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Bernie supporters lie about Biden


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs
The more I hear about Bernie and his hardcore supporters, the more he reminds me of Trump. He may not be as horrible as Trump, but he seems to be similar in that he resembles a cult leader to me. And, lately, even some of the most well respected liberals are beginning to criticize him. He is the only candidate that I would have a very hard time voting for, although considering the alternative, I might be able to hold my nose and do it. I just hope the Bernie supporters have enough sense to realize they need to support the Democratic nominee in the general, but I digress.


While the news media has been focused on the “spat” between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, something much more serious has been taking place between the Sanders campaign and Joe Biden. Not to sugarcoat it: The Sanders campaign has flat-out lied about things Biden said in 2018 about Social Security, and it has refused to admit the falsehood.

This is bad; it is, indeed, almost Trumpian. The last thing we need is another president who demonizes and lies about anyone who disagrees with him, and can’t admit ever being wrong. Biden deserves an apology, now, and Sanders probably needs to find better aides.

That said — and this is no excuse for the Sanders camp — it would be good to have Biden explain why, in the more distant past, he went along with the Beltway consensus that Social Security needed to be pared back.

Paul Krugman has been respected for years as a very liberal economist, and even he can see that Sanders is potentially hurting the Democratic Party. Imo, he helped Hillary lose, even though he gave her tepid support in the end. I have had a few friends who voted third party because they didn't get Bernie as the nominee. I hope they have learned a valuable lesson.

I don't care about some of the nutty things that Bernie or any candidate did in the distant past. It's what they are doing and supporting now that concerns me. And such blatant lies and criticism about one of your fellow Democratic opponents is exactly how you help the other party. The Republicans already take things out of context when they criticize opponents. We don't need the Democrats to do the same thing, especially not to each other.

And, while I stay away from FB, a friend of mine went to a Bernie FB site and was mercilessly attacked by some Bernie bros because she doesn't support Bernie. This is why he and his supporters remind me of Trump and his supporters. They don't care about what anyone else wants. They don't seem to be able to have intelligent discussions because everything is my way or nothing.

Sanders has always been a critic of the Dems and only calls himself one when it's convenient. He has never accomplished much during his long career in Congress, but somehow he's been put on a pedestal by his supporters. I would say this reminds me of the Nixon v. McGovern race, but McGovern was a much smarter, better progressive than Sanders will ever be. Still, during a period of time when the country was further to the left than it is currently, McGovern, who I supported, lost in a landslide. Okay. I'm ranting. Sorry. I don't know for sure who I will support in the primaries, but I know it won't be Sanders. Any of the other candidates would be much better than him.

For one thing, the things that Sanders promises will never be passed, at least not in the foreseeable future. He rants and raves, but never once has he explained a realistic plan as to how any of his pie in the sky ideas will become law. Plus, I can't imagine Sanders negotiating with our allies, if we have any left when Trump is gone. What foreign policy work has he ever done? I don't get why people support him, anymore than I get why people support Trump. My criticism isn't meant to be personal. I have friends who support Trump. I don't judge people simply based on who they support politically.

If you support Sanders, please tell me why. I don't want to judge or criticize anyone personally. I just want to know how you think Sanders would ever be able to get enough cooperation from moderates and conservatives to have any of his ideals become law. Despite being harshly criticized by a former poster here because I don't support Sanders, I consider myself a center left progressive, but I'm also an extremely pragmatic realist.

