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Another clown thrown under the buss. Sessions

Yup, it's a pretty transparent plan. Unfortunately for Cheato, his prepared excuse of "he shouldn't have recused himself" isn't going to excuse anything at all. Sessions was required by statute to recuse himself.

What difference does the law make? He was supposed to support His Flatulence no matter what!

It hasn't mattered much up to now, but... I hear Republicans (as well as Dems) are making noise about keeping the session technically open by banging a gavel every few days during what would otherwise be recess, in order to prevent Cheato from making any recess appointments. We'll see if they actually do that... I'm sure the doughboy will throw a temper tantrum if they do.
Trump seems to be under the impression that there is but one branch of government and that the other two 'departments' report to him. He thinks Sessions is his personal lawyer.

Colbert did a funny monologue on this... if Sessions is the personal employee of Trump directly, and Sessions runs the police, then we can't see the police and what they are doing... so now, we have the police that we can see, and Trump wants the "not-see-police" to run things... (say it out loud).
SO where's the 'white house is running like a well-oiled machine' tweet? Isn't it time for more Trump Sarcasm?
SO where's the 'white house is running like a well-oiled machine' tweet? Isn't it time for more Trump Sarcasm?

You should have seen the engine compartment when my 318 threw a rod and it came through the side of the block - talk about well-oiled!
Flash news!

Preibus is out! Thrown under the bus. We need more buses. General John Kelly will be the new chief of staff. For a while anyway.


My main question is why did Kelly take this job? He seems fairly competent.

The main reason that Preibus failed is because Trump gave him no actual authority and you had people like the Mooch, Kushner and Bannon bypassing him and Trump derailing everything with dumb tweets. If those situations aren't resolved, nothing that Kelly can do will bring any order or organization to the place and he'll fail just as miserably and end his government career in disgrace.

I can't see him taking this job without assurances of that authority from the President but, at the same time, I can't see Trump so radically changing his style so that he'd live up to any such promises and allow both himself and his staffers to be handled and controlled.

It's just a weird decision on his part to say yes and I'm confused about the rationale.
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