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Another Cop Throws A Student

Those people should consider the impression made, then, by what they say - or don't say.

There seems little interest in discussing what the girl was doing or any of the circumstances surrounding the incident and, in fact, Derec's take that we need to know more about those things before forming our conclusions was instantly criticized as unreasonable.

What impression do you think that gives others?

It has certainly given me the impression that done believe what happened to this twelve year old girl should never happen to a twelve year old girl anywhere - ever. But maybe you can help divorce me from that impression...

You could start by showing some interest in the circumstances around the incident.
Your inability or unwillingness to read with comprehension or to think critically is not the problem of other posters.
That aside, what heinous acts that 12 year could have done that would merit such a violent reaction by the police officer in your opinion? Please confine your response to actions that are consistent with the evidence in the video (i.e. unarmed, in restraint, and much smaller than the officer).
Do you have a point here? He was restraining her.
He attempted to restrain her. The video shows her thrashing around, thus the restraining wasn't successful and he had to apply more force to get her to comply. Whether the level of force was appropriate or not, the fact remains that if she hadn't resisted being restrained she would not have been slammed on the pavement.
Of course not, after all, she is just a woman. If you watch the video, the victim is completely still while on the ground.
No, not because she is a woman but because
- she has a vested interest in exaggerating the incident in hopes of making big bucks off the district.
- she apparently already lied about the circumstances of the incident.
- people can be still without being unconscious. In fact, one of her legs is bent, pointing up. If she were unconscious, wouldn't the leg go limp and drop?

Don't know, and don't care. It is irrelevant to this officer's inappropriate reaction.
1. What led to the situation is always relevant as it affects the proper response.
2. If the mother was lying about that, why do you think she'd be above lying about the girl being unconscious.
That seems to be the reaction of many here.


Since people in this thread explicitly recognized his decision to restrain her as justified, a hyperbolic statement accusing such persons as the "officer not being allowed to lay a finger on her" contradicts the evidence in the thread and is a complete strawman.

I don't think Derec meant that literally, especially since 'lay a finger on' is a figurative expression meaning, in this context, 'to harm'.

So stop being a tool.
Those people should consider the impression made, then, by what they say - or don't say.

There seems little interest in discussing what the girl was doing or any of the circumstances surrounding the incident and, in fact, Derec's take that we need to know more about those things before forming our conclusions was instantly criticized as unreasonable.

What impression do you think that gives others?

It has certainly given me the impression that done believe what happened to this twelve year old girl should never happen to a twelve year old girl anywhere - ever. But maybe you can help divorce me from that impression...

You could start by showing some interest in the circumstances around the incident.
Your inability or unwillingness to read with comprehension or to think critically is not the problem of other posters.


That aside, what heinous acts that 12 year could have done that would merit such a violent reaction by the police officer in your opinion?

Can you think of any?

Please confine your response to actions
that are consistent with the evidence in the video (i.e. unarmed, in restraint, and much smaller than the officer).

Now why the hell would I artificially restrict my analysis of the situation to only one available piece of evidence?

That sounds entirely ridiculous
He attempted to restrain her. The video shows her thrashing around, thus the restraining wasn't successful and he had to apply more force to get her to comply.
Utter nonsense. She was not going anywhere and she was no danger to anyone. Holding a thrashing child is considered effective restraint in schools and by parents.
Whether the level of force was appropriate or not, the fact remains that if she hadn't resisted being restrained she would not have been slammed on the pavement.
That is not a fact, but your assumption.
No, not because she is a woman but because
- she has a vested interest in exaggerating the incident in hopes of making big bucks off the district.
- she apparently already lied about the circumstances of the incident.
- people can be still without being unconscious. In fact, one of her legs is bent, pointing up. If she were unconscious, wouldn't the leg go limp and drop?
Your willingness to impute unsavory motives and lying on the part of the mother reflect less about her motives and more about you. As to the leg, who knows when or for how long the victim may have been unconscious?

1. What led to the situation is always relevant as it affects the proper response.
No. The officer had the girl restrained. She was unarmed. No one else was involved. What happened prior to that video has no bearing on the proper course of action at that time.

2. If the mother was lying about that, why do you think she'd be above lying about the girl being unconscious.
What is this lying you are babbling about?
Your inability or unwillingness to read with comprehension or to think critically is not the problem of other posters.

Thank you for confirming my observation.

Can you think of any?
I asked you first.

Now why the hell would I artificially restrict my analysis of the situation to only one available piece of evidence?
:hysterical: Sure, why restrict the discussion to feasible outcomes?
That sounds entirely ridiculous
A response consistent with your "contributions" to this thread.
Thank you for confirming my observation.

