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Bernie staffer actively endorses Gulags

There is no video of this guy going off around the rest of the staff and them being enthusiastic about it.

Seems like a drunk and maybe even a prescription drug addict who may have times of clearheadedness in between.

Probably an ok staffer when not drunk or hung over. Likely he held in his radical opinions and angst at work and this Veritas guy was an outlet for it.

I bet the Veritas guy was riling him up by faking being a radical communist himself or the opposite. Sort of like I want to hear what Mel Gibson's ex said to him before he blew up - probably insulted his virility etc.
O'Keefe is a fraud, and has been demonstrated and proven to be a fraud. Brian Williams has never told a lie relative to what James O'Keefe has tried to get away with. It is alarming that some people are still willing to accept his submissions of heavily edited videos in heavily contrived situations as viable media and news.

That's genetic fallacy. Kyle Jurek said these things regardless of who O'Keefe is and what his reputation is.

The Sanders campaign needs to a) fire him immediately b) publicly denounce his statements.
It would be one thing to actively endorse gulags. Quite another to actually create them and intern children in them, where they die of neglect and lack of medical care.
But our alt-whitists don't want to talk about THAT.
It would be one thing to actively endorse gulags. Quite another to actually create them and intern children in them, where they die of neglect and lack of medical care.
Immigration detention centers for foreigners who show up at the border by the 100,000s uninvited is not the same as gulags for citizens who do not toe the (communist) party line.
And those few that dies were already sick and further weakened by the long journey. Plus, you have the law of large numbers - when you process hundreds of thousands,
a few deaths are going to happen. It is certainly not evidence of "neglect and lack of medical care".
It would be one thing to actively endorse gulags. Quite another to actually create them and intern children in them, where they die of neglect and lack of medical care.
Immigration detention centers for foreigners who show up at the border by the 100,000s uninvited is not the same as gulags for citizens who do not toe the (communist) party line.

Oh, riiiight. Like those people whould have been interned even if they were lily white trumpsuckers.
Fat fucking chance.


Sorry Jason - gulags are the subject of the OP. Talking about actual real-life examples is not "whataboutism" even if it assuages your guilt to label it as such.
Oh, riiiight. Like those people whould have been interned even if they were lily white trumpsuckers.
Fat fucking chance.


Sorry Jason - gulags are the subject of the OP. Talking about actual real-life examples is not "whataboutism" even if it assuages your guilt to label it as such.

I was told that my third party vote in California is the reason Hillary lost Pennsylvania, but I never accepted the guilt of supporting a two party system the way you did.
Aside from not discussing what the staffer said, which is the point, there is another aspect to consider.

Warren has already shown that in order to revive her lagging campaign, she'll accuse Bernie of sexism. Would she use this? Well, maybe. It would mean giving credibility to Project Veritas, which she doesn't want to do. OTOH she is willing to accuse Bernie of some of the most ridiculous charges. OTOH she probably wouldn't want to object to strenuously given that she's basically Hillary wearing a Bernie mask.

But if Warren doesn't use it, and if Bernie makes it to the general election, does anyone think Trump won't use this? Seriously. Even if every single Democrat refuses to even look at the recordings, does anyone think Trump wouldn't spread this far and wide at every opportunity? Like it or not, this hurts Bernie.
Aside from not discussing what the staffer said, which is the point, there is another aspect to consider.

Warren has already shown that in order to revive her lagging campaign, she'll accuse Bernie of sexism. Would she use this? Well, maybe. It would mean giving credibility to Project Veritas, which she doesn't want to do. OTOH she is willing to accuse Bernie of some of the most ridiculous charges. OTOH she probably wouldn't want to object to strenuously given that she's basically Hillary wearing a Bernie mask.

But if Warren doesn't use it, and if Bernie makes it to the general election, does anyone think Trump won't use this? Seriously. Even if every single Democrat refuses to even look at the recordings, does anyone think Trump wouldn't spread this far and wide at every opportunity? Like it or not, this hurts Bernie.

He already made a big mistake in the response. Maybe he'll take it back and apologize, but the damage is done - not by Warren, but by himself.

See https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryancbrooks/bernie-sanders-woman-president-warren

As for the OP, sure that's bad, but surely not Gulags levels of bad. At any rate, if Sanders were to become president (extremely improbable in my view), there would be no Gulags, regardless of what this particular staffer wants. So, criticism is good, but let's not exaggerate.
When you're the only presidential candidate that appeals to actual leftists, there will be actual leftists of all stripes in your ranks, including communists, but most communists will not vote for Bernie because Bernie is anti-communist for the most part. I will hold my nose and vote for him, because I believe his movement can make good things happen. But he's not a communist or even necessarily a socialist, because he has no vision for transitioning from capitalism to something else beyond passing laws, which has never worked.

