas. Having a soldier shoot at them could be a "tipping point" for them. But it won't happen because no military presence.

Careful with your broadbrush. First, most people didn't take those pushing the Jade Helm conspiracy theory seriously. I was in a gun store when a guy approached me about it and I told him I wasn't worried. He walked away shaking his head. The store owner and I exchanged a look then I went back to my own business.

Second, despite all the hoopla, nothing happened. No one got shot. There were no riots. No sniping. Nothing. Why? Because it only takes a handful of idiots posting on the internet to spread this crap and fear-monger, but most Americans don't take it seriously.
Good thing the military isn't really going to be there. Imagine what happens if a military soldier shoots a militia man who was threatening some possible migrant.

He gets a medal for protecting an innocent person from getting shot?

That sounds like the kind of thing one would get a medal for.
Please remember, these militia idiots thought Obama was going to invade Texas. Having a soldier shoot at them could be a "tipping point" for them. But it won't happen because no military presence.

Well, of course there won't be a military presence. The Death Caravan of Ebola Stricken Terrorists stops being a security concern on Wednesday morning.
Thanks for proving that fear-mongering isn't coming just from the RWNJs.
and what part exactly was 'fear-mongering'?

"Locals are also not happy at the prospect of trigger happy gangs trespassing on their ranches"

Was that your phrasing or did you copy it from a link?

Hmmm.... yea, 'trigger happy' is a bit of hyperbole.

But then I'm not expecting them to be the most reasonable of people, as they are reacting to propaganda by grabbing their guns and going out looking for confrontation. Not to mention that in the past we have seen similar groups that gave us Shawna Forde, and the Bundy Ranch defenders.
"Locals are also not happy at the prospect of trigger happy gangs trespassing on their ranches"

Was that your phrasing or did you copy it from a link?

Hmmm.... yea, 'trigger happy' is a bit of hyperbole.

But then I'm not expecting them to be the most reasonable of people, as they are reacting to propaganda by grabbing their guns and going out looking for confrontation. Not to mention that in the past we have seen similar groups that gave us Shawna Forde, and the Bundy Ranch defenders.

Sorry dude, but that's more fear-mongering by lumping a child murderer with a long criminal record with "the Bundy Ranch defenders". Forde is a nutjob and she deserves to be on death row for her crimes. While I disagree with the Bundy actions (grazing for free on public lands) I support the right of Americans to legally protest government actions. They are the RW equivalent of AntiFa and I don't see you complaining about the latter.

As long as the militia groups act legally, I have no problem with it. If they act illegally, then they should be prosecuted just like any other criminals. Same for the Nazis, same for AntiFa and the same for any other groups.
Sorry dude, but that's more fear-mongering by lumping a child murderer with a long criminal record with "the Bundy Ranch defenders". Forde is a nutjob and she deserves to be on death row for her crimes. While I disagree with the Bundy actions (grazing for free on public lands) I support the right of Americans to legally protest government actions.
So you think pointing guns at federal agents trying to do their job is legal protest? Breaking and entering, and making threats by the group that went to the Oregon wild life refuge is legal protest? Or the two that went on to murder two cops in Las Vegas?

They are the RW equivalent of AntiFa and I don't see you complaining about the latter.
I don't see the latter as threatening to kill, or even threatening violence against innocent people. I see AntiFa as trying to stand up against facists, and expressing a willingness to fight if it comes to that, but in general I don't see them initiating the fight.

As long as the militia groups act legally, I have no problem with it. If they act illegally, then they should be prosecuted just like any other criminals. Same for the Nazis, same for AntiFa and the same for any other groups.
on that I would agree.

Oh yea, and while on the subject of fear mongering. You cry out about me for using 'trigger happy'. What about your own fear mongering on using 'anti-gun LW' whenever responding to anyone who is in favor of gun control stricter than what you want, regardless of what their actual position on guns is?
So you think pointing guns at federal agents trying to do their job is legal protest? Breaking and entering, and making threats by the group that went to the Oregon wild life refuge is legal protest? Or the two that went on to murder two cops in Las Vegas?

Excellent rant, but 1) pointing guns at Federal officers is a crime, 2) so it breaking and entering (but thanks for moving the goal posts to Oregon!) and 3) murder is a crime and those two nutjobs are dead.

What about my post that said "As long as the militia groups act legally, I have no problem with it" do you fail to understand?
So you think pointing guns at federal agents trying to do their job is legal protest? Breaking and entering, and making threats by the group that went to the Oregon wild life refuge is legal protest? Or the two that went on to murder two cops in Las Vegas?

Excellent rant, but
Nice how you are just dismissive of any discussion that disagrees with you.

1) pointing guns at Federal officers is a crime,
Exactly, and this was done by the militia people who went to the Bundy Ranch. You objected to them being lumped in with a murderer, but I'm showing that they are criminals as well.

2) so it breaking and entering (but thanks for moving the goal posts to Oregon!)
Not moving goal posts, as this was done by the Bundy defenders. Bundy's son was supposed to go and speak to them in support, but was arrested on the way.
and 3) murder is a crime and those two nutjobs are dead.
And those two nutjobs were part of the Bundy defenders. Soooo... how is fear mongering to take people from a militia group that has a number of criminal activities associated with it (including murder) and lump them with another 'border defending' murderer?

What about my post that said "As long as the militia groups act legally, I have no problem with it" do you fail to understand?
There was no part I didn't understand. But you seem to have difficulty understanding that a history of criminal activity from militia groups would justify doubting that any of the ones currently heading to the border are going to be perfectly law abiding. I'm fine if they do stay within the law, but think there is enough cause to keep an eye on them.

And besides dismissing my post as a 'rant', you ignored my pointing out your hypocrisy on your own fear mongering.
Nice how you are just dismissive of any discussion that disagrees with you...
If that were true, why are you always responding to my posts with text walls...which very few people actually read?
Nice how you are just dismissive of any discussion that disagrees with you...
If that were true, why are you always responding to my posts with text walls...which very few people actually read?

Looks like it's true - you forgot to address any of the points made in that "text wall". You must be quite confident in your unevidenced assertion that very few read it.
(HINT: You're wrong)
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Nice how you are just dismissive of any discussion that disagrees with you...
If that were true, why are you always responding to my posts with text walls...which very few people actually read?
Wow, 11 whole sentences is a 'text wall', which is just another dismissal. So how many words/sentences is the limit before you zone out and call it a rant or text wall? Do we have to do like Trump's briefings and include pictures to keep your attention?
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