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Barr: SCROTUS's tweets "make it impossible for me to do my job"

His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.
I thought Bill Barr's job was to see how far he could crawl up Trump's rectum before the canary died. Tweets would be very useful feedback in such a situation,
I'm far from convinced that he's somehow the "rebel" in the Trump administration.

Sure, he's publicly stated his objectivity and independence, but if you believe that, I've got a degree from Trump University I'd like to sell you. Barr is a true believer in the idea of an unchecked executive branch going back to the Bush 41 administration.
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.
I thought Bill Barr's job was to see how far he could crawl up Trump's rectum before the canary died. Tweets would be very useful feedback in such a situation,

I don't see the point of this. How is he crawling up Trump's rectum? If Trump's crimes were serious enough, the Senate would've booted him out of office and Pence would be in office right now. What do you guys think the Republicans were so scared of? Mean tweets from Trump when he's no longer President with zero power? How would that scare them?
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.

Carlson is lying to you. In most states, rape is a minimum 5 years sentence.

Not to mention he threatened to kill a witness unless the witness lied. This is straight up mafia type stuff.
I thought Bill Barr's job was to see how far he could crawl up Trump's rectum before the canary died. Tweets would be very useful feedback in such a situation,

I don't see the point of this. How is he crawling up Trump's rectum? If Trump's crimes were serious enough, the Senate would've booted him out of office and Pence would be in office right now. What do you guys think the Republicans were so scared of? Mean tweets from Trump when he's no longer President with zero power? How would that scare them?

Your naivety is so sweet.

Oops, sorry. I misspelled gullibility.
Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what?

WHAT THE FUCK! I find myself agreeing with Half-life and Tucker Carlson? A non-violent crime should not result in a nine year prison sentence. Yes Roger Stone is a cunt, but you can't convict someone for being a cunt. Ideally, he should be banned from working in any election campaign, but I don't see how you can enforce such a sentence. I can't bring myself to believe a non violent crime should involve locking a person up for nearly a decade, I just can't.
What the fuck is going on? Why am I agreeing with Tucker Carlson? Is this real life? What is-

He needs a pardon big time.

Oh, thank fuck we're back to normal again. What a fucking asinine defense. "Your Honor I lied under oath, obstructed investigations, threatened a witness and ignored court orders, but I am not a cannibal. Therefore my actions should have zero consequences". The sentence is too harsh is not the same argument as the person should walk free and clear. And you were so close to making a good point.

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail,
Come on everyone, say it with me on 3. 1, 2, 3...

If Trump's crimes were serious enough, the Senate would've booted him out of office and Pence would be in office right now. What do you guys think the Republicans were so scared of? Mean tweets from Trump when he's no longer President with zero power? How would that scare them?

Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.

Carlson is lying to you. In most states, rape is a minimum 5 years sentence.

Not to mention he threatened to kill a witness unless the witness lied. This is straight up mafia type stuff.

Stone threatened to kill a man? When?
Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.

Ah, so that's the reason the Dems didn't want to impeach Obama? Interesting. They would be taking a giant shit on his Dem base.
Carlson is lying to you. In most states, rape is a minimum 5 years sentence.

Not to mention he threatened to kill a witness unless the witness lied. This is straight up mafia type stuff.

Stone threatened to kill a man? When?

See, this is why we tell you Fox is propaganda. The fact that you don't know this but rely on Fox for your news is clear proof you're being propagandized.
Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.

Ah, so that's the reason the Dems didn't want to impeach Obama? Interesting. They would be taking a giant shit on his Dem base.

We've asked you this before and you've yet to provide any sort of serious answer. What did Obama do to warrant impeachment?
Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.

Ah, so that's the reason the Dems didn't want to impeach Obama? Interesting. They would be taking a giant shit on his Dem base.

Part of the reason, yes. But mainly because Obama didn't do anything even remotely impeachable. I've noticed you have never said you are totally fine with a President to extort a foreign nation to help in digging up dirt against a political opponent then try to keep it quiet. Would you like to say so now? Would you like to say you believe Trump did nothing to warrant scrutiny and impeachment? Is your argument "Trump did nothing wrong" or "Democrats are just as bad?" I've got arguments for both, I'm just not sure what your argument is.
Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.

