I'll skip over a lot of asteroids, moons, and small planets to the largest rocky planet in the Solar System, one not much smaller than the largest rocky planets elsewhere: the Earth, our home planet.
Its brightness from reflected sunlight would be magnitude -4 + 5*log10(dsp) + 5*log10(dep) for Sun-planet distance dsp and Earth-planet distance dep in AU's (size of Earth orbit). For dsp >> 1 AU, that reduces to -4 + 10*log10(dsp) -- an inverse-fourth-power law.
Absolute magnitude Its angular diameter at 1 AU would be 17.6 seconds of arc, observable in a small telescope.
At Saturn's distance (10 AU), it would be +6 mag, 2" of arc, enough for a comet hunter to easily spot it, and at Eris's distance (100 AU), it would be +16 mag, 0.2" of arc, hard to observe, but likely in the range of asteroid searches.
Gravitational effects? Its effect on a planet's orbit when near that orbit would be about m/M where m is its mass and M the sun's mass. For distance d >> planet distance a, that would be (m/d^3)/(M/a^3) = (m/M)*(a/d)^3. About 1/333,000 when nearby, about a second of arc or 1.5 milliseconds of radio-signal travel time at 1 AU. So such a planet could be detected by spacecraft tracking.
At 1 AU, the lens effect would be 0.05" across, at 10 AU 0.02", and at 100 AU 0.005" across - blocked by the planet's bulk.
Redoing for a Jupiter-sized planet, the absolute magnitude gets -5 added, and the size gets multiplied by 11. That gives us -9 and 3' (minutes of arc) at 1 AU, +1 and 19" at 10 AU, and +11 and 2" at 100 AU.
The planet's mass is 1/1047. that of the Sun, meaning that perturbations on the planets' motions will be much easier to observe, and meaning that the gravitational-lens effect will be 30 times larger: 0.9" at 1 AU, 0.3" at 10 AU, and 0.09" at 100 AU.