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Bob Woodward's new book

It's the same 'nameless sources' defence. The people quoted are anonymous, therefore aren't to be trusted and he's essentially making the whole thing up. Same as every other book/quote of disarray within the Whitehouse release thus far, unfortunately.

Donald Trump seems to be taking it rather seriously:

While y'all are probably correct that this won't make a difference to the hardcore Trumpers, the fact that Woodward is usually considered the best investigative journalist in the US, isn't a liberal and has won numerous awards for his work, does add a lot of credibility to the earlier authors who wrote books that said similar things about how the WH is run with Trump as president. I agree that Trump should have been removed from office due to his unfitness to hold the office, but those in power don't have the courage to do this.
Southern Republican senators reject Trump’s criticism of Sessions


Southern Republican senators defended Jeff Sessions after an explosive new book by Bob Woodward recounted how President Trump called his attorney general a “dumb Southerner” and mocked his accent

I notice that everyone seems to be accepting Woodward's claim, here. Or at least responding as if it was quite likely true.

Trump, WH, keep insisting it's all made-up-lies, but doesn't seem to be fooling nyone...
Thing is, if the book is full of lies, crafted to divide the nation, the party, wouldn't the fact that the Southern Republicans are bristling at the claims mean they're already divided?
How many more books can be published about Der Trumpster's incredible incompetence? I wonder how many current insiders are covering their asses and documenting the White House internal doings? How can Trump possibly hoe to win re-election in 2020? It makes my head hurt just trying to keep up with the near total dishonesty, incompetence, and stupidity of this orange fool.

Woodward's new book is going to set a new standard for Trump critics. And we have yet to see the flood of insider reports that book will shake loose for the titillation of Trump watchers everywhere. This all means for the 2020 elections, GOP Senators and Congressmen have to decide, will they jettison Trump, or hitch their careers to a man who is quickly becoming politically toxic. This is going to be interesting to watch how this all goes down.
The problem with the stories revealed by Woodward is that they are totally consistent with Trump's demeanor and record, so they are very believable.

At best, this book will undermine support for Trump among some Republicans in Congress. It will probably increase support among many Trump supporters because Trump plays up his victimhood, and the supporters unthinkingly lap it up.
The problem with the stories revealed by Woodward is that they are totally consistent with Trump's demeanor and record, so they are very believable.

At best, this book will undermine support for Trump among some Republicans in Congress. It will probably increase support among many Trump supporters because Trump plays up his victimhood, and the supporters unthinkingly lap it up.

I don't think it will move the needle for anybody one way or the other. As you said, all the revelations in the book are totally consistent with Trump's demeanour and record, so they're already factored into his support or lack thereof. His supporters will continue to not care and his detractors will just add them to the already incredibly large list of things which disgust them about this dipshit.
While it is written by a respected journalist who I am sure has sufficient backup to deal with lawsuits, it is sounding like a collection of tabloid gossip stories.

It fulfills Trump's narrative of people out to get him, which they are.
The problem with the stories revealed by Woodward is that they are totally consistent with Trump's demeanor and record, so they are very believable.

At best, this book will undermine support for Trump among some Republicans in Congress. It will probably increase support among many Trump supporters because Trump plays up his victimhood, and the supporters unthinkingly lap it up.

Surveys show many Trumpites still believe Obama is a Moslem and was born in Kenya and is not an American citizen. The shrill voices from Fox, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity and others of this ilk will never admit Trump is the disaster he obviously is. Where all that goes post-Trump is going to be interesting to watch. They will have to find a new Kook King to follow mindlessly.

If Trump goes down, he will attain martyr status from these idiots. They will be shrieking about it 50 years from now.
While it is written by a respected journalist who I am sure has sufficient backup to deal with lawsuits, it is sounding like a collection of tabloid gossip stories.
Tabloid stories are not believable. Just look to Guliani's various self-conflicting assertions for tabloid stories.

The fact that he will have actual tapes, that his claims will stand up in court, removes it completely from tabloid stories.

It fulfills Trump's narrative of people out to get him, which they are.
But Trump's narrative is the tabloid one. That people are out to get him because they still want Hillary to win the election. That they're all just making up lies because they're evil and have no good reason to resist his leadership.
THIS narrative expands on the reasons people have to 'get' him.
That he cannot lead, he can't even be trusted with pen, phone, or microphone.
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.
The problem with the stories revealed by Woodward is that they are totally consistent with Trump's demeanor and record, so they are very believable.

