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Barr: SCROTUS's tweets "make it impossible for me to do my job"

As has been stated before, Trump wanting dirt on Biden is in American's interest because he's a Presidential nominee.
so, you're upset th at a president lied tp cover up infidelity, but you think felony violation of campaign finance kaw is in American interests.
If Biden did a quid pro quo in Ukraine with his son's job, then the American people have a right to know since they are voters.
if tgere is evidence of that, submit it to legal authorities to investigate, not blackmail.
No different if Obama claimed he had dirt on Mitt Romney in 2012 elections. Wouldn't you agree the American people have a right to know if Mitt was corrupt?
fuck your what-if fantasies.
The only reason the Dems hate Trump and go so insane over him is because he
lies daily, fails to keep promises, cannot be trusted, is a coward, vheats on his wife, is a name-calling, tantrum throwing little bitch, is vain, has increased the national debt, doesn't understand the economy, and is pissing off allies while enabling our ene,ies. To start eith.....
made the economy boom again,
actually, the economy Obama left him
he lowered the unemployment rate for blacks and hispanics to the lowest in history.
how? What did HE do to accomplish that?
This is all stuff the Dems claim they are for and could never get done. Trump got it done in 3 years and they are jealous of the man.
no, he's pretty much done nothing except ride Obama's coattails.
They despise the fact that they themselves couldn't do this. They don;t actually care about blacks and hispanics lowest unemployment rate.
more fantasy....
If they did, they'd be praising Trump. They are just salty because they couldn't claim the credit for it.
check the economy over the last 15 years, see when it was actualoy recovered.
And mind you, Trump got all this done with the Mueller report at his back for 2 years and an impeachment case against him. I find this extraordinary. Trump is one of the best Presidents we've ever had.
huh. What did the Mueller investigation or the impeachment do that interfered with his golf time? Or his tweet time? Or any work time? Clinton still passed legislation during his impeachment.
How was Bonespurs hindered by other officials doingntheir jobs?
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.
How many Democrats among the original 4 Prosecutors, Halfie?

As Rachel Maddow is now explaining that the sentence asked for is standard federal guideline that has virtually never been reduced without the defendant cooperating with the investigation.
DNFTT, folks.

Foolish. You don't see me calling every Democrat a troll. A mere difference of opinion is not a troll.
Then prove you ain't one.
Answer all questions?
Provide support for claims?
Cite any goddamned thing?

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

I mean, Halfie's been here for how long? In all that time, have we got anything other than trolling?


Any attempt to engage in honest discussion?


Backing up claims?

Hell no.

The sad thing is that - on this forum - accusations of trolling have in the past been officially frowned upon...even admonished. Actual trolling? Allowed to continue.

It would be refreshing if the powers-that-be did something to address this painfully obvious problem, but I'd be very surprised if Halfie showed up in the list of banned users.
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.

I’d like to ask a favor: can you go shit on someone else’s thread instead of mine?
Then prove you ain't one.
Answer all questions?
Provide support for claims?
Cite any goddamned thing?

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

I mean, Halfie's been here for how long? In all that time, have we got anything other than trolling?


Any attempt to engage in honest discussion?


Backing up claims?

Hell no.

The sad thing is that - on this forum - accusations of trolling have in the past been officially frowned upon...even admonished. Actual trolling? Allowed to continue.

It would be refreshing if the powers-that-be did something to address this painfully obvious problem, but I'd be very surprised if Halfie showed up in the list of banned users.

I'm going to disagree here. Trolling requires a conscious and deliberate effort. If you look at the people Half-life admires/worships/emulates (Shapiro, Knowles, Crowder etc) that is how they argue. Deflect, then distort, then whatabouts then use hypothetical "Let's say"*. Claim to be about the facts then use the most emotionally charged arguments possible. Half-life "debates" like this because he is ignorant of any other technique. A 17 year old who buys a Fisher Price "My First Political Opinion" and then goes around on a mission to preach to the uncivilized isn't a troll. Annoying, yes. But not a troll. A 17 year old who spouts shit to garner a reaction is. Half-life is the former, not the latter. Characteristics of Troll, but minus the intent. For me at least, that's an important distinction.

