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Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Twenty senators have urged the Treasury to give the wealthy another tax cut via executive order.

A sitting U.S. president who can’t stop attacking black and brown people. A never-ending trade war that has necessitated more than one multibillion-dollar farm bailout. A humanitarian crisis on the border of his own state. These are just a handful of the many issues that Senator Ted Cruz could be focused on. Instead, he’s currently devoting his efforts to a much more important cause: demanding another tax cut for the rich, this time without Congress’s approval.

In a letter sent to Steve Mnuchin on Monday, the senator from Texas urged the Treasury Secretary to use his “authority” to index capital gains to inflation, a move that would almost exclusively benefit the mega-rich. Claiming, falsely, that the United States economy “has experienced historic levels of growth as a result of Congress and the current administration’s policies such as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” Cruz insists that it is now crucial for the Treasury Department to adjust capital gains for inflation “so that everyday Americans can continue to enjoy better lives and livelihoods.” And by “everyday Americans,” he of course means (but doesn’t say) the spectacularly wealthy.
To misquote Homer, Donuts Tax Cuts, is there anything they don't solve?

I'm willing to believe they would deflect a meteor at this point. Or possibly not. But we won't know until we try.
To misquote Homer, Donuts Tax Cuts, is there anything they don't solve?

I'm willing to believe they would deflect a meteor at this point. Or possibly not. But we won't know until we try.
Well if there was a meteor, they'd cut taxes on the poor, who'd spend the money on drugs and booze while the rich build their bunkers.
I did not realize the Secretary of the Treasury had the constitutional authority to rewrite income tax law.

This is 100% true.

Name me one job where someone doesn't work for a rich owner.

I will wait patiently for your answer.
my dad owns a pharmacy.
He's not rich.

My sister works in a company owned by the workers. None of them are rich.
My wife us a public schoolteacher.

Your point?

You know what I meant, Keith

McDonald's? Rich owner.

711? Rich owner.

Burger King? Rich owner.

Starbucks? Rich owner.

Home Depot? Rich owner.

Benzel Busch? Rich owner.
my dad owns a pharmacy.
He's not rich.

My sister works in a company owned by the workers. None of them are rich.
My wife us a public schoolteacher.

Your point?

You know what I meant, Keith
you always say that when i answer the question you literally asked.
Soory thrre are people who have jobs you never considered.
But still, what was you point dupposed to be?
That somehow, the existance of rich people in the economy means the party tgat prides itself on fiscal responsibility, whise president fucking PROMISED to reduce the natl. debt, is NOT whoring itself out to the rich at the cost of the nation's deficit?
my dad owns a pharmacy.
He's not rich.

My sister works in a company owned by the workers. None of them are rich.
My wife us a public schoolteacher.

Your point?

You know what I meant, Keith
you always say that when i answer the question you literally asked.
Soory thrre are people who have jobs you never considered.
But still, what was you point dupposed to be?
That somehow, the existance of rich people in the economy means the party tgat prides itself on fiscal responsibility, whise president fucking PROMISED to reduce the natl. debt, is NOT whoring itself out to the rich at the cost of the nation's deficit?

Poor people don't create jobs for themselves, Keith. They get them from rich people who open businesses..

When Bill Gates started Microsoft, how many jobs did he create?

When Steve Jobs started Apple, how many jobs did he create?

When Zuckerberg started Facebook, how many jobs did he create?

Competition in the free market is the best thing about capitalism, Keith.
Poor people don't create jobs for themselves, Keith. They get them from rich people who open businesses..
i gave you three jobs in my family alone.
Identify three rich people who were necessary for those jobs?

Outliers are not the norm, Keith.

Most everyone works a job where they work for a rich owner, which means it's in the worker's best interest to keep the company going so they don't close and lose their jobs.

You can't have it both ways, Keith. You can't blast the rich for creating all these jobs and then turn around and also blast the rich when the company closes. We see how many people complain when the company goes under. They know they need the rich guy's company to survive at that point.
Poor people don't create jobs for themselves, Keith. They get them from rich people who open businesses..
i gave you three jobs in my family alone.
Identify three rich people who were necessary for those jobs?

Outliers are not the norm, Keith.
but you didn't even say 'most' jobs, did you?
You just offered a blanket truth that does not stand up to scrutiny, nor does it answer anything to the OP. Just a conservative talikng point that pretends to be a juddtification for prostitution.
Most everyone works a job where they work for a rich owner,
but tgey do not HAVE to.
Not all restaurants are national chains.
Not all businesses must belong to a priviledged few.
Co-ops are quite possible, and thus we do not NEED the parasite rich.

