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Bernie staffer actively endorses Gulags

Jason Harvestdancer

Oct 23, 2005
Lots of planets have a North
Basic Beliefs
#Expose2020 – PART 1: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

#Expose2020 – PART 2: Bernie 2020 Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek: “There Are Things That Are More Important Than the Rule of Law in the United States”; Declares That His Views Are Shared by Many Others Within the Sanders Campaign; Secret Service Notified Over POTUS Assassination Concern

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Yes, it is Project Veritas and Real Clear Politics. On the other hand, it is a recording of this guy in his own words. He's not just some random supporter either, he's paid by the Bernie Campaign to be an organizers in Iowa.

"Do you even think that some of these like MAGA people could be re-educated?" an undercover reporter asked.

"I mean, we gotta try," Jurek answered. "Like, in Nazi Germany after the fall of the Nazi party there was a shit ton of the populace that was fucking Nazified. Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis."

"Like, we're probably going to have to do the same fucking thing here," he continued. "That's kind of what Bernie's fucking like, 'Hey, free education for everybody!' because we're going to have to teach you to not be a fucking Nazi."

"If Bernie doesn't get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC Convention, f*cking Milwaukee will burn. It'll start in Milwaukee and when police push back on that, then other cities will just f*cking (hand explosion)."

"The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting f*cking beaten in Milwaukee. They're gonna call up the National Guard for that sh*t. I promise you that."

"I'm ready to throw down now. I don't want to wait and have to wait for f*cking DNC…The billionaire class. The f*cking media, pundits. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf*ckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets."

"Well, I'll tell you what in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? You want to fight against the revolution, you're going to die for it, motherf*cker."

JOURNALIST: "So if Trump gets re-elected, what—"

KYLE JUREK: "F*cking cities burn."

KYLE JUREK: "Whatever it takes. And that's why they're like "oh, Anti-Fascists are violent" it's because we're willing to go above and beyond what the law says is acceptable. Like oh free speech, yeah, they try to be like "oh you're against free speech" and no, we're not against free speech, we're against hate speech. And if your free speech is something that these people shouldn't exist, then I don't give a f*ck if it's free speech or not, you don't need… free speech has repercussions."

KYLE JUREK: "Yeah there are consequences to your f*cking actions, right? And if your speech is calling for people to be eliminated on the base of race, gender, religious… like for whatever reason, things that people can't change, then you should expect a f*ckin' violent reaction. And you deserve a violent reaction. Because that's just an unacceptable thing. It's not acceptable."

KYLE JUREK: "The only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence."

"There's a reason Joseph Stalin had Gulags, right? And actually, Gulags are a lot better than what the CIA has told us they were…"

"…So, that, that was the intention, of Gulags, right? not only to elim- like, remove, like people where were like insidious to the state from the state, right? Like "hey, you guys are all causing problems, you're like, working against the revolution; we're just going to remove you and put you in Siberia, where you learn the f*cking value of like being a comrade." Like, and that's what it has to be. Like our prisons, in the United States right now, are far worse. Far worse than anything that they experienced in a f*cking Gulag. Like people get raped. People get f*cking, work 12 hours a day. People have to go fight fires in California for a dollar. You know what I mean? That's f*cked up. that's super f*cked up. Soviet Union didn't do that sh*t."

"Yeah, you're not gonna get Bernie to say "Gulags" but like, I'm all aboard for Gulags, like, I feel there needs to re-education for a significant portion of our society…I mean, but running for president in the United States you can't say anything like that right?"

"…Putting them up against a wall. I mean the alternative, instead of trying to like…re-educate these people and put them back into society the only option is, the only other alternative is to f*cking *makes shooting gesture/noise* you know what I mean?"

JOURNALIST: "That's just crazy, what that guy said. I mean I know we have a lot of the Communists, the Marxists on our side but…"

KYLE JUREK: "Yeah, I'm one of them."


KYLE JUREK: "Yeah. In fact, there's, that I know of, one two three… four, four of the organizers in this office are leftists, of some degree, further left than the Democratic Socialists."


KYLE JUREK: "The degree varies but many of the organizers are, actually, I didn't even count Justin, so Justin, me, Derek, Danielle, Jessica… we're all further left than the Democratic Socialists."

KYLE JUREK: "We're all further left than the Democratic Socialists."