At best, this book will undermine support for Trump among some Republicans in Congress. It will probably increase support among many Trump supporters because Trump plays up his victimhood, and the supporters unthinkingly lap it up.

I don't think it will move the needle for anybody one way or the other. As you said, all the revelations in the book are totally consistent with Trump's demeanour and record, so they're already factored into his support or lack thereof. His supporters will continue to not care and his detractors will just add them to the already incredibly large list of things which disgust them about this dipshit.

The (current version) Republicans are putting party over politics, and at some point one would think the line will be crossed where it's not advantageous to hitch their cart to Trump - He is polling really low right now since Manafort & Cohen's conviction - but they haven't yet. The only thing I could think of was they were waiting until Kavanaugh was jammed through.

If they don't separate themselves from Trump, they will likely lose the mid-terms.

I'm missing something here.
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.

I for one voted for Hillary and was looking forward to protesting against here policies by now. You'd think that when the majority of people vote against someone more often then they vote for someone it would be easy to side with those who oppose at least some of their policies. Instead it's all about loyalty to the tribe. That's what social media has brought us to.
The cabinet should just go amendment 25 and stop playing around.
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.

I for one voted for Hillary and was looking forward to protesting against here policies by now. You'd think that when the majority of people vote against someone more often then they vote for someone it would be easy to side with those who oppose at least some of their policies. Instead it's all about loyalty to the tribe. That's what social media has brought us to.

I voted for her too as a the best candidate we have had in decades.
Most of Woodward’s reporting here is as disturbing as expected, which is another way of saying it is shocking but not surprising—the four-word epithet that has come to define Trump’s presidency. According to CNN’s report on the 448-page book, Trump’s then-personal attorney John Dowd became convinced that Trump could not be allowed to speak to Robert Mueller because the president would inevitably perjure himself. Trump, as has been previously reported, rebelled, insisting that he could exonerate himself if only he could testify with the special counsel. Dowd, Woodward reports, decided to conduct a mock interview on January 27 to prove his point.

Trump failed, according to Dowd, but the President still insisted he should testify.

Woodward writes that Dowd saw the “full nightmare” of a potential Mueller interview, and felt Trump acted like an “aggrieved Shakespearean king.”

More surprising is what reportedly happened next: Dowd and Trump’s personal attorney, Jay Sekulow, “went to Mueller's office and re-enacted the mock interview” with the hope of convincing Mueller that Trump couldn’t testify because he is a pathological liar. “He just made something up. That’s his nature,” Dowd reportedly told Mueller. (In an interview with the Daily Caller shortly after parts of Fear were leaked, Trump attacked Woodward in a manner characteristic with Dowd’s alleged statement, accusing the Watergate reporter of having ”lot of credibility problems.”)

So, Dump's lawyers demonstrated to him why he should not be deposed and he still insists. So Dump's lawyers then go to the chief investigator and plea that Dump is congenitally incapable of NOT perjuring himself, and therefore should not be interviewed.

That sounds like 25th Amendment stuff, right there.
Most of Woodward’s reporting here is as disturbing as expected, which is another way of saying it is shocking but not surprising—the four-word epithet that has come to define Trump’s presidency. According to CNN’s report on the 448-page book, Trump’s then-personal attorney John Dowd became convinced that Trump could not be allowed to speak to Robert Mueller because the president would inevitably perjure himself. Trump, as has been previously reported, rebelled, insisting that he could exonerate himself if only he could testify with the special counsel. Dowd, Woodward reports, decided to conduct a mock interview on January 27 to prove his point.

Trump failed, according to Dowd, but the President still insisted he should testify.

Woodward writes that Dowd saw the “full nightmare” of a potential Mueller interview, and felt Trump acted like an “aggrieved Shakespearean king.”

More surprising is what reportedly happened next: Dowd and Trump’s personal attorney, Jay Sekulow, “went to Mueller's office and re-enacted the mock interview” with the hope of convincing Mueller that Trump couldn’t testify because he is a pathological liar. “He just made something up. That