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Best superhero arch-nemesis

Saturday morning cartoon villians were incredibly shallow, always wanting to take over the world for no apparent reason other than
they were evil. The hero's usually lost the first skirmish, but would
eventually figure out some clever \ stupid strategy to outsmart the
bad guy.

Very formula. These cartooms were clearly aimed at kids, like me.
These days, the stories seem to be at a level that an adult can watch
and enjoy along with the kids.

Saturday morning cartoons were so incredibly shallow that even the Riddler made an credible villain to the heroes of those cartoons.

Seanbaby discusses the Riddler

"What's Green and Purple and commits lots of crime? Whose superpower is wasting your time?"
Well, the Amanda Waller implanting bombs in people is on Arrow and so far there is only one "resurrection" in that show and its pretty plausible.

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, Captain Cold. Flash Villain (Rogue) and all around layered character, badass, and out to make money for him and the other villains in central city and not so much motivated by all the gradiosity that infects comics, but as a criminal with a plan and a code. Ive always enjoyed a good flash run since the villains are just fun to watch. It's batmans rogues gallery minus the depression.

The stuff by Robert Kirkman tends to have well written villains. Angstrom Levy from Invincible stands out as well as do some others, but since Invincible is a relatively new comic and not common knowledge I won't spoil it. Lets just say issue 7 radically redefines the nature of the storyverse
Ever see Spider-Man's time with the Captain Universe power?

No, I didn't!! Sounds cool!

It happened din the "Acts of Vengance" crossover long ago. Villains decided to switch heroes to see what happened. (Thor vs Juggernaut for example). Spidey was in some lab accident, then started showing a bunch of new powers. It was thought the accident gave him new powers, but near the end when Dr. Doom tried to take them away it was found that the accident was blocking the Captain Universe powers. While he had the partial powers Spidey took on Graviton, Magneto, Terminus, and the Hulk. None of which was the threat he got the powers to fight.

Btw, part of the power multiplies your strength x50. Soooo with his normal strength of able to press 10 tons... Let's just say he litterally knocked the Hulk into orbit.
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