JOURNALIST: "Yeah. What would you consider yourself? Like where on that spectrum…"

KYLE JUREK: "I'm an Anarcho-Communist. So, I'm as far to the left as you can possibly get."

KYLE JUREK: "…Sometimes I get up and I feel pretty authoritarian and sometimes I get up and I feel normal like my Libertarian self. One thing I say is "if you can't handle me at my most Communist, you don't deserve me at my most Libertarian. If you can't handle me at my most Communist, you don't deserve me at my most Anarchist."

KYLE JUREK: "I mean the whole basis of Communism is like people and planet above property. Like we're here to preserve the planet, to preserve people, right? We don't want to have to, but if we f*cking, if people are going to try and fight back against the revolution, so when you hear about like atrocities committed in Cuba by like Fidel and Che, like killing people, those people who were actively like, they were like anti-revolution. They were fighting against the revolution. Like in any war, like you guys were in war, and you encounter people who were fighting against you, what did you do?"

JOURNALIST: "Kill em?"

KYLE JUREK: "Right. Same thing holds true in a revolution. Right like you can't abide people actively working against your f*cking revolution. Like you can give them a choice like hey, you can join the revolution, you cannot be a bootlicker, you could sit idly by and allow it to happen, but if you're going to take up arms against the revolution, then you should expect a violent response. Right? Like it's f*cking natural."

JOURNALIST: "Fight or die. Yeah. That's what they said in the Revolutionary War."

KYLE JUREK: "Yeah, and that's where we're at right now. We're at one of those moments in human history, we're fighting for survival, we're fighting for both survival of the entire human race, we're fighting for the survival of living creatures on planet earth, and there's some people who will stop at nothing to preserve that, right? Like to see, to see the human race continue into the future. Right? To try and save the planet from f*cking destruction. Like and no matter what country and what laws were, that exist, they're irrelevant to, there are things greater than those systems, right?"


KYLE JUREK: "There are things that are more important than the rule of law in the United States, when it comes down to the existence of the human race."

JOURNALIST: "So, I know you have an Antifa sticker on your laptop, have you ever done or been in any of those crazy…"

KYLE JUREK: "There was a couple things…events that they came to. They came to Lansing and Ann Arbor… I was there for those."

JOURNALIST: "Did you ever like, help out or participate in any of it?"

KYLE JUREK: "Yeah, I mean, so, I didn't help organize any of it, but I was there in support. I've yet to punch a Nazi, but I will, one day."

JOURNALIST: "Are there Antifa people here?"

KYLE JUREK: "There are some here, a lot of them are probably on the Bernie campaign, but there is a DSA chapter here so like some of the DSA folks would probably… we've been looking for an action to like participate in…like in regard to immigration and ICE, we've been looking for something to pop off so we can f*cking pop right back off."

JOURNALIST: *laughs*

KYLE JUREK: "But I will, one day. One day I'll get a chance."

I'm trying to imagine the press reaction if someone paid by the Trump campaign had said "Yeah I'm a fascist, and so are like three or four other people in the office. Billy, Joe, Mike."
I'm trying to imagine the press reaction if someone paid by the Trump campaign had said "Yeah I'm a fascist, and so are like three or four other people in the office. Billy, Joe, Mike."

Pffft. Damn good thing there aren't any fascists around Trump - he might get ideas, right?
You should have stayed under your rock Jason.
I'm trying to imagine the press reaction if someone paid by the Trump campaign had said "Yeah I'm a fascist, and so are like three or four other people in the office. Billy, Joe, Mike."

Pffft. Damn good thing there aren't any fascists around Trump - he might get ideas, right?
You should have stayed under your rock Jason.

So that is your entire response to what Kyle Jurek had to say. Do you think he is wrong?
So, Jason, the fact that this deplorable person works for Bernie means... What, exactly, to the Bernie Sanders campaign?

What implications and consequences to a politician SHOULD exist as a function of his campaign hiring a zealot like this?

Because we have a whole campaign chock full of child molesters, rapists, grifters, fascists, extortionists, tax criminals, and theocrats already in the Whitehouse.

You have a clear problem here: you obviously wish to impugn the Sanders campaign because a guy in it is saying or doing crazy or awful shit... So why aren't you at least ten times as adamant against the white house? Why are you busy trying to make this seem like such a big deal, when you have literal NAZIS in the cabinet? I mean shit, does this chucklefuck even still have a campaign position now that this is out? I bet the literal NAZIS in the white house still do!