Of course, if you come back and tell me how awful I am for not supporting Sanders, you've proven my point. :p I'm hoping we can simply discuss the appeal of Sanders without any personal attacks. Is that wishful thinking on my part? :D
Back in 2016, The Week magazine ran a short, on-point editorial making a direct connection between Bernie and Donald -- each man promoting a delusion tailored to a rabid fan base. I happen to think Bernie's is more delusional than Trump's. Isn't Sanders now one of only 2 self-identifying Democrat socialists on the hill (if my count is off, it aint far off.) Versus an entire GOP Senate majority willing to do the Orange Emperor's bidding.
Highly skeptical of touching this thread with a 20 foot pole, but it's a matter of public record that Biden supported cuts to Social Security multiple times throughout his career, and saying that the one time his opponent highlighted it was actually sarcasm, and took place after Biden miraculously changed his tune about it sometime in the last couple of years, is conceding that Biden is an opportunist. Ignoring record and focusing on campaign stump speeches is exactly the mindset that gets opportunists elected, and what they thrive on; I was bad before, but I'm good now, and the next time, I will be good to begin with (trust me).
Well for one, Bernie wasn't lying. Biden has been a middle of the road type who has shown to be ok with balancing the budget at the expense of SS, Medicare, Medicade, etc..

I don't care about some of the nutty things that Bernie or any candidate did in the distant past.
Funny thing is, you look at the speeches he made in the 80's and 90's, and they are the same things he is talking about now. He didn't have to come around on things like climate change and equal rights, he was always there.

The Republicans already take things out of context when they criticize opponents
As do many of the criticisms I've seen on Bernie. Like the claim of 'Bernie-Bros' not voting for Hillary, and Bernie not supporting Hillary enough, when apparently more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary than there were Hillary supporters that voted for Obama, and Bernie did more campaigning for Hillary that Hillary did for Obama, including in the key states that Hillary lost that she didn't go to.

And, while I stay away from FB, a friend of mine went to a Bernie FB site and was mercilessly attacked by some Bernie bros because she doesn't support Bernie
And did you see how anyone that didn't support Hillary was labeled a sexist, regardless of their reasons why? btw, I voted for Bernie in the primaries, and for Hillary in the election.

He has never accomplished much during his long career in Congress,
I believe he has actually sponsored quite a bit that has gotten bi-partisan support. And years ago he was the only one talking about such ideas as Medicare for All. Now that is a subject all the Democrats have to at least touch on. He is affecting the discussions in the right direction, which is a hell of a lot better that giving up before even starting because you don't think you will be able to get everything you want.

For one thing, the things that Sanders promises will never be passed, at least not in the foreseeable future.
So give up, don't try, just go along with the Republicans in whatever they want in the hopes they will be generous in the future? No thanks, we tried that. Obama's strategy was to start with a compromise in hopes of getting Republicans to easily agree. That is why the ACA was based on the Republican healthcare proposal, and they trashed it as extremist liberal policy, so it got watered down further. If we start with Medicare For All, even if we don't get it we may get a compromise that will at least move things in the right direction.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.
Another thing about Bernie supporters that his haters will never realize: It isn't about him. It's about his policies. Most of his supporters would turn on him if he suddenly switched around on his policies and opposed Medicare for all, living wage, free college, etc. A number of them (including myself) have already left him for Yang due to the UBI issue.

These people are not wowed by Bernie's age, messy hair, or inability to keep his tongue in his mouth for more than two minutes. They are liberals and progressives who are not impressed by platitudes from sell outs in wine caves and who don't want to settle for Republican-light.

Bernie is not like Trump. Bernie is not a cult leader. If there is a cult around Bernie it is a cult of progressive thought and socialism. It isn't about him. If he fails to win the presidency this time, he likely won't be around to run next time, but another may take up his ideas, and they will be just as popular with the same supporters for it. It could be AOC if she shifts away from identify politics a bit.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

I have always seen this as an attack of last resort because he has such a sparse history for scandals. Other than calling him a socialist or too much of an idealist there isn't anything to grab onto.
Who has told you you're awful for not supporting Sanders? Is that actually a thing that has happened in real life?
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.
Where is he rising to front runner status?

Biden has the national lead. Sanders has one poll ahead in Iowa. Sanders is ahead in New Hampshire, which Vermont borders. NH is showing Warren's weakness. Paul Tsongas won New Hampshire in 1992. Who you say? Exactly! He was a Massachusetts Senator (was as in he was no longer a Senator after retiring after 86 due to a cancer diagnosis).