But whst does thus have to do with the national debt and the GOP?
Outliers are not the norm, Keith.
but you didn't even say 'most' jobs, did you?
You just offered a blanket truth that does not stand up to scrutiny, nor does it answer anything to the OP. Just a conservative talikng point that pretends to be a juddtification for prostitution.
Most everyone works a job where they work for a rich owner,
but tgey do not HAVE to.
Not all restaurants are national chains.
Not all businesses must belong to a priviledged few.
Co-ops are quite possible, and thus we do not NEED the parasite rich.

But whst does thus have to do with the national debt and the GOP?

It is about tax cuts for the rich, Keith. I am showing why it's necessary.

The workers can not run the company. They would run it into the ground. This is why we have the smart people running it. Labor is not a reason to pay someone money. Like Ben Shapiro said, "you can spend all day digging 10 foot deep holes in your backyard. No one would deny that it was very hard work and you put a lot of effort into it. But, to go around and demand that someone pay you for doing that is quite stupid. People will laugh at you. Nobody will pay you just because you put in hard work and effort."

Reember why immigrants used to flock here? It was because wages were soaring due to unregulated capitalism. They didn't come here to work for less money, they came here to work for more money. Now we have so many regulations and wages are stagnant. Blame Democrats for this. Republicans hate regulations. They want everyone to get paid handsomely. But, Democrats want regulations out of the ass, Keith. This slows the economy. Trump is undoing regulations that Obama did and the economy is booming again.
but you didn't even say 'most' jobs, did you?
You just offered a blanket truth that does not stand up to scrutiny, nor does it answer anything to the OP. Just a conservative talikng point that pretends to be a juddtification for prostitution.
but tgey do not HAVE to.
Not all restaurants are national chains.
Not all businesses must belong to a priviledged few.
Co-ops are quite possible, and thus we do not NEED the parasite rich.

But whst does thus have to do with the national debt and the GOP?

It is about tax cuts for the rich, Keith. I am showing why it's necessary.
you are stating that it's necessary, but no facts are coming forth.
The workers can not run the company. They would run it into the ground.
not true. Employee-owned businesses function all over the place, as well as family-run and small entrepreneurs' places.
So, stop flogging the lie or pony up studies.
This is why we have the smart people running it. Labor is not a reason to pay someone money.
that's actually the entire basis of currency, a way to store labor. Without the labor you just have people givong each other meaningless bits of paper.
Like Ben Shapiro said,
no one gives a fuck.

You never ate off a taco truck?
Or at a small pizza place with four tables innthe entire world?
The Rich are not the only source of jobs.
And tgey do not appear to be in danger of going broke.

Now, if this was structured more like farmer relief, say giving money to sick people so they can afford to stay home, rather than go make burgers at McDonald's and spread disease, that might make more sense for the economy than just making the parasites happier.
But this tax cut is not tied to jobs, keeping jobs, or making jobs.
Just graft.
you are stating that it's necessary, but no facts are coming forth.
The workers can not run the company. They would run it into the ground.
not true. Employee-owned businesses function all over the place, as well as family-run and small entrepreneurs' places.
So, stop flogging the lie or pony up studies.
This is why we have the smart people running it. Labor is not a reason to pay someone money.
that's actually the entire basis of currency, a way to store labor. Without the labor you just have people givong each other meaningless bits of paper.
Like Ben Shapiro said,
no one gives a fuck.

You never ate off a taco truck?
Or at a small pizza place with four tables innthe entire world?
The Rich are not the only source of jobs.
And tgey do not appear to be in danger of going broke.

Now, if this was structured more like farmer relief, say giving money to sick people so they can afford to stay home, rather than go make burgers at McDonald's and spread disease, that might make more sense for the economy than just making the parasites happier.
But this tax cut is not tied to jobs, keeping jobs, or making jobs.
Just graft.

And none of those small businesses allow their employees to own the businesses, Keith. So, it proves my point. There are lots of socialist leftists on youtube and whenever a right winger aks them, "How come you don't allow your workers who edit your videos and produce your videos to own your channel? Why do you take the majority of the profits?" And they stutter and stammer making up excuses why they are acting like capitalists instead of socialists.
And none of those small businesses allow their employees to own the businesses, Keith. So, it proves my point.
wait. A family business doesn't allow it's employees to own the business?
A one-man taco truck doesn't allow...?
Your point is illiterate.
There are lots of socialist leftists on youtube
lost interest.
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