O H N O, a staffer said something shitty, whatever will we do (fire him, duh!)

Thanks for the bulletin, now let's maybe do something about the shitheads who are actively putting children in cages.
I'm wondering how many people O'Keefe had to try and get to say something like this... and how far down the organization chart he needed to go, to reach Field Organizer.
So, Jason, the fact that this deplorable person works for Bernie means... What, exactly, to the Bernie Sanders campaign?

What implications and consequences to a politician SHOULD exist as a function of his campaign hiring a zealot like this?

The same as any other deplorable person working for any other campaign. Even standards after all. It appears that he does still have a campaign position, and that the leaders of the Iowa Bernie campaign have all locked down their social media. There has been no comment either way from the campaign from any spokesperson on the issue. Overall it appears everyone is busy pretending this didn't happen.
Goddamn these reports always make Bernie seem way cooler than he is
So, Jason, the fact that this deplorable person works for Bernie means... What, exactly, to the Bernie Sanders campaign?

What implications and consequences to a politician SHOULD exist as a function of his campaign hiring a zealot like this?

The same as any other deplorable person working for any other campaign. Even standards after all. It appears that he does still have a campaign position, and that the leaders of the Iowa Bernie campaign have all locked down their social media. There has been no comment either way from the campaign from any spokesperson on the issue. Overall it appears everyone is busy pretending this didn't happen.

So what you're saying is, you're fine with it, it means nothing to you, and it doesn't impact your opinion of the campaign one iota, as you have heretofore tolerated quite widely much more deplorable behavior without comment from The Donald. Got it.
When you're the only presidential candidate that appeals to actual leftists, there will be actual leftists of all stripes in your ranks, including communists, but most communists will not vote for Bernie because Bernie is anti-communist for the most part. I will hold my nose and vote for him, because I believe his movement can make good things happen. But he's not a communist or even necessarily a socialist, because he has no vision for transitioning from capitalism to something else beyond passing laws, which has never worked.
So what Kyle said doesn't matter because calling the guy who made the recording a "journalist" is debatable.

No. O'Keefe is not a journalist, and what Kyle said doesn't matter because Kyle doesn't matter. When Kyle is sitting in an office behind the President whispering in their ear like Stephen Miller is doing right now, then Kyle might matter, but O'Keefe will still not be a journalist.
So what Kyle said doesn't matter because calling the guy who made the recording a "journalist" is debatable.

No. O'Keefe is not a journalist, and what Kyle said doesn't matter because Kyle doesn't matter. When Kyle is sitting in an office behind the President whispering in their ear like Stephen Miller is doing right now, then Kyle might matter, but O'Keefe will still not be a journalist.

It's also not an interview. It's someone following his drunken rants (some of which are serious and some shock jokes) for 6 months and taking the worst segments to make a collage of anarchy.
So, Jason, the fact that this deplorable person works for Bernie means... What, exactly, to the Bernie Sanders campaign?

What implications and consequences to a politician SHOULD exist as a function of his campaign hiring a zealot like this?

The same as any other deplorable person working for any other campaign. Even standards after all. It appears that he does still have a campaign position, and that the leaders of the Iowa Bernie campaign have all locked down their social media. There has been no comment either way from the campaign from any spokesperson on the issue. Overall it appears everyone is busy pretending this didn't happen.

So what you're saying is, you're fine with it, it means nothing to you, and it doesn't impact your opinion of the campaign one iota, as you have heretofore tolerated quite widely much more deplorable behavior without comment from The Donald. Got it.

That's not what I said at all. Good job.
O'Keefe is a fraud, and has been demonstrated and proven to be a fraud. Brian Williams has never told a lie relative to what James O'Keefe has tried to get away with. It is alarming that some people are still willing to accept his submissions of heavily edited videos in heavily contrived situations as viable media and news.
O'Keefe is a fraud, and has been demonstrated and proven to be a fraud. Brian Williams has never told a lie relative to what James O'Keefe has tried to get away with. It is alarming that some people are still willing to accept his submissions of heavily edited videos in heavily contrived situations as viable media and news.

"Heavily edited"? In what context are this guy's comments benign? :confused2:
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