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Architect of the Capitol fired

(CNN)It is an internet battle cry: Stop the Steal has swept across inboxes, Facebook pages and Twitter like an out-of-control virus, spreading misinformation and violent rhetoric -- and spilling into real life, like the protest planned for DC this weekend.

But while Stop the Steal may sound like a new 2020 political slogan to many, it did not emerge organically over widespread concerns about voting fraud in President Donald Trump's race against Joe Biden. It has been in the works for years.
saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?

Yeah, I think that they were.

Got any evidence that they didn't understand that Trump was going to lose?

Their unbroken track record of self-delusion? They believed a riot had a fair chance of reversing the election; and they believed Trump wouldn't throw them under the bus afterwards. Why on earth wouldn't they believe they'd win in November? Media forecasts? The same media that had confidently predicted Hillary was going to win? These are people who specialize in believing what they want to be true.
Why on earth wouldn't they believe they'd win in November?

See post#21.
For an article claiming to show Jan. 6 wasn't improvised, your nymag link does a magnificent job of making it look improvised. And Stop the Steal's pedigree going back as far as "Bush-Cruz-Kasich-Romney-Ryan-McConnell" accusations before Trump was even the 2016 nominee just goes to show this is what the Trumpists always do -- it doesn't mean they were planning a coup against Ted Cruz. This is the modern hyper-polarized political dynamic -- rabid partisans will say whatever they need to say to delegitimize the other side's vote total. For six years the Democrats have been doing it too -- claiming Russia put Trump in office.
Why on earth wouldn't they believe they'd win in November?

See post#21.
For an article claiming to show Jan. 6 wasn't improvised, your nymag link does a magnificent job of making it look improvised. And Stop the Steal's pedigree going back as far as "Bush-Cruz-Kasich-Romney-Ryan-McConnell" accusations before Trump was even the 2016 nominee just goes to show this is what the Trumpists always do -- it doesn't mean they were planning a coup against Ted Cruz. This is the modern hyper-polarized political dynamic -- rabid partisans will say whatever they need to say to delegitimize the other side's vote total. For six years the Democrats have been doing it too -- claiming Russia put Trump in office.

You are changing the subject. Your question is posted. Read it again. The answer is because the propaganda that a fix was in started prior to Election Day. It started a very long time beforehand and was ramped up. Of course, after Election Day, the propaganda was kicked up several notches, but it also existed beforehand. From the articles, you can view much of the specifics.
Here is a related article. Note publication date of 29 Oct 2020:

I recommend a full read, but here is an interesting paragraph:
More immediately, the pandemic has changed the way the election itself is being carried out, with a large increase in mail-in-ballots, with different states instituting different rules around when ballots need to arrive in order to be counted. We could, in effect, see delays in final election results. For QAnon adherents, the narratives around this have already led to social polarisation and many, parroting Donald Trump, constantly refer to ballot tampering and election rigging, essentially bringing into question the validity of the 2020 election. If there are delays or other complications with the final election result, it will likely feed into their pre-existing belief in the invalidity of the election, and foster a chaotic environment that could lead to violence. Responses could range from mass protests, armed individuals patrolling protest sites (like Kyle Rittenhouse) or around government buildings, to even lone-actor violence.

Emphasis added.

In other words, many Qcrazies believed before Election Day that the election could (or would) be stolen.
Qcrazies believed before Election Day that the election could (or would) be stolen.
Given RW morons and Q-tards‘ susceptibility to repetition, and the fact that Cheato was repeating “if I lose it was stolen” ad nauseum for months and months before the election, WTF DID ANYONE EXPECT???
Qcrazies believed before Election Day that the election could (or would) be stolen.
Given RW morons and Q-tards‘ susceptibility to repetition, and the fact that Cheato was repeating “if I lose it was stolen” ad nauseum for months and months before the election, WTF DID ANYONE EXPECT???


Reminds me of this:

Bringing that back to the specific question Bomb#20 posed.....

Bill Maher's prediction was often followed up during an interview (eg Malcolm Nance or Bernie Sanders) with essentially "so what's the plan to deal with it if and when it happens?"

A lot of people when they predict the strong possibility of something catastrophic happening, they decide to make plans ahead of time.
Your link does not support your thread title or your "traitor" insinuation.

"In the fall, an inspector general report accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicle on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report. The federal watchdog also accused Blanton, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election."
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.

Most probably, yeah. However, minor quibble. If you look at statements by Bannon, they knew shit was going to go down or get real, if Trump lost. Like, they were aware ahead of time that they would switch gears to a claim the election was stolen if numbers were not in their favor. So, the fact "there wasn't an election to undo yet" isn't a dealbreaker to them making contingency plans, which eventually they did. That said, when you combine the factor of this happening quite early, out in the open, by the guy's wife on some kind of website, like "any patriots contact us for a tour," it does start to look more like the Swamp than the Q-crazies. Another factor to consider is the Architect is like head of operations for the Capitol who was not present on Jan 6th, yet had company vehicle, presumably with security communications abilities and could be a mole. This is the same guy pedo Gaetz contacted to complain about something, realizing obviously how biased he would be. I remember, a lot of liberals were like, "haha, Gaetz contacted the architect," not realizing just how much authority over the Capitol this guy has.
That is a very interesting and obscure tell.
There is little question that the insurrection was planned well before the 2020 election. Trump knew goddam well that only cheating could keep him in office, and the groundwork for 1/6 was laid far in advance.
I believe the violent prevention of certification was actually Plan C or D, after getting States to fudge results (B) or getting Pence to play ball (C), but it was a setup from the day after the election was called for Biden.
Many of us also knew goddam well that Trump would never concede, regardless of the margin of his defeat.

