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Biden claims nobody would have died from COVID-19 if Trump had 'done his job'

Note how the clip starts just as he says those words. This makes me strongly suspect that this is a deceptive edit, the context would be apparent if we heard what came just before this.

I think the statement stands pretty well on its own.

It was a dumb thing to say. There isn't a politician human on earth that hasn't said something dumb.
Biden is wrong. Americans would have died regardless. This does seem a peculiar complaint by Metaphor as clearly Trump's actions on COVID-19 have led to the deaths of over 100,000 people. He has denied the significance of the pandemic, encouraged people not to wear masks, and has repeatedly interferred with the CDC in dealing with the pandemic from the hydroxychloroquine bullshit to recommendation guidelines to seizing PPE and equipment headed to states to deal with the pandemic.

Trump did much much worse than just nothing.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.
That comes down to if anyone else would have had their ass flapping out over the Atlantic while bragging about the China travel ban. Two or three weeks quicker response to Europe would have saved tens of thousands of lives in NY, NJ, MA.

Sure, but that still leaves you with tens of thousands dead. Again, my main point is that saying 10k deaths with "good leadership" is a huge stretch.

I mean, I think it might be effective politics, but y'all don't really believe that, do you? It's a problem when you believe your own bullshit.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?

But you're not dissenting. You're illuminating Trump's foolishness by finding minusha in Biden Speak. So it's not zero versus 200k. It's just one hundred times worse than NZ or SK.

Yeah it may be a bit to subtle for you. I'm giving you a head's up anyway.

You're welcome.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?

But you're not dissenting. You're illuminating Trump's foolishness by finding minusha in Biden Speak.So it's not zero versus 200k. It's just one hundred times worse than NS or SK.

Yeah it may be a bit to subtl efor you. I'm giving you a head's up anyway.

You're welcome.

One hundred times worse than New Zealand or South Korea sounds about right for America, frankly.

Again, I think some people implicitly agree with the whole MAGA ideology, they just don't like Trump. Or rather, they thing "America is already great!".
...Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level....

There are SOME Americans who are incompetent or crazy such that they can't do the right thing. There are some more who are unintelligent and sometimes engage in a conspiracy theory or two. A competent executive without interference of propaganda by the Republican Noise Machine or Russian bots could really, really work with the latter and even get some other competent persons to assist the former. Let's be real here: the overriding problem isn't Americans are a bunch of morons. A bigger problem has been misinformation, propaganda, and politics regarding covid and most of that fueled by Trump and company.

I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.

I think you are trying to be reasonable. Yes, you should expect high population densities to be correlated to infections and there is probably a non-linear relationship there, exponential-like maybe. And you should expect some people in such areas not to listen. BUT do recall that Trump had eliminated the NSC pandemic unit comprised of some 250 professionals. While a few of them were transferred to other departments and are valuable, such group of persons had expertise and special duties to examine pandemic threats and plan responses. The sluggish response of the Administration would have been non-existent had there been someone like Obama in office.

There are frankly tons of health care institutions in NYC and with early guidance and directives from the top, they'd all be in synch to avoid calamity to a much greater extent. I recall the Ebola scare and I remember how quickly things came together, getting everyone on the same page in such places. I worked in the healthcare industry at the time. There was no conspiracy theory being pushed by Obama or commentary like, "hey you don't have to do that."

Trump: "This is something that you can never really think is going to happen." He's a stable genius. You know so it's all him. He can't rely on experts and delegate his technical understanding off to them. If he doesn't get it, it isn't a thing. If he doesn't imagine it, no one could. These are signs of a control freak who can never be an expertly competent leader. Come on. He's a reality tv star who made a name for himself firing people sometimes not even for the right reasons--just for drama in ratings points. Now, he's fired a competent unit that would have made a difference, argued with scientists who are experts in their fields, and created propaganda against the national interest.

These things all impacted NY/NJ, as much as everywhere else.
The mind boggles. Absolutely boggles.

Two men are competing for the Presidency. One of them is definitely a criminal, definitely a traitor, and allegedly a child rapist. He is a narcissist with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child brat. His sociopathy is so obvious that psychologists can diagnose him with confidence without any personal interview.

The other man is a man with compassion and integrity, as even his serious opponents acknowledge.

The first man lies with almost every breath. On the occasions where he doesn't deliberately lie, his utterances are very often false anyway, due to his stupidity and ignorance.

Yet OP wishes to focus on an ambiguous statement by the second man: an ambiguous statement which might be interpreted uncharitably as false.

The mind boggles.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

To say it is either mis-speaking or lying is a false dichotomy. Biden may be mistaken. He may truly believe that every single person could have been saved.

May be "mistaken" but that's a stretch to think he actually believed going into this townhall that Trump was wholly responsible for these deaths.
May be lying is a possibility. Politicians are known for their lies.
Joe Biden misspeaking. Tell me that's not a winner. He misspeaks on a regular basis.
False dihotomy? By a hair's breadth perhaps.

Tell me, why do you think drawing attention to something Biden said means I support Trump?

I wasn't thinking that but now that you mention it, it is a pretty fair assumption.
The mind boggles. Absolutely boggles.

Two men are competing for the Presidency. One of them is definitely a criminal, definitely a traitor, and allegedly a child rapist. He is a narcissist with the emotional maturity of a spoiled child brat. His sociopathy is so obvious that psychologists can diagnose him with confidence without any personal interview.