I think this is right. Bernie is going to get some of the far (horseshoe) left in his camp, seeing as he tends to be left of the other candidates. However, in Canada, he would just be considered a center Liberal. In fact, a Canadian far right media company suggested that a Mayor Pete type would make a great replacement for a conservative leader here.

I'm sure you can find a nutbar in any campaign. The right wingers here on this board do that a lot - Find a crazy person who may hold left wing views and conflate every non Trump cult member with them, amazingly forgetting that there have been a few "off-beat" right wingers creating a stir from time to time (I'm sure we could come up with a few examples - but it's a stupid game to begin with))
When you're the only presidential candidate that appeals to actual leftists, there will be actual leftists of all stripes in your ranks, including communists, but most communists will not vote for Bernie because Bernie is anti-communist for the most part. I will hold my nose and vote for him, because I believe his movement can make good things happen. But he's not a communist or even necessarily a socialist, because he has no vision for transitioning from capitalism to something else beyond passing laws, which has never worked.

You're saying that you'll vote for BS because his movement can make good things happen. However, he doesn't have vision, and passing "anything" without vision has never worked? I'm not following you.
When you're the only presidential candidate that appeals to actual leftists, there will be actual leftists of all stripes in your ranks, including communists, but most communists will not vote for Bernie because Bernie is anti-communist for the most part. I will hold my nose and vote for him, because I believe his movement can make good things happen. But he's not a communist or even necessarily a socialist, because he has no vision for transitioning from capitalism to something else beyond passing laws, which has never worked.

You're saying that you'll vote for BS because his movement can make good things happen. However, he doesn't have vision, and passing "anything" without vision has never worked? I'm not following you.
Sanders isn't left enough for PyramidHead, but it is the best option for the discriminating communist. As a note, I believe PyramidHead is a Communist. He can correct me if I'm wrong.
When you're the only presidential candidate that appeals to actual leftists, there will be actual leftists of all stripes in your ranks, including communists, but most communists will not vote for Bernie because Bernie is anti-communist for the most part. I will hold my nose and vote for him, because I believe his movement can make good things happen. But he's not a communist or even necessarily a socialist, because he has no vision for transitioning from capitalism to something else beyond passing laws, which has never worked.

You're saying that you'll vote for BS because his movement can make good things happen. However, he doesn't have vision, and passing "anything" without vision has never worked? I'm not following you.
Sanders isn't left enough for PyramidHead, but it is the best option for the discriminating communist. As a note, I believe PyramidHead is a Communist. He can correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't want to speak for him, but it's my understanding that he's a classic socialist. Ie he believes that the means of production should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole. Communism is where means of production are owned by the state. Socialism is ownership by the community or collective. I apologize in advance if I'm wrong.
James O'Keefe is the source of the claim? Great.

Not a claim but a recording.
Okay... are we really supposed to believe that you are completely ignorant of O'Keefe's edit hatch jobs of the past? If so, why would you want to expose yourself for being so undeniably out of touch with anything regarding politics?

I am familiar, but if you want to assert that these recordings are deceptively edited then you need to go ahead and assert that these recordings are deceptively edited.
I was told that my third party vote in California is the reason Hillary lost Pennsylvania

When you listen to idiots you become an idiot.

but I never accepted the guilt of supporting a two party system the way you did.

What makes you think I ever experienced such guilt, let alone "accepted" it?
FYI I have spent the vast majority of my life sans party affiliation. Telling you that just so you don't make the same mistake again.
FWIW, if I was in a very blue or very red State, I might well cast a vote for a third party candidate - especially if that candidate's platform included getting rid of the electoral college.
But this is about gulags, right?
At this point I'd support some gulags - for Trump, Pence, Barr, McConnell, Graham, Jordan, Nunes, Mulva, Munchkin and many others - there's a long list of treasonous co-conspirators who need to be brought to account.
Sanders isn't left enough for PyramidHead, but it is the best option for the discriminating communist. As a note, I believe PyramidHead is a Communist. He can correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't want to speak for him, but it's my understanding that he's a classic socialist. Ie he believes that the means of production should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole. Communism is where means of production are owned by the state. Socialism is ownership by the community or collective. I apologize in advance if I'm wrong.
Okay, that works. In either case, Sanders to him is a capitalist sellout.
Sanders isn't left enough for PyramidHead, but it is the best option for the discriminating communist. As a note, I believe PyramidHead is a Communist. He can correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't want to speak for him, but it's my understanding that he's a classic socialist. Ie he believes that the means of production should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole. Communism is where means of production are owned by the state. Socialism is ownership by the community or collective. I apologize in advance if I'm wrong.
Okay, that works. In either case, Sanders to him is a capitalist sellout.

That's why we need Bloomberg. Right? :confused:
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