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Blood on those Tiny Hands


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I have never been ashamed or embarrassed to be an American until now.
I sincerely hope the Donald "Liddle Dick" Trump has a debilitating stroke in the next ten minutes. The world would all be better off.

Veterans Against Republican Ignorance said:
SYRIA UPDATE: Turkey is “accidentally” dropping bombs over American troop withdrawal areas, our Kurdish allies are being slaughtered in a genocide, captured ISIS fighters are being released from their jails, Turkey has taken weapons shipments from Russia (over American warnings and protest), the gains made over YEARS via our soldier’s lives (and those of our allies) are being undone in hours, and Putin is happy to take control of Syria via his proxy Assad and his new bestie Turkey. And now our troops are being sent to the home of almost all the 9/11 terrorists to protect Saudi Arabia’s oil with their lives... Anyone wanna try defend all this?
I know exactly how you feel. Trump turning his back on the Kurds is disgusting. While, I was fiercely against getting involved in Iraq, you can't just abandoned allies who have helped you for over a decade. Didn't Colon Powell warn us about this? *sigh*
I know exactly how you feel. Trump turning his back on the Kurds is disgusting. While, I was fiercely against getting involved in Iraq, you can't just abandoned allies who have helped you for over a decade. Didn't Colon Powell warn us about this? *sigh*

Suffering and strife are the tools that Putin leverages to his own power, and Trump is trying to emulate Putin (his role model) with every fiber of his miserable being.
The death and destruction attendant to Trump's permission to Turkey, are not unavoidable but regrettable consequences, they are the OBJECT of the exercise.
The operative dynamic is to make life untenable for millions of people, forcing them to flee as refugees, creating a problem for the West about which Trump can complain and promise to fix. Letting some tens of thousands of hardened ISIS fighters escape, lends credence to the fearmongering that is Trump's only real political stock in trade.

When people are happy and prosperous, they don't listen to blowhards trying to instill fear in them. But when they are enduring tortuous circumstances they are easy prey for parasites like Trump or Putin. So their entire agenda is to create horrors, and proclaim themselves as the sole saviors from said horrors.
The REAL horror is that more and more, they are absolutely right when they say shit like "I alone can fix it". And that holds true as long as they remain in power. The other way to stop the horror would be to remove them. But the masses, terrified and confused by propaganda, refuse to let go of the perpetually broken promise to "fix it". Incredibly, in America, they're ready to try to re-elect the Trump Mob.

It's a shame that there is no "2nd amendment solution" available to Russians - or to Americans.
Turkish-backed groups have killed nine civilians, including a female politician, in northeastern Syria, according to a human rights monitor.

Hevrin Khalaf, the Future Syria Party’s secretary-general, and her driver were ambushed and shot dead on Saturday, according to Kurdish forces.

“The nine civilians were executed at different moments south of the town of Tal Abyad,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

In a statement, the political arm of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said Khalaf was “taken out of her car during a Turkish-backed attack and executed by Turkish-backed mercenary factions”.

“This is clear evidence that the Turkish state is continuing its criminal policy towards unarmed civilians,” the SDF said.

The electoral college placed a man in power with zero integrity and no moral core. He has infected all of us because Presidents speak and act for us. Our word stands for nothing. America's commitments are as trustworthy as Trump. This will take a long time to fix, if it can be fixed. (Of course, the seesaw style we have of switching from Dems to GOP every 4 or 8 years means we're already a schizoid mess. But Trump's rule by whim and habit of changing his mind based on crap he sees on Fox makes us berserk and idiotic on top of schizoid.)
As this situation devolves into disaster, Trump will own it. The question is, will it affect his re-election, or will the feckless 'conservatives' bite their lips and vote for this orange buffoon anyway, despite it all? Will this affect 2020? Will it help flip the Senate if the GOP Senators try to slide past this while supporting Trump? But this also is a problem for the Democrats. How strongly do they respond? Can they make it an issue for the general voter? How do we deal with the Saudi Arabia, Yemen issue in light of all of this? Will this embolden the many terrorist groups like Boko Haram or Shabab, or the Taliban to wait for the West, lead by America to cut and run?
Such a predictable and unnecessary disaster. This is probably his most obviously craven act yet, though that's a tough contest. I'd wonder if any of the trumpsuckers here would defend this, but of course they would if they've gone this far with him. 40% of the country has undergone a psychotic break.
We had what 1,000 or 3,000 troops keeping the peace. Typically if that can work, you shouldn't end it. It is extremely inexpensive peace. So now Syrian Troops are heading towards Turkish Troops. In saner times, the Turks would pull out, and they still might, but it is really hard to tell what Turkey wants in all this. They might not have expected the SDF and Syria to align so quickly, making ethnic cleansing much harder to accomplish. It is unstable, people are dying, and the US had the capacity to prevent a single bullet from flying. That is a failure of leadership.
We had what 1,000 or 3,000 troops keeping the peace. Typically if that can work, you shouldn't end it. It is extremely inexpensive peace. So now Syrian Troops are heading towards Turkish Troops. In saner times, the Turks would pull out, and they still might, but it is really hard to tell what Turkey wants in all this. They might not have expected the SDF and Syria to align so quickly, making ethnic cleansing much harder to accomplish. It is unstable, people are dying, and the US had the capacity to prevent a single bullet from flying. That is a failure of leadership.

I am beginning to suspect the worst, regarding who wants what out of this situation.
That worst includes the possibility that Putin sees his only path to his establishing true military parity with the US is to start WW3, and he has invited/forced Cheato to cash in on/play his scripted part in it with him. If that was the objective, it would quite take the mystery out of so many things...
A confusing situation. If we commit troops, on which side do they fight. Do we fight with Syria and the Russians against our NATO ally, Turkey. Or do we fight with our NATO ally, Turkey, against Syria and the Russians.

That was ALWAYS the problem with this war. We have no clear political position relative to it.
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