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Antifa/BLM and QAnon/P Boys actually having a great deal in common


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

Listen to a far left journalist who was actually part of the right wing insurrection that took place in Washington. A stunning first hand report of a journalist who was there climbing through the scaffolding in order to get in the building. Knowing first hand what is happening right now under our collective nose in our country.

What becomes clear is that Antifa/BLM and QAnan/Proud Boys actually have a great deal in common. But you certainly would not know this listening to the scarratives (narratives that are scary to induce fear) drummed out by main stream press. But their actual cause is very much the same.

The hidden story, is that the middle class is fiercely divided so we will not figure out how to be fiercely united. Common citizens in general frozen out of any well being generated by our system. It is the legal corruption of both political parties resulting in massive unrest and distrust. And our monopoly controlled media able to focus attacks at each other instead of our compromised political parties.

If you believe in a "both side" equivalency, all that means is that you really aren't paying attention, and haven't been for a while.
If you believe in a "both side" equivalency, all that means is that you really aren't paying attention, and haven't been for a while.

And also that they believe they will never be on the wrong side of corrupt power.
If you believe in a "both side" equivalency, all that means is that you really aren't paying attention, and haven't been for a while.

BLM - A nonviolent set of local groups that protest dismissal of anti-black violence, as well as organize various charity drives.

Antifa - short for "anti-fascist" a disorganized people who range from online doxxers, to outright defensive violence against neo-nazi and other facsist groups, to college pseudoanarchists who mostly break windows and make a mess.

Q-Anon - named after one or more 4chan members, a group that believe in a conspiracy theory wherein Dolt 45 will or has arrested a cabal of high-profile pedophiles who feed off the adrenal glands of their victims for strength.

Proud Boys - a thinly-veiled white nationalist street gang, organized by Canadian immigrant Gavin McGinnis, frequently show up to attack random people or to provide "protection" against protestors.

Bret Weinstein - propagandist who invented the terms "Intellectual Dark Web" and "Involuntary Conservative (or InCon, from the same basic derivation as "Incel")". Vaguely transphobic podcast host.

BLM and Antifa activists have some things in common, but often disagree strongly on strategy, emphasis, and so forth. Both are strongly against the Proud Boys, due to their many white nationalist ties. I mean, they all have trivial similarities - they're all angry at "the system", for wildly varying, and in one case wildly conspiratorial, reasons. It's not much to go on.

"SNCC and the KKK were both concerned with racial issues! MLK Jr. and Bull Conner were both at the Edmund Pettus Bridge!" I mean, sure but...
What a stupid statement! QAnon is a fucking cult where an unknown source posts cryptic bullshit and somehow has a large following of disaffected white idiots. #BLM is a Twitter tag put together because blacks are tired of unarmed blacks being shot and/or killed by police.

Antifa are a bunch of non-centralized radicals, some that are hooligans and others that have a shoot first mentality with fascists.

The Proud Boys is an actual organization centered primarily around being angry white men.
If you believe in a "both side" equivalency, all that means is that you really aren't paying attention, and haven't been for a while.

Of course they are not equivalent. The DC riots were broken quickly and the participants will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The #BLM/Antifa riots have been going on for 7 years in many US cities and relatively few get prosecuted. Which means the rest are free to do it over and over again at the slightest provocation (like some thug with a knife getting shot in Kenosha for example)
BLM - A nonviolent set of local groups that protest dismissal of anti-black violence,
Are you serious?

This is exactly what infuriates me about this discussion. No matter how much violence #BLMers perpetrate, the Left pretends they are "nonviolent". Despite Ferguson 2014 (twice!), Baltimore 2015 and many other violent riots in cities like Minneapolis, Milwaukee and Charlotte, all culminating in disastrous 2020 riots all over the US (worst being in Minneapolis), the big lie of "nonviolent #BLM" perpetrated by the likes of you but also on CNN will not end.

as well as organize various charity drives.
Even Hamas does charity. That does not demonstrate that they are nonviolent.

Antifa - short for "anti-fascist" a disorganized people who range from online doxxers, to outright defensive violence against neo-nazi and other facsist groups, to college pseudoanarchists who mostly break windows and make a mess.
Oh, they do much more than break windows. And since when is breaking windows ok? Was breaking the windows at the Capitol also ok, or is it only ok when Antifa does it? And just because they call themselves "anti-fascist" does not make them such. They stand in tradition of the German "Antifaschistische Aktion" that was an organ of the Communist Party and fought against everybody to the right of them, including the Social Democrats.
#BLM is a Twitter tag put together because blacks are tired of unarmed blacks being shot and/or killed by police.
There is also a #BLM organization with local chapters etc. And founders, namely the two "trained Marxist" Cullors and Garza.
And they are rioting over police shootings of black people even when the shootings were justified. Michael Brown was technically not armed but he attacked the police officer and was thus dangerous. And even when the perp was armed the #BLMers riot. There were riots in Charlotte in 2016 over Keith Scott. He had a gun even though he was barred from having one on account of an attempted murder conviction. In other cases, they rioted over accidental deaths, such as Baltimore riots in 2015 over Freddie Grey.

#BLMers do not have a good outrage filter at all.

Antifa are a bunch of non-centralized radicals, some that are hooligans and others that have a shoot first mentality with fascists.
At least you recognize that they are radicals. One correction. Their "shoot first" mentality isn't with "fascists" but with those they call "fascists" which is everybody to the right of them.

The Proud Boys is an actual organization centered primarily around being angry white men.
Just like #BLM is centered primarily around being angry black men and women.
There is also a #BLM organization with local chapters etc. And founders, namely the two "trained Marxist" Cullors and Garza.
And they are rioting over police shootings of black people even when the shootings were justified. Michael Brown was technically not armed but he attacked the police officer and was thus dangerous. And even when the perp was armed the #BLMers riot. There were riots in Charlotte in 2016 over Keith Scott. He had a gun even though he was barred from having one on account of an attempted murder conviction. In other cases, they rioted over accidental deaths, such as Baltimore riots in 2015 over Freddie Grey.

#BLMers do not have a good outrage filter at all.

Worth noting, of course, is that there were no BLM-organized riots in Baltimore at any point. There was a brawl between marchers and drunken, racial-slur-spewing sports fans near Oriole Park on one night (the initial aggressors were, not shockingly, the drunks screaming racial slurs) - and a large riots that was sparked by Baltimore Police shutting down a major transit hub on the day of Grey's funeral (when there were no BLM activities at all, at the request of Grey's family), isolating high school children that relied on the hub to get home, and then eventually began firing on them with tear gas and rubber bullets when "they refused to go home".

Similarly, the riots immediately following the shooting of Keith Scott occured before BLM, or any other group, had organized much of anything.

This entire thing reminds me of the time a right-wing conspiracy theorist claimed that some assholes in Chicago that kidnapped and tortured a disabled kid were "the BLM Kidnappers". If you're going to claim that an organization is somehow responsible for anything, then one should provide evidence showing such a connection.
Bret Weinstein - propagandist who invented the terms "Intellectual Dark Web" and "Involuntary Conservative (or InCon, from the same basic derivation as "Incel")". Vaguely transphobic podcast host.
Unity 2020 - a thread on his excursion into politics, his Articles of Unity movement. Unity2020 - A Plan to Save Our Republic Its members tried to recruit Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Dan Crenshaw as third-party Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, without any success. It only discussed the Presidency, and not Congress or state govenments or local ones.
Not enough facepalms in the world. Of all the hamfisted attempts at false equivocation, this has to be the stupidest.

How much graffiti and how many broken windows add up to five dead bodies? So much in common!
How many protests over murdered POC equal an attempt to overthrow our democracy?
How many trashed police stations equal a looted National Capitol?
How many demands for equal treatment for black people equal a violent attempt to overturn a free and fair national election?

How stupid do you have to be to think these are anything like the same thing?
Not enough facepalms in the world. Of all the hamfisted attempts at false equivocation, this has to be the stupidest.

How much graffiti and how many broken windows add up to five dead bodies? So much in common!
How many protests over murdered POC equal an attempt to overthrow our democracy?
How many trashed police stations equal a looted National Capitol?
How many demands for equal treatment for black people equal a violent attempt to overturn a free and fair national election?

How stupid do you have to be to think these are anything like the same thing?
But but there's a war on white men.
Not enough facepalms in the world. Of all the hamfisted attempts at false equivocation, this has to be the stupidest.

How much graffiti and how many broken windows add up to five dead bodies? So much in common!
How many protests over murdered POC equal an attempt to overthrow our democracy?
How many trashed police stations equal a looted National Capitol?
How many demands for equal treatment for black people equal a violent attempt to overturn a free and fair national election?

How stupid do you have to be to think these are anything like the same thing?
But but there's a war on white men.

Nah - it's just a war on stupid people.
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