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Bipartisan group of senators announce framework of gun violence agreement


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Whoop de doo.

Newscaster announcing this as though frameworks were all we ever needed to mitigate mass shootings, accidental killings and murders.
Like we haven't seen this movie before? There is NO WAY Republicans are going to ever allow ANYTHING to pass the senate that will meet with the disapproval of the NRA donor establishment. They don't want any gun control laws, they want MORE people (ostensibly cops) with guns on the streets. And more guns seized and destroyed so more guns can be sold so more money can go into their slush funds... When the intensity starts to wane and the opposition wearies, nothing of gun violence significance will pass a Senate with 50 Republicans in it. So you KNOW what's coming"

"We tried - we had a framework and we were working with our Democrat friends! But they wanted the moon. It would BREAK the Constitution and we couldn't do that to the American people. Just vote Republican, we'll give you more cops and you'll be safe"

...and the FOX News right will be happy.
Imaginary Republican said:
"We tried - we had a framework and we were working with our Democrat friends! But they wanted the moon. It would BREAK the Constitution and we couldn't do that to the American people. Just vote Republican, we'll give you more cops and you'll be safe"
Then Schumer should just make sure Warren, Bernie et al don't vote against it just because it doesn't include a ban on shoulder things that go up. Because otherwise, your imaginary Republicans are out of that excuse.
Well the proposal, as hollow as it is, still better than the Hopes and Prayers Act.

Edward (19 year old at Biffs Guns 'n Alcohol Emporium)

Edward: Okay, I'd like three AR-15's, 3 ammo cartridges for each...
Owner: Would you like to super size that?
Edward: Oh... yeah, definitely.
Owner: Okay, so with the large magazines, that'll make this the LaPierre Platter. Anything else?
Edward: I'd like a bottle of whisky too, please.
Owner: I'm gonna need to see some ID boy.
Obviously one of the assumptions was that with so many firearms already out there and in the hands of persons without the slightest need or competence in their use, and many paranoid owners with nefarious intentions, the only solution is to further saturate with more guns in the hope that a few sensible individuals may be able to save themselves if they strap a penis to their waist.
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