Otherwise, Sanders is behind everywhere else. Biden has comfortable leads in Florida and California.

So I'm not seeing the Sanders front runner status that you are. He is lifting higher than he was in the polls, but it isn't putting him ahead of Biden.

Goodness, the primary of dinosaurs! #comeonamy!
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.
Where is he rising to front runner status?

Biden has the national lead. Sanders has one poll ahead in Iowa. Sanders is ahead in New Hampshire, which Vermont borders. NH is showing Warren's weakness. Paul Tsongas won New Hampshire in 1992. Who you say? Exactly! He was a Massachusetts Senator (was as in he was no longer a Senator after retiring after 86 due to a cancer diagnosis).

Otherwise, Sanders is behind everywhere else. Biden has comfortable leads in Florida and California.

So I'm not seeing the Sanders front runner status that you are. He is lifting higher than he was in the polls, but it isn't putting him ahead of Biden.

Goodness, the primary of dinosaurs! #comeonamy!

I think the various polls show fluctuations, and so one person listening to the news might hear that Bernie's in front for Iowa or in some other specific context like money raised. A lot of people don't pay attention to the details. They just see someone's in first place and that's either cause for joy or cause for alarm. lol But Bernie has been listed in front in several polls recently.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.
Where is he rising to front runner status?

Biden has the national lead. Sanders has one poll ahead in Iowa. Sanders is ahead in New Hampshire, which Vermont borders. NH is showing Warren's weakness. Paul Tsongas won New Hampshire in 1992. Who you say? Exactly! He was a Massachusetts Senator (was as in he was no longer a Senator after retiring after 86 due to a cancer diagnosis).

Otherwise, Sanders is behind everywhere else. Biden has comfortable leads in Florida and California.

So I'm not seeing the Sanders front runner status that you are. He is lifting higher than he was in the polls, but it isn't putting him ahead of Biden.

Goodness, the primary of dinosaurs! #comeonamy!

I think the various polls show fluctuations, and so one person listening to the news might hear that Bernie's in front for Iowa or in some other specific context like money raised. A lot of people don't pay attention to the details. They just see someone's in first place and that's either cause for joy or cause for alarm. lol But Bernie has been listed in front in several polls recently.
Several? A few, yes... mainly New Hampshire. None nationally. Iowa has one poll with him leading.
I think the various polls show fluctuations, and so one person listening to the news might hear that Bernie's in front for Iowa or in some other specific context like money raised. A lot of people don't pay attention to the details. They just see someone's in first place and that's either cause for joy or cause for alarm. lol But Bernie has been listed in front in several polls recently.
Several? A few, yes... mainly New Hampshire. None nationally. Iowa has one poll with him leading.

A frontrunner, not the frontrunner. The point being, he could win this thing, especially since if you're being honest, he is the candidate whose base is the most underrepresented in polls... that's kind of his schtick.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.

That is ridiculous. To refer to someone as "bro" is more closely a term of endearment than it ever is offensive. If it is seen as offensive, I would venture to guess it was the Bernie Bros who made it so. It has all the racist and sexist overtones of my then teenage daughter calling her girlfriends "dude" in conversation.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.

That is ridiculous. To refer to someone as "bro" is more closely a term of endearment than it ever is offensive. If it is seen as offensive, I would venture to guess it was the Bernie Bros who made it so. It has all the racist and sexist overtones of my then teenage daughter calling her girlfriends "dude" in conversation.

The only way your reply is not either breathtakingly ignorant or insultingly cynical is if it's satire, and I'm in a good mood today so I'm gonna give you the benefit of that doubt.
"Bernie Bros" is frequently said to imply sexism, as it was in the OP. I rarely hear it said otherwise. You never hear of Bernie Sis'
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.

That is ridiculous. To refer to someone as "bro" is more closely a term of endearment than it ever is offensive. If it is seen as offensive, I would venture to guess it was the Bernie Bros who made it so. It has all the racist and sexist overtones of my then teenage daughter calling her girlfriends "dude" in conversation.