*If you want to try a new drinking game, try to listen to Ben Shapiro and take a shot every time one of his arguments start with "Let's say". Don't play this game if you have to work the next day.
Then prove you ain't one.
Answer all questions?
Provide support for claims?
Cite any goddamned thing?

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

I mean, Halfie's been here for how long? In all that time, have we got anything other than trolling?


Any attempt to engage in honest discussion?


Backing up claims?

Hell no.

The sad thing is that - on this forum - accusations of trolling have in the past been officially frowned upon...even admonished. Actual trolling? Allowed to continue.

It would be refreshing if the powers-that-be did something to address this painfully obvious problem, but I'd be very surprised if Halfie showed up in the list of banned users.

I'm going to disagree here. Trolling requires a conscious and deliberate effort. If you look at the people Half-life admires/worships/emulates (Shapiro, Knowles, Crowder etc) that is how they argue. Deflect, then distort, then whatabouts then use hypothetical "Let's say"*. Claim to be about the facts then use the most emotionally charged arguments possible. Half-life "debates" like this because he is ignorant of any other technique. A 17 year old who buys a Fisher Price "My First Political Opinion" and then goes around on a mission to preach to the uncivilized isn't a troll. Annoying, yes. But not a troll. A 17 year old who spouts shit to garner a reaction is. Half-life is the former, not the latter. Characteristics of Troll, but minus the intent. For me at least, that's an important distinction.

Oh, I think the intent is entirely there, and here's why:

If we're being honest, this forum is not exactly a hotbed of internet discussion. It's a very small community, and I doubt that the Shapiro's of the world even know it exists. As such, it's a place where a young and inexperienced troll wannabe can test their efforts. Halfie would get eaten alive on a larger platform, so he comes here to hone his craft. Are the arguments he makes juvenile and elementary? Sure, but on this forum he doesn't risk being shot down by hundreds or thousands of people. This is - to use right wing terms - a "safe space."

Most of us are here to engage in serious discussion. Even those I strongly disagree with seem to grasp that. Not our intrepid interloper. He's here to throw stale arguments out and claim "I owned the libs/atheists," and to my recollection has not presented a serious argument. It's all designed to elicit a reaction, and by responding, we're feeding the kid.
Lou Dobbs is now bashing Barr. This wacko cult is hilarious and terrifying.
I'm far from convinced that he's somehow the "rebel" in the Trump administration.

Sure, he's publicly stated his objectivity and independence, but if you believe that, I've got a degree from Trump University I'd like to sell you. Barr is a true believer in the idea of an unchecked executive branch going back to the Bush 41 administration.

Well, let's look at what has happened.

1. Twitler tweets Stone should get lesser sentence.
2. Barr orders some prosecutors to change sentence.
3. Prosecutors resign.
4. Newly installed prosecutor asks for lesser sentence.
5. Congress gets angry and starts asking questions.
6. Barr claims and I paraphrase, "The President AND CONGRESS have to stop pressuring me. I need to do my job independently."

So, you are exactly right. He has already reacted positively to Trump. His words are really about Trump not giving evidence of the pressure and to stop Congress from asking questions.

Frankly, CNN and Washington Post are acting like there is a spat between Barr and Trump and if I cross my fingers maybe that will create a problem for Barr and thus Trump, but the evidence doesn't quite fit this narrative.
Trump isn't mad about this, the toady Barr probably cleared it first.
I thought Bill Barr's job was to see how far he could crawl up Trump's rectum before the canary died. Tweets would be very useful feedback in such a situation,

