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Another Cop Throws A Student

Black lives matter, but this child is not black, yet people continue to find fault with the actions of the officer, and the officer is white; however, the race of the officer isn't relevant, but if this is a racial issue, then it's not merely the case that only black lives matter. The child is Hispanic, and in addition to it being obvious that non-white lives matter, we should all agree that the officer (regardless of his race) acted inappropriately, even though the child is not black.

To summarize:
1) black lives matter
2) Hispanic lives matter
3) non-white lives matter
4) the officer is white
5) the officers race is irrelevant
6) the officer was in the wrong
Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.

OK, I won't tell you that... tell me why he SHOULD have done that.
These kids cannot be allowed to grow up thinking that it is even a little ok to resist a cop in any way whatsoever. If a cop says so much as "hey!", you stop what you are doing and follow their instructions to the letter.. for FUCKS SAKE what is wrong with people!!!!!? she is fortunate that she wasn't tazed and that the officer was skilled enough to subdue her without causing any permanent damage. The little cunt was in all likelihood being a bully (again) and got what she deserved. Maybe she will behave like a member of society moving forward, instead of a menace to society.

Damn right. How can you remain the land of the free, if the people won't obey the authorities immediately and without question at all times?
Can someone please explain to me why it is acceptable for posters to refer to children as cunts?

I think it's just the female ones. But to be fair, it was something about her face being cunty and the cop was only trying to make it less cunty by bashing it into the concrete.

I wish someone would make Malintent's posts less cunty. Not that I think it would be okay for a cop to bash his computer monitor first into a sidewalk. That would be completely out of line.
Can someone please explain to me why it is acceptable for posters to refer to children as cunts?

If someone told you that you just expressed a dumb idea, would you then accuse them of calling you dumb person?
The adjective “cunty” implies the noun. For a facial expression or an attitude to be “cunty”, it requires that there is a reprehensible thing that is a cunt. And what is that?

Answer is: a female who needs to be put in her place.
If someone told you that you just expressed a dumb idea, would you then accuse them of calling you dumb person?

You've expressed dumb ideas throughout this thread. Sadly, I am not allowed to call you a dumb person.
If someone told you that you just expressed a dumb idea, would you then accuse them of calling you dumb person?
TThat ^^^^^^ is a fucking dumb response.

and by Toni's logic you just broke forum rules.. but I won't report you, because that would be adumb thing to do, since you actually didn't engage in name calling.. you are addressing the response, not the responder...
If someone told you that you just expressed a dumb idea, would you then accuse them of calling you dumb person?

You've expressed dumb ideas throughout this thread. Sadly, I am not allowed to call you a dumb person.

perhaps they are dumb, perhaps not.. what we definitely agree about is that calling each other dumb is not allowed.

I think it is dumb to be a dindu nuffin.. which is what those who immediately side with the student regardless of there being insufficient information is about.
I also think that taking a default position of provisionally siding with the cop is smarter than provisionally siding with the person being apprehended.
One is just doing their job (maybe poorly), the other is just being a person (maybe poorly).
The adjective “cunty” implies the noun. For a facial expression or an attitude to be “cunty”, it requires that there is a reprehensible thing that is a cunt. And what is that?

Answer is: a female who needs to be put in her place.

urbandictionary.com said:
cunty face

person acting and/or instigating in an awkward situation.

words.. they mean things.
perhaps they are dumb, perhaps not.. what we definitely agree about is that calling each other dumb is not allowed.

I think it is dumb to be a dindu nuffin.. which is what those who immediately side with the student regardless of there being insufficient information is about.
I also think that taking a default position of provisionally siding with the cop is smarter than provisionally siding with the person being apprehended.
One is just doing their job (maybe poorly), the other is just being a person (maybe poorly).

I made my judgment based upon what I saw the cop do. Nothing else. Nothing that kid was capable of doing in that situation warranted that abuse.
perhaps they are dumb, perhaps not.. what we definitely agree about is that calling each other dumb is not allowed.

I think it is dumb to be a dindu nuffin.. which is what those who immediately side with the student regardless of there being insufficient information is about.
I also think that taking a default position of provisionally siding with the cop is smarter than provisionally siding with the person being apprehended.
One is just doing their job (maybe poorly), the other is just being a person (maybe poorly).

I made my judgment based upon what I saw the cop do. Nothing else. Nothing that kid was capable of doing in that situation warranted that abuse.

It isn't a hard call to make, really. Fully grown armed cop body slams a preteen girl on camera, later gets fired over the incident.

In fact in this case you can side with the cops AND the student. The police department took swift action and fired the errant officer.
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