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Bannon is out

Did Bannon resign or was he fired. CNN and ABC seems to differ.

CNN says fired

ABC says resigned

The White House says resigned
Did Bannon resign or was he fired. CNN and ABC seems to differ.

CNN says fired

ABC says resigned

The White House says resigned

Trees and forests.
He did accomplish one goal. There's a large enough photo file on him for the next Children's Illustrated Dictionary to select an image for debauched. And the little 'uns won't have any uncertainty as to meaning.
Did Bannon resign or was he fired. CNN and ABC seems to differ.

CNN says fired

ABC says resigned

The White House says resigned

Trees and forests.

We can speculate why it was either but it's not clear which one.
Holy crap.
I left town to visit the mall in the next town up the road, Comey was fired.
We went to pizza one town down the road, Spicer quit.
We flew to Settle and the Mooch was sacked.
We drove to New York and Bannon is out.
Every time i leave Pittsfield, someone gets fired or quits...

I'm going to start a Go Fund Me.
If i can get $50, we'll go to the Vermont Country Store one state up.
If i can get $500, we'll go to Canada, see what crossing the border does.
If i can get $5000, I'll take the wife to Hawaii, see what the distance does.
If i can get $10,000, we'll go to London and hope for impeachment.

You think it's that much more to go to London than Hawaii??

$10k should get something exotic. Unfortunately, Timbuktu isn't acceptable anymore. How about outer Mongolia?
Did Bannon resign or was he fired. CNN and ABC seems to differ.

CNN says fired

ABC says resigned

The White House says resigned

Trees and forests.
Most staffers at the White House sign an undated resignation later. Unless the White House wants it known someone is fired, the data is simply put in when the person is let go.
Holy crap.
I left town to visit the mall in the next town up the road, Comey was fired.
We went to pizza one town down the road, Spicer quit.
We flew to Settle and the Mooch was sacked.
We drove to New York and Bannon is out.
Every time i leave Pittsfield, someone gets fired or quits...

I'm going to start a Go Fund Me.
If i can get $50, we'll go to the Vermont Country Store one state up.
If i can get $500, we'll go to Canada, see what crossing the border does.
If i can get $5000, I'll take the wife to Hawaii, see what the distance does.
If i can get $10,000, we'll go to London and hope for impeachment.

You think it's that much more to go to London than Hawaii??
No, those are just the levels. And i want to go crazy in Harrod's.
$10k should get something exotic. Unfortunately, Timbuktu isn't acceptable anymore. How about outer Mongolia?
Just checked the travel restrictions for Mongolia for people with a security clearance. Clicked on the link for the status from the embassy there.

It said 'File Not Found.'

I'm going to take that as a sign.
Not necessarily from God, of course, but... A sign.
Trees and forests.
Most staffers at the White House sign an undated resignation later. Unless the White House wants it known someone is fired, the data is simply put in when the person is let go.

This is very possible though with Trump this was rarely needed since the Apprentice aired.
I hope Kelly firing Bannon was Kelly's attempt to gain control of the circus.
Because if he was trying to distance Trump from the alt-right, then Trump tweeting about what a glorious job Bannon did on the campaign, and in the WH, and how wonderful he's going to be back at Breitbart, that'll give poor Mr. Kelly an ulcer.

Gosh that would be sad...
Bannon had an interview a little while ago where he bragged he was the reason Trump got elected. That may have also played into his departure.

In addition, it is possible that this departure is agreeable to all concerned. Bannon can play in the mud with the white nationalists, neo-nazis and white supremacists to placate them without Trump getting dirty.

Indeed, and that entire interview is suspect. Firstly, say what you will about Steve Bannon, but he probably understands being on the record and being off the record. Second, he essentially said everything that would get him fired - claiming a lot of influence in the White House, contradicting Trump on South Korea, playing up the whole "man behind the curtain" image that Trump hates, while at the same time distancing himself from ethno-nationalists. I suspect this was all orchestrated.
Bannon had an interview a little while ago where he bragged he was the reason Trump got elected. That may have also played into his departure.

In addition, it is possible that this departure is agreeable to all concerned. Bannon can play in the mud with the white nationalists, neo-nazis and white supremacists to placate them without Trump getting dirty.

Indeed, and that entire interview is suspect. Firstly, say what you will about Steve Bannon, but he probably understands being on the record and being off the record. Second, he essentially said everything that would get him fired - claiming a lot of influence in the White House, contradicting Trump on South Korea, playing up the whole "man behind the curtain" image that Trump hates, while at the same time distancing himself from ethno-nationalists. I suspect this was all orchestrated.

Bannon wasn't fired. They just dumped all his stuff in a cardboard box and left it on the guard at the White House gate.

Bannon had been on the inside long enough to realize he had been conned just as much as any other voter. Trump was never going turn Bannon's strategy into policy, and it became more apparent every day. Bannon orchestrated an ambiguous exit, which leaves him free to be Trump's cheerleader or disgruntled critic, without losing his followers.

Bannon's fake drunk dial phone interview had only one purpose, which was to get his ass canned, as quickly as possible.
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