Ah, so that's the reason the Dems didn't want to impeach Obama? Interesting. They would be taking a giant shit on his Dem base.

We've asked you this before and you've yet to provide any sort of serious answer. What did Obama do to warrant impeachment?

The house can impeach him for anything they want. If they don't like the color of his shoes, they can bring impeachment charges. Doesn't mean the Senate would convict him over this petty charge, but the House can impeach for literally anything they want.
Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.

Ah, so that's the reason the Dems didn't want to impeach Obama? Interesting. They would be taking a giant shit on his Dem base.

Part of the reason, yes. But mainly because Obama didn't do anything even remotely impeachable. I've noticed you have never said you are totally fine with a President to extort a foreign nation to help in digging up dirt against a political opponent then try to keep it quiet. Would you like to say so now? Would you like to say you believe Trump did nothing to warrant scrutiny and impeachment? Is your argument "Trump did nothing wrong" or "Democrats are just as bad?" I've got arguments for both, I'm just not sure what your argument is.

As has been stated before, Trump wanting dirt on Biden is in American's interest because he's a Presidential nominee. If Biden did a quid pro quo in Ukraine with his son's job, then the American people have a right to know since they are voters.

No different if Obama claimed he had dirt on Mitt Romney in 2012 elections. Wouldn't you agree the American people have a right to know if Mitt was corrupt?

The only reason the Dems hate Trump and go so insane over him is because he made the economy boom again, he lowered the unemployment rate for blacks and hispanics to the lowest in history. This is all stuff the Dems claim they are for and could never get done. Trump got it done in 3 years and they are jealous of the man. They despise the fact that they themselves couldn't do this. They don;t actually care about blacks and hispanics lowest unemployment rate. If they did, they'd be praising Trump. They are just salty because they couldn't claim the credit for it.

And mind you, Trump got all this done with the Mueller report at his back for 2 years and an impeachment case against him. I find this extraordinary. Trump is one of the best Presidents we've ever had.
Carlson is lying to you. In most states, rape is a minimum 5 years sentence.

Not to mention he threatened to kill a witness unless the witness lied. This is straight up mafia type stuff.

Stone threatened to kill a man? When?

See, this is why we tell you Fox is propaganda. The fact that you don't know this but rely on Fox for your news is clear proof you're being propagandized.

Let's be charitable and throw Half-life a bone. First off there was Roger Stone tweeting a picture of his Judge being targeted through a sniper's crosshairs. Then there is this delightful tidbit:

Prosecutors had unveiled threatening text messages in which Stone urged Credico not to testify about their communications over Stone's efforts in 2016 to learn when WikiLeaks might release more damaging emails about Trump's rival Hillary Clinton.

'Prepare to die c**ks****r.' Stone wrote in one profanity-laced text to Credico. 'You are a rat.'
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.
How many Democrats among the original 4 Prosecutors, Halfie?
Part of the reason, yes. But mainly because Obama didn't do anything even remotely impeachable. I've noticed you have never said you are totally fine with a President to extort a foreign nation to help in digging up dirt against a political opponent then try to keep it quiet. Would you like to say so now? Would you like to say you believe Trump did nothing to warrant scrutiny and impeachment? Is your argument "Trump did nothing wrong" or "Democrats are just as bad?" I've got arguments for both, I'm just not sure what your argument is.

As has been stated before, Trump wanting dirt on Biden is in American's interest because he's a Presidential nominee. If Biden did a quid pro quo i Ukraine with his son's job, then the American people have a right to know since they are voters.

No different if Obama claimed he had dirt on Mitt Romney in 2012 elections. Wouldn't you agree the American people have a right to know if Mitt was corrupt?

Yes. And if Obama specifically diverted resources from the State and Justice Departments to do so, then instructed government officials to co-ordinate their efforts with his personal lawyer, then he should be sacked because that is a definite abuse of power. I know this is an alien concept for you, but in free democratic nations if there is an obvious conflict of interest, you should recuse yourself from any involvement in an investigation on corruption. But we all know how Trump feels about such an attitude now don't we?
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