I don't see the point of this. How is he crawling up Trump's rectum? If Trump's crimes were serious enough, the Senate would've booted him out of office and Pence would be in office right now. What do you guys think the Republicans were so scared of? Mean tweets from Trump when he's no longer President with zero power? How would that scare them?
Afraid of being primaried by his outraged followers.
WHAT THE FUCK! I find myself agreeing with Half-life and Tucker Carlson? A non-violent crime should not result in a nine year prison sentence. Yes Roger Stone is a cunt, but you can't convict someone for being a cunt. Ideally, he should be banned from working in any election campaign, but I don't see how you can enforce such a sentence. I can't bring myself to believe a non violent crime should involve locking a person up for nearly a decade, I just can't.
What the fuck is going on? Why am I agreeing with Tucker Carlson? Is this real life? What is-

Oh, thank fuck we're back to normal again. What a fucking asinine defense. "Your Honor I lied under oath, obstructed investigations, threatened a witness and ignored court orders, but I am not a cannibal. Therefore my actions should have zero consequences". The sentence is too harsh is not the same argument as the person should walk free and clear. And you were so close to making a good point.

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail,
Come on everyone, say it with me on 3. 1, 2, 3...

If Trump's crimes were serious enough, the Senate would've booted him out of office and Pence would be in office right now. What do you guys think the Republicans were so scared of? Mean tweets from Trump when he's no longer President with zero power? How would that scare them?

Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.
What's the sentencing guideline for threatening to kill someone? What's the sentencing guideline for threatening to kill someone if they cooperate with law enforcement?
WHAT THE FUCK! I find myself agreeing with Half-life and Tucker Carlson? A non-violent crime should not result in a nine year prison sentence. Yes Roger Stone is a cunt, but you can't convict someone for being a cunt. Ideally, he should be banned from working in any election campaign, but I don't see how you can enforce such a sentence. I can't bring myself to believe a non violent crime should involve locking a person up for nearly a decade, I just can't.
What the fuck is going on? Why am I agreeing with Tucker Carlson? Is this real life? What is-

Oh, thank fuck we're back to normal again. What a fucking asinine defense. "Your Honor I lied under oath, obstructed investigations, threatened a witness and ignored court orders, but I am not a cannibal. Therefore my actions should have zero consequences". The sentence is too harsh is not the same argument as the person should walk free and clear. And you were so close to making a good point.

Come on everyone, say it with me on 3. 1, 2, 3...

Trump epitomises the Republican base. The average Republican voter who has spent decades listening to AM radio and FOX news emulate Trump's attitudes perfectly. So going against Trump requires the average Republican politician to take a giant shit on their base. Very, very few are prepared to do that.
What's the sentencing guideline for threatening to kill someone. What's the sentencing guideline for threatening to kill someone is the cooperate with law enforcement?

and undermining Democracy?
His problem is when The Steward asks Pippin, 'Whose idea was it to reduce Stone's sentence?' and he says, 'Mine, your honor. Standard procedure.'

Then The Steward shows Gandalf the Orange's tweets. 'Are you sure Gandalf didn't suggest it?'
And he's all, 'No, no, I would never do that!'
And Gandalf's still tweeting, 'I didn't, but i coulda, i have the absolute Wizard right to, and you can't stop me!'
And The Steward is unimpressed by the enormous coincidence.

Tukcker Carlson had a great point. "The average rapist goes to jail for 4 years. A violent assault gets you an average of 3 years. But, Roger Stone gets 9 years? Some of the Dems are even hoping he rots in jail for life! For what? He needs a pardon big time."

This is the time when Democrats should not be cheering rapists and assaulters to get out of jail, but then cheer for Stone to be in jail for 9 years. It just doesn't make sense. It's a witch hunt.

Carlson is lying to you. In most states, rape is a minimum 5 years sentence.

Not to mention he threatened to kill a witness unless the witness lied. This is straight up mafia type stuff.

The max sentence for the sum of the crimes for which Stone was convicted is about 50 years. If he had ratted Trump out, if he was a flipper or a snitch, the Mob Boss would be telling his toadie to give him the fifty!
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Guess it is hard to build a plausible deniability defense when the one you are defending keeps bragging about what he isn’t supposed to know.
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