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Another Cop Throws A Student

Did she look threatening in the widest possible interpretation we can cast?

For example was she about to spontaneously combust or collapse into a singularity?
Did she look threatening in the widest possible interpretation we can cast?

For example was she about to spontaneously combust or collapse into a singularity?

Well in that video she didn't look fat. Why are you fat shaming her?

SJWs are on one side only.
Also, it's convenient that the video does not show what led to the move. There is no way to form any opinion yet.

Do you not believe body slamming a 12 year old girl onto the pavement is justified under certain circumstances?

Personally, If I witnessed a parent do that to their child, I'd call the police and I believe the parent would be arrested for child abuse.
At the end of the video it says she had a history of fighting.HOWEVER.this not how we want trained professionals to deal with troubled teens.Oh,did I say trained?My bad.
At the end of the video it says she had a history of fighting.HOWEVER.this not how we want trained professionals to deal with troubled teens.Oh,did I say trained?My bad.

Would you have preferred if she was tased?

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Do you not believe body slamming a 12 year old girl onto the pavement is justified under certain circumstances?
Yes, for example if she attacked him, which apparently she did.

And her mother, instead of blaming the officer, should be blaming herself for the shitty parenting job she seems to have done.
You may be afraid of a teen girl but a trained policeman should not be.
So what should he have done? Apparently some here think being a 12 year old girl should give one carte blache to do whatever she wants without the officer being allowed to lay a finger on her.
SJWs are on one side only.
Also, it's convenient that the video does not show what led to the move. There is no way to form any opinion yet.
WTF? The officer had the girl in a hold. It doesn't matter what she did beforehand. He could have continued to hold onto her. Moreover, he slammed her face first into the ground and alleged knocked her unconscious.
WTF? The officer had the girl in a hold. It doesn't matter what she did beforehand. Moreover, he slammed her face first into the ground and alleged knocked her unconscious.
He attempted to restrain her but she was thrashing violently just before the slam.
As to being unconscious, I would not put too much stock into what the mother is saying. I mean, she is also claiming her daughter was just talking to another student. How likely do you think that is?

Btw, it's allegedly. An adverb.
I was just about to post that we really need to see the context here to understand what happened, but then I read this post by Derec:

So what should he have done? Apparently some here think being a 12 year old girl should give one carte blache to do whatever she wants without the officer being allowed to lay a finger on her.

Derec, do you really think that hyperbolic strawmen accusing other people in the thread is going to work?
WTF? The officer had the girl in a hold. It doesn't matter what she did beforehand. Moreover, he slammed her face first into the ground and alleged knocked her unconscious.
He attempted to restrain her but she was thrashing violently just before the slam.
Do you have a point here? He was restraining her.
As to being unconscious, I would not put too much stock into what the mother is saying.
Of course not, after all, she is just a woman. If you watch the video, the victim is completely still while on the ground.
I mean, she is also claiming her daughter was just talking to another student. How likely do you think that is?
Don't know, and don't care. It is irrelevant to this officer's inappropriate reaction.
Do you not believe body slamming a 12 year old girl onto the pavement is justified under certain circumstances?

Yes, for example if she attacked him, which apparently she did.

Society's policeman is justified. It's justice for a cop to slam a twelve year old to the pavement. Yup, you're definitely a SJW.
I was just about to post that we really need to see the context here to understand what happened, but then I read this post by Derec:

So what should he have done? Apparently some here think being a 12 year old girl should give one carte blache to do whatever she wants without the officer being allowed to lay a finger on her.

Derec, do you really think that hyperbolic strawmen accusing other people in the thread is going to work?

That seems to be the reaction of many here.

That seems to be the reaction of many here.

People are aghast at the unnecessary violence used to subdue an unarmed 12 year old who is already restrained by the much larger police officer. That does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone thinks a 12 year old should be allowed to do anything to a police officer without repercussions.
I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.
That seems to be the reaction of many here.

People are aghast at the unnecessary violence used to subdue an unarmed 12 year old who is already restrained by the much larger police officer. That does not logically or even reasonably imply that anyone thinks a 12 year old should be allowed to do anything to a police officer without repercussions.

Those people should consider the impression made, then, by what they say - or don't say.

There seems little interest in discussing what the girl was doing or any of the circumstances surrounding the incident and, in fact, Derec's take that we need to know more about those things before forming our conclusions was instantly criticized as unreasonable.

What impression do you think that gives others?

It has certainly given me the impression that done believe what happened to this twelve year old girl should never happen to a twelve year old girl anywhere - ever. But maybe you can help divorce me from that impression...

You could start by showing some interest in the circumstances around the incident.

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I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.

She couldn't be telling the truth therefore she's lying?

Seems a little ridiculous...
Derec, do you really think that hyperbolic strawmen accusing other people in the thread is going to work?

That seems to be the reaction of many here.


Since people in this thread explicitly recognized his decision to restrain her as justified, a hyperbolic statement accusing such persons as the "officer not being allowed to lay a finger on her" contradicts the evidence in the thread and is a complete strawman. I suppose when people like you can only view things through ideological over-simplification, it does indeed confuse your mind as per your emoticon, but in reality there are nuances everywhere in life.
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