The only way your reply is not either breathtakingly ignorant or insultingly cynical is if it's satire, and I'm in a good mood today so I'm gonna give you the benefit of that doubt.
Well, you could have gone the high road and posted a link or something, instead, you went with passive aggressive. Congrats.

Bernie Bros. the origin story. A guy writing for The Atlantic came up with the term.
article said:
The Berniebro is not every Bernie Sanders supporter. Sanders’s support skews young, but not particularly male. The Berniebro is male, though. Very male.

The Berniebro is someone you may only have encountered if you’re somewhat similar to him: white; well-educated; middle-class (or, delicately, “upper middle-class”); and aware of NPR podcasts and jangly bearded bands.

The Berniebro might loathe one NPR podcast in particular.
Things get complicated.
article said:
“Bernie Bros’’ are the frequently misogynist and occasionally obscene Internet denizens who in posts and tweets have relentlessly derided Clinton (“Shillary’’) as too old, too compromised and/or too much of a card-carrying female to be president.

Her supporters claim to have been bullied and harassed (“their vaginas are making terrible choices,” read one online comment from a Sanders supporter on a photo of Clinton and New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen) for expressing themselves on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

But now, with Clinton headed toward a showdown with the GOP’s master of the Internet insult, there arises a new, and ironic, concern: Where will Bernie Bros — and, more importantly, the general digital passion and energy that they represent — go?
How much are Bernie supporters, how many are trolls? The Internet has done us well to eliminate any ability to know.

I don't think Clinton helped her case much in looking innocent and not playing the card.

article said:
Clinton's quote is obviously not exact. But Sanders was addressing her directly and did mention shouting. Was Sanders Telling Clinton To Stop Shouting?

Well, he was addressing her directly, but this isn't the first time he's talked about shouting as it relates to arguments over gun control. In one of the many instances Sanders was asked out it this week, he told CNN's Jake Tapper:
I'll note that the NPR link is post Atlantic, the USA article is in 2016.

I think this qualifies as GRAY.
When will it finally be acknowledged that the "Bernie Bro" meme is profoundly racist and sexist in the way it erases the biggest chunk of Bernie's base, which is more diverse racially than any of the others and more female than male? This has been the case since the beginning of his campaign, pretty much, which is why I write off anybody who still tries to frame it otherwise.

Also, the bad-faith criticism threads about Bernie are quite expectedly happening just as he's rising in the polls to frontrunner status. That's more important than what anybody says about him online, and an encouraging sign. Keep them coming.

If and when it’s ever true.
Another thing about Bernie supporters that his haters will never realize: It isn't about him. It's about his policies. Most of his supporters would turn on him if he suddenly switched around on his policies and opposed Medicare for all, living wage, free college, etc. A number of them (including myself) have already left him for Yang due to the UBI issue.

These people are not wowed by Bernie's age, messy hair, or inability to keep his tongue in his mouth for more than two minutes. They are liberals and progressives who are not impressed by platitudes from sell outs in wine caves and who don't want to settle for Republican-light.

Bernie is not like Trump. Bernie is not a cult leader. If there is a cult around Bernie it is a cult of progressive thought and socialism. It isn't about him. If he fails to win the presidency this time, he likely won't be around to run next time, but another may take up his ideas, and they will be just as popular with the same supporters for it. It could be AOC if she shifts away from identify politics a bit.

Bernie is all about Bernie and always has been. As I’ve saud before, he’s not actually the only or even the most progressive candidate still in the race. He is, however, the least likely progressive to actually be effective.
I like Sanders much better than his supporters. #notallberniebros but at least on social media he has the most noticeably obnoxious supporters compared to any of the other candidates'. Their main m.o. is to bash everyone else as the devil no matter how little they differ from Sanders on something or not. They are very stupid people because they are not helping Sanders get more voters. If Sanders loses, they deserve some of the blame.
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