Can you think of any?
I asked you first.

Now why the hell would I artificially restrict my analysis of the situation to only one available piece of evidence?
:hysterical: Sure, why restrict the discussion to feasible outcomes?
That sounds entirely ridiculous
A response consistent with your "contributions" to this thread.


That's nice.
I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.

Whats your point? What if she's in the wrong? Her being in the right or wrong has nothing to do with the officer deciding to pick her up and throw her to the ground.
Apparently you are unable to come up with any rationale that might justify the officer's reaction.

What makes you think I'm attempting to do that?
Given your posting history, nothing. You did write "You could start by showing some interest in the circumstances around the incident." Obviously, you don't. You prefer to engage in silly straw men. So, thanks for confirming you have absolutely no interest in contributing anything remotely resembling relevant content.
Since people in this thread explicitly recognized his decision to restrain her as justified, a hyperbolic statement accusing such persons as the "officer not being allowed to lay a finger on her" contradicts the evidence in the thread and is a complete strawman.

I don't think Derec meant that literally, especially since 'lay a finger on' is a figurative expression meaning, in this context, 'to harm'.

So stop being a tool.

A hyperbolic figure of speech doesn't make his argument follow.
What makes you think I'm attempting to do that?
Given your posting history, nothing. You did write "You could start by showing some interest in the circumstances around the incident." Obviously, you don't.

I think the things happening while the camera's off are just as important as the things happening while it's on.

My abstention from posting my opinion is the result of me having yet to form one. There's a lot of evidence to first consider.

But do not think that makes me incapable of pointing out that your opinion will never be right because it is willfully based on an incomplete sampling of the evidence - God forbid you consider anything that might conflict with your preset worldview.

Your "don't know, and don't care" will never get to any truth - it's not designed to, of course - just confirm what you already think you know.

You prefer to engage in silly straw men.

Considering all the relevant factors is "silly straw man"?

I think the things happening while the camera's off are just as important as the things happening while it's on.

My abstention from posting my opinion is the result of me having yet to form one. There's a lot of evidence to first consider.
Like what? You keep waving your hand about this possible evidence that one must first consider. Give an example of the possible evidence that would make a rational person reconsider that this police officer over-reaction?
But do not think that makes me incapable of pointing out that your opinion will never be right because it is willfully based on an incomplete sampling of the evidence - God forbid you consider anything that might conflict with your preset worldview.
Except that your point is logically false. It most certainly will be right if there is no evidence that mitigates the officer's actions. I cannot imagine what would justify his reactions, but that is a reflection of my imagination. Which is why I have repeatedly asked for some possible mitigating or justifying factors. But this thread gets from you is evasiveness and an absence of reasoning.
Your "don't know, and don't care" will never get to any truth - it's not designed to, of course - just confirm what you already think you know.
My goodness. Obviously nothing discusses in this thread will get to the truth – that requires evidence from the situation. Moreover, you are taking the “don’t know and don’t care” out of context. The exchange was
I mean, she is also claiming her daughter was just talking to another student. How likely do you think that is?
Don't know, and don't care. It is irrelevant to this officer's inappropriate reaction.
The mother’s statements are not relevant to the officer’s actions.

Considering all the relevant factors is "silly straw man"?
If think creating silly straw men, taking quotes out of context and using poor reasoning is "considering all the relevant factors", then that does explain your presence in this thread.

Go ahead and wait for more evidence. Maybe something will pop up that exonerates this police officer. If it does, then I will change my view. But based on the evidence in the video, I doubt such evidence will. And I doubt that police officer will be held accountable if no such evidence does emerge.
Twelve year olds are not teenagers. From the account I read, the girl was unaware it was a police officer who grabbed her from behind. She was defending herself.
Which is why I have repeatedly asked for some possible mitigating or justifying factors. But this thread gets from you is evasiveness and an absence of reasoning.

I don't know how to respond to someone who considers waiting for evidence to be an "absence of reasoning" but you have fun with that...
Which is why I have repeatedly asked for some possible mitigating or justifying factors. But this thread gets from you is evasiveness and an absence of reasoning.

I don't know how to respond to someone who considers waiting for evidence to be an "absence of reasoning" but you have fun with that...
I certainly can understand that you don't know how to respond to an actual post, since nowhere did I write anything that could be construed to mean that waiting for evidence is an "absence of reasoning". This yet another example of you taking a quote out of context.

Instead of wasting time with straw men accusations based or taking quotes out of context in order to make passive-aggressive lame ad homs, try to respond to the actual content of a post.

For example, offer an opinion as to what sort of evidence would mitigate or justify this officer's behavior. That will not interfere with your waiting for more evidence or the search for truth.
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