Oddly enough, in the cockroach Bible (yes, there is one; why do you think they're always ripping and chewing paper?), The Book of Rinds and Bindings, the authors believe that the god Rachroch created the first pair of roaches from vegetable peelings. This is explained in the first book, Crawlings. Cr. 1:26: 'And Rachroch said, we shall ---crick!! -- make roach in our own image, and the roach shall have dominion -- hissss!! -- over the scraps on the floor and the damp spaces of the -- ka-rik-rik!! -- earth, and of things above, as far as they shall climb, and over -- hiss... -- most of those that creepeth upon the earth.' (KIng Germs Version) The actual creation process is described briefly in Cr. 2:7: 'And Rachroch formed roach from a dusty slice of -- rik! rik! rik!! -- pomegranate rind, and fig peelings, and spewed into his mouth parts -- Hisssss!! -- the fermented breath of life, and roach became -- kaaaa-rikkk!! -- a living soul, the eternal roach.' (KGV)
I'll admit straight off that I haven't read all of Rinds and Bindings. It is a Bible, therefore boring and full of twaddle. Also, you have to get over all those damn hissing and chirping interjections. It's a hard book to find; I found mine while I was replacing some drywall in my basement. If you skip to the last book, Roachelation, which seems to have been written by a roach that got into some super-fermented fruit juice, you'll find that they believe in an end times in which some king roach, called The Crust, is stepped on, but comes back with like a million jillion roaches, and they overpower the human world and then it's just roaches.
I should say, they're entitled to their Rinds and Bindings, I just don't want their beliefs to impinge on my life. I respect their religion, but really, they're out of their fucking cockroach minds.