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Another terract in Europe this time in Brussels

And yet EU is intent on importing millions and millions of Muslims from the Middle East and Africa in addition to all the Muslims that already immigrated there in the last several decades.
Can you think of a more suicidal policy than that?

And yet EU is intent on importing millions and millions of Muslims from the Middle East and Africa in addition to all the Muslims that already immigrated there in the last several decades.
Can you think of a more suicidal policy than that?

What is a suicidal policy? A policy that gets your own people killed or what?
Why? We don't make big deals about white militia groups here in America.

That's because more people die in traffic accidents on a given Tuesday than white supremacists kill in a year.

The why are people up in arms over this? I mean more people die in traffic accidents on a given Tuesday.
I think we can all agree that these bombings are vile acts carried out by extremists. What we should be doing is focus on reducing extremism. Extending the focus blanket-wise to all Muslims /all of Islam is not productive, it only dilutes the efforts and very likely encourages extremism rather than reduces it. Identify and remove the root causes of extremism, go after extremist propagandists, target and influence the gullible youngsters, offer them an alternative outlook for their lives - those are the kind of things that may have a positive effect. There are no quick fixes, unfortunately, and right wing rubbish proposals will help nothing in the short term and are counterproductive in the long term.
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This is clearly in response to the capture of the terrorist involved in Paris.
And the Paris attack was not carried out by Islamic terrorists?

I would have to carve out half my brain to conclude that ISIS = ISLAM.
Because the first I in ISIS stands for what in your brain? Iberian? Irish? Isosceles?
ISIS is about as religious as Scientologists.

It really a shame that W opened this Pandora's Box. An ever-giving legacy.

Why is it that when a madman with a gun kills 12 people, the right-wing demands reverence to the 2nd Amendment. A few people are killed in a terror attack and all of a sudden the remaining 9 amendments can be thrown out the window?
Because the 2nd Amendment is God's Amendment.

All the others are giveaways to godless communists and so can freely be ignored.
And the Paris attack was not carried out by Islamic terrorists?

I would have to carve out half my brain to conclude that ISIS = ISLAM.
Because the first I in ISIS stands for what in your brain? Iberian? Irish? Isosceles?

So the label ISIS gives itself is proof that ISIS and ISLAM are the same thing?

Is it possible to believe this?

The leaders of ISIS exploit Islam and Muslims. And Western aggression.

Just as GW Bush exploited 911, patriotism and Americans.
Lib logic:

A dozen people killed by a white guy with a gun: "Fucking gun nuts! He was probably a rightwing Christian, too! We need bans, right now!"

A dozen people killed by islamic terrorists: "Well, we don't know this had anything to do with religion. Besides, islam is a religion of peace!"

Yeah, there's a piece of you over there, a piece of you over there...
ISIS is about as religious as Scientologists.

It really a shame that W opened this Pandora's Box. An ever-giving legacy.
W made Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire?

Why is it that when a madman with a gun kills 12 people, the right-wing demands reverence to the 2nd Amendment. A few people are killed in a terror attack and all of a sudden the remaining 9 amendments can be thrown out the window?
1. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
2. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
3. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
4. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
5. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
6. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
7. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
8. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
9. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
10. The right of all the People of the world to immigrate into any country whether its inhabitants want them to come or not shall not be infringed.
And the Paris attack was not carried out by Islamic terrorists?

Because the first I in ISIS stands for what in your brain? Iberian? Irish? Isosceles?

So the label ISIS gives itself is proof that ISIS and ISLAM are the same thing?

Is it possible to believe this?

The leaders of ISIS exploit Islam and Muslims. And Western aggression.

Just as GW Bush exploited 911, patriotism and Americans.

The USSR was also a Republic and North Korea is a Democracy.
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Lib logic:

A dozen people killed by a white guy with a gun: "Fucking gun nuts! He was probably a rightwing Christian, too! We need bans, right now!"

A dozen people killed by islamic terrorists: "Well, we don't know this had anything to do with religion. Besides, islam is a religion of peace!"

Yeah, there's a piece of you over there, a piece of you over there...
A dozen people killed by a white guy with a gun: Liberal: "Fucking gun nuts! He was probably a rightwing Christian, too! We need bans, right now!"
Conservative: "Mental health, we just don't deal with mental health well ever since Reagan closed the mental hospitals."

A dozen people killed by islamic terrorists:
Liberal: "Well, we don't know this had anything to do with religion. Besides, islam is a religion of peace!"
Conservative: "Burn the Constitution! We must save the Constitution! Burn it! Burn it!"
I think what I find kind of amusing is we've had so many threads where a thug/criminal/whatever-you-want-to-call-him gets in a confrontation with the police and ends up getting killed, under perhaps questionable circumstances. And liberals lose their fucking minds, like its the end of civilization. Now we have dozens of COMPLETELY INNOCENT people killed and the reaction from the same people is (assuming we hear anything at all) is, "meh...whattya gonna do...dozens of innocent people die every day in traffic accidents. Let's not overreact."

I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes.
I think what I find kind of amusing is we've had so many threads where a thug/criminal/whatever-you-want-to-call-him gets in a confrontation with the police and ends up getting killed, under perhaps questionable circumstances. And liberals lose their fucking minds, like its the end of civilization. Now we have dozens of COMPLETELY INNOCENT people killed and the reaction from the same people is (assuming we hear anything at all) is, "meh...whattya gonna do...dozens of innocent people die every day in traffic accidents. Let's not overreact."

I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes.

At least with my posts, there is an element of Poe going on. This is a serious problem and one that should be addressed. As well as the other problems. What is interesting is the way these things have become the norm, not the exception.
I think what I find kind of amusing is we've had so many threads where a thug/criminal/whatever-you-want-to-call-him gets in a confrontation with the police and ends up getting killed, under perhaps questionable circumstances. And liberals lose their fucking minds, like its the end of civilization. Now we have dozens of COMPLETELY INNOCENT people killed and the reaction from the same people is (assuming we hear anything at all) is, "meh...whattya gonna do...dozens of innocent people die every day in traffic accidents. Let's not overreact."

I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes.
Well, when the term "overreact" is used, it is meant more about suspending The Constitution, closing our (The US's) border, etc.... Not in the sense of, "Yeah, that is sad. Oh my gosh... did you see the news today? The Kardashians got bigger butts!"
So the label ISIS gives itself is proof that ISIS and ISLAM are the same thing?

Is it possible to believe this?

The leaders of ISIS exploit Islam and Muslims. And Western aggression.

Just as GW Bush exploited 911, patriotism and Americans.

The USSR was also a Republic and North Korea is a Democracy.

Aren't you the guy who posted that long article about how Islamic ISIS is a little while back?
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