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Anthony Scaramucci vs. Donald Trump


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Anthony Scaramucci says Donald Trump eventually turns on everyone - CNNPolitics Anthony Scaramucci is a friend of Donald Trump and a supporter of his agenda, and his criticisms are clearly intended as friendly criticisms. He warned that DT may lose a lot of supporters from his nastiness.

He served 11 days in the Trump Administration, and he was fired after his potty-mouthed evaluations of fellow staffers was revealed. Like stating that he is unlike Steve Bannon, because SB performs oral sex on himself. Presumably a metaphorical reference to self-promotion.

About DT's visits to mass-shooting sites, AS stated "So look, the President didn't do well on the trip." Last month, he tweeted
Anthony Scaramucci on Twitter: "Would @realDonaldTrump ever tell a white immigrant - whether 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th+ generation - to "go back to your country"?
No. That's why the comments were racist and unacceptable. America is a nation of immigrants founded on the ideals of free thought and free speech. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" / Twitter

A year earlier, he called DT a liar.

Most recently, he tweeted
Anthony Scaramucci on Twitter: "For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn’t pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country. https://t.co/BUvwujc6LW" / Twitter
which provoked

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all time expert on “President Trump.” Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me....." / Twitter
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".....other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence. Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it’s not for being the Mooch!" / Twitter
Anthony Scaramucci. The only person on the planet who can make Trump seems consistent and trustworthy:

So wait. Trump’s criticism of the Mooch, whom he hired, was that he was completely incapable of doing the job that he was hired for?

Way to burn that other guy, dude.
Anthony Scaramucci says Trump may need to be replaced for 2020 - Axios
  • "We are now in the early episodes of 'Chernobyl' on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process," Scaramucci said.
  • "A couple more weeks like this and 'country over party' is going to require the Republicans to replace the top of the ticket in 2020."
Bill Weld is the only Republican Trump challenger in the race, so is the party going to unite around him?
So wait. Trump’s criticism of the Mooch, whom he hired, was that he was completely incapable of doing the job that he was hired for?

Way to burn that other guy, dude.
Everyone on the way INTO the job is the best people, the top choice.

On the way out, 'they were never competent.'

Seems to be based on whether he sees your tailoring from the front or the back. Maybe Trump should have people leave the office before he talks to them. See if they look incompetent on the way out FIRST.
So wait. Trump’s criticism of the Mooch, whom he hired, was that he was completely incapable of doing the job that he was hired for?

Way to burn that other guy, dude.
Everyone on the way INTO the job is the best people, the top choice.

On the way out, 'they were never competent.'

Seems to be based on whether he sees your tailoring from the front or the back. Maybe Trump should have people leave the office before he talks to them. See if they look incompetent on the way out FIRST.

Or have them walk in backwards. That way they never even have to turn around.
ATLANTA, GA -- In breaking news today, the media apparently thinks Anthony Scaramucci is worth having a discussion with for political commentary. The man was seen on cable news network MSNBC this past weekend talking about the Administration he served in an official capacity for about a week. Scaramucci was specifically speaking about the President's recent visits to Dayton and El Paso in the aftermath of the mass shootings in both cities. The former Press Secretary indicated that Trump's visits to the two cities was disastrous, much like his very short lived run as the White House Press Secretary.

Scaramucci's comments contrasted with his previous comments about the President, which isn't too surprising as the man is a loud mouth self serving sociopathic douchebag. It remains unclear if he will continue making inexplicable appearances on Cable News to discuss "his views" on issues he has little insight or knowledge on.
I was in the White House for a short time a little while ago. Where's my talk show circuit?
He was also on Bill Maher over the weekend, and he was anything but loudmouth - very soft spoken...

He has his book "Trump the blue collar president" that he is trying to promote.

As one reviewer on Amazon put it


Much like his time as communications director.

He is trying to regain the spotlight

This why I am critical of US media. Vile reprehensible scumbags like the Mooch or Sean Spicer leave this cum stain of a presidency virtually unscathed with job security intact. They will constantly be called back on CNN and MSNBC, or failing that given a show on FOX to present. They should have the same camera time as Charlie Rose or Matt Lauer, though obviously for different reasons.

Aw c'mon. Isn't it worth watching this asshat fraud biting the ankles of his asshat fraud former boss?
What a fraud this asshat is.

Aw c'mon. Isn't it worth watching this asshat fraud biting the ankles of his asshat fraud former boss?
Not really. It is one opportunistic jackass targeting another opportunistic jackass.

Right? Really though - consolation lies in the fact that while one opportunistic jackass is targeting another opportunistic jackass, neither opportunistic jackass is doing as much jackass damage elsewhere.
Not really. It is one opportunistic jackass targeting another opportunistic jackass.

Right? Really though - consolation lies in the fact that while one opportunistic jackass is targeting another opportunistic jackass, neither opportunistic jackass is doing as much jackass damage elsewhere.
Only consolation are the two of them being tossed in a large meat grinder and being processed into sausage together.
Anthony Scaramucci on threats after Saudi oil attack: Donald Trump has a predictable level of irrationality - CNN Video
In an interview with CNN's John Berman, former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said President Donald Trump's Twitter threat that the US is "locked and loaded," after an attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, has less of an impact because Trump's words show a "predictable level of irrationality."
A "vacuum of leadership" in the White House, and getting involved in yet another Middle Eastern war could be a disaster for the US.
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