There was even a thread here devoted to that prediction, inviting our trumpsuckers to speculate about what margin of victory by Biden could cause Trump to concede. (Most of them attacked the very idea of asking such an outrageous question instead of offering an answer; they obviously suspected I was correct that he’d never concede.)

Here we are, coming up on 3 years later … agent orange still says he won, and his q-tard MAGAts still believe him. (Or pretend that they do)
Why on earth wouldn't they believe they'd win in November?

See post#21.
For an article claiming to show Jan. 6 wasn't improvised, your nymag link does a magnificent job of making it look improvised.
Improvised? How are we terming that? Poorly planned, last second, only a a few weeks of planning?

The 1/6 Commission did a pretty good job of indicating that the 1/6 riot was decided on in December.
And Stop the Steal's pedigree going back as far as "Bush-Cruz-Kasich-Romney-Ryan-McConnell" accusations before Trump was even the 2016 nominee just goes to show this is what the Trumpists always do -- it doesn't mean they were planning a coup against Ted Cruz. This is the modern hyper-polarized political dynamic -- rabid partisans will say whatever they need to say to delegitimize the other side's vote total.
No, that isn't what we are seeing here. Trump actively tried to fuck over the 2020 election. He communicated directly with the Powers that Be in several states and is on tape with the Georgia SoS looking for votes. The "Stop the Steal" was a substantial banana republic escalation in American politics, it wasn't politics as usual.
The "Stop the Steal" was a substantial banana republic escalation in American politics, it wasn't politics as usual.
But the intent, and when you break it down, the practices WERE "politics as usual", or close enough to it to encourage false equivocation and gloss over the differences in scale and willingness to destroy democracy.
Tours to "patriots" is where the traitor comes from. The "patriots" were getting tours of the coming battlefield.
What coming battlefield? There wasn't an election to undo yet. At the time it happened the "patriots" still thought they were going to win. This was garden-variety suck-up-to-the-boss by bending the rules for his friends micro-corruption.
Have you forgotten 1/6?
Obviously not. You aren't addressing the point at hand.

Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
You're saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?
Contingency planning in case they lost the election.
For an article claiming to show Jan. 6 wasn't improvised, your nymag link does a magnificent job of making it look improvised.
Improvised? How are we terming that? Poorly planned, last second, only a a few weeks of planning?

The 1/6 Commission did a pretty good job of indicating that the 1/6 riot was decided on in December.
Yes, exactly. December > October.

He communicated directly with the Powers that Be in several states and is on tape with the Georgia SoS looking for votes. The "Stop the Steal" was a substantial banana republic escalation in American politics, it wasn't politics as usual.
Yes, exactly. When politics as usual didn't get him what he wanted he escalated to banana republic. He started with basic tactics -- trying to corrupt individual officials -- and kept escalating to more and more implausible strategies as the feasible ones successively failed.
Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
You're saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?
Contingency planning in case they lost the election.
Yes, I get that that's what you're claiming. What's your evidence that 1/6 was part of any contingency plan in place before the election? And, more importantly, if we assume such a plan was in place before the election, what's your evidence that Blanton had been in on it?
Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
You're saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?
Contingency planning in case they lost the election.
Yes, I get that that's what you're claiming. What's your evidence that 1/6 was part of any contingency plan in place before the election? And, more importantly, if we assume such a plan was in place before the election, what's your evidence that Blanton had been in on it?
"Patriots" is a dog-whistle for the insurrectionists.
if we assume such a plan was in place before the election, what's your evidence that Blanton had been in on it?
Don’t know about Blanton, but I recall several people testifying about a multi-layer plan to overturn Trumps coming loss, and iirc the 1/6 riot was the last ditch option. Only if Mikey didn’t play ball - which they at least suspected he wouldn’t.
Don’t know about Blanton, but I recall several people testifying about a multi-layer plan to overturn Trumps coming loss, and iirc the 1/6 riot was the last ditch option. Only if Mikey didn’t play ball - which they at least suspected he wouldn’t.
It's kinda hard to imagine someone just happening to have a hangman gallows labeled "Pence" in their purse.
Various coupists were giving "tours" that were reconnaissance for the planned 1/6 raid so they would know how to get to their targets.
You're saying the coupists were already planning the 1/6 raid weeks before the election was held? What's your evidence for this?
Contingency planning in case they lost the election.
Yes, I get that that's what you're claiming. What's your evidence that 1/6 was part of any contingency plan in place before the election? And, more importantly, if we assume such a plan was in place before the election, what's your evidence that Blanton had been in on it?
I doubt there was a bullet list printed up in August for contingencies if they lost the election. However, there definitely appears to have been relationships already in existence between Trump officials and right-wing militia groups. After all, Trump even had his notorious "Stand back and stand by" comment directed to the militias (specifically The Proud Boys) on national television during a Presidential debate. Additionally, it is hard to believe that "riot" was a completely out of the blue option as well. It might have been one of the last in people's minds, but if it was there in December, it likely was floating around before the election as well.

Jebus, these people should be in jail for instigating this whole thing! The 1/6 commission demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that they all knew the election fraud was a lie... and they aimed to cause trouble on January 6th, nothing of which would have been Constitutional.
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