The other man is a man with compassion and integrity, as even his serious opponents acknowledge.

The first man lies with almost every breath. On the occasions where he doesn't deliberately lie, his utterances are very often false anyway, due to his stupidity and ignorance.

Yet OP wishes to focus on an ambiguous statement by the second man: an ambiguous statement which might be interpreted uncharitably as false.

The mind boggles.
It makes the choice in 2000 seem difficult. I remember a guy asking "but would Al Gore be his own man?" Failed business man turn politician (when Rick Perry was considered the brains of Government in Texas oh gawd!) version long time senator turn VP.

Now we looking at a guy who had to settle with all the customers of his fraudulent "university" and has impeded a pandemic response domestically... and whether Biden exaggerated in a statement or misspoke to someone.
Okay. Trump’s only responsible for about 180,000 deaths. I think that would be a fair number to hang on him considering our population in comparison to other countries and our obesity rate.
Also, we do not look at these comments in a vacuum. They are viewed in the light of a lifetime of public comments. When viewed as such, do you think Biden misspoke or lied? We’re it Trump making the comment given his track record?
So, what you may now try to present as a double standard, isn’t as Biden has long established himself as an individual who will mangle many a statement and Trump has long established himself as a fucking liar.

10,000 in the US? I doubt it, even with a very competent executive, Americans are incapable of doing the sorts of things necessary to combat the virus to bring deaths down to that level. People were shooting each other over wearing masks within the first few weeks. I don't think if say, Clinton or Obama would have been President that the New York / New Jersey outbreak would have been ameliorated by much, certainly not to bring the deaths down to only 10k. I think something like 50k is more realistic. But probably higher. More like 100k.

No. You have to think like it's April 2020 and everyone is clueless and scared of this virus. Our (R) governor in OH stepped up and shut things down toot sweet and measured a 93% approval rating among all Ohioans. Street traffic was off well over 50%. People not wearing masks were those who couldn't get their hands on them yet.
If A Clownstick Orange had done this early on, there is no reason to believe he would not have yielded similar compliance.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?
You think boring pedantry is an improvement?
Video here:

"If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people — I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data."

Politico and WashPo have fact-checked Biden's statement, and have come to the startling conclusion that Biden is wrong! As it turns out, even the most praised leaders have a COVID-19 body count!

If you think that is a problem for a presidential candidate, why don't you take a look at what Trump (actual President, not kidding) said to George Stephanopoulos:
"I think I saved two, maybe two and a half, maybe more than that, lives."

Biden and Trump basically agree, all but two, maybe two and a half lives can be laid at Trump's feet. When you are talking 200,000 lives lost in the US due to the pandemic, Biden's is actually the more accurate statement.
That seems like such a small task, and yet it is an Herculean one for a pseudo-conservative moron. While obviously I lack the cognitive werewithall to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best and brightest on the board, but I do hold out hope that I might be able to continue to post.

Take heart. God created fascists and fleas in the same breath, along with angels and assholes. There is a place for every misfit whose role remains beyond the sphere of human understanding. All you need is faith, and you will be able to post. In fact, give it a try right now. I believe in you - you can do it, Meta.

PS: "wherewithal" has two "H"s and only one "L". Also, either the first word, "While", or the last word, "but", is grammatically extraneous.
Just trying to help your ability to post. You're welcome. :)
But you're not dissenting. You're illuminating Trump's foolishness by finding minusha in Biden Speak. So it's not zero versus 200k. It's just one hundred times worse than NZ or SK.

These comparisons between the United States and South Korea/New Zealand :rolleyes:

New Zealand is a tiny island nation that does not even have internal states. There's the central government and there's local councils, so the prime minister has a lot more control over a unitary state. It's population density is half that of the United States. The US population is 66x NZ's.
That seems like such a small task, and yet it is an Herculean one for a pseudo-conservative moron. While obviously I lack the cognitive werewithall to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best and brightest on the board, but I do hold out hope that I might be able to continue to post.

Take heart. God created fascists and fleas in the same breath, along with angels and assholes. There is a place for every misfit whose role remains beyond the sphere of human understanding. All you need is faith, and you will be able to post. In fact, give it a try right now. I believe in you - you can do it, Meta.

PS: "wherewithal" has two "H"s and only one "L". Also, either the first word, "While", or the last word, "but", is grammatically extraneous.
Just trying to help your ability to post. You're welcome. :)

Yes, I often change what I am writing as I'm writing it, and I noticed the unnecessary 'but' after I'd posted it, but it didn't bother me enough to edit the post. The misspelling of 'wherewithal' I will have to own, but.

EDIT: Also, god didn't create anything because she doesn't exist.
Metaphor, do you actually want to continue with this line of silliness? Its only going to make Trump look the fool supported by fools. If you want us bring up 100 to 1 performance comparisons go for it.

What "line of silliness"? Do you mean "dissenting" from the board by not adding my voice to the chorus of endless and boring Trump hatred?
You think boring pedantry is an improvement?

Your the expert on boring pedantry, laughing dog, so you must have seen value in it to get so skilled at it.
Note how the clip starts just as he says those words. This makes me strongly suspect that this is a deceptive edit, the context would be apparent if we heard what came just before this.

Yes, that occurred to me also, but the media fact-checks imply there was no ambiguity about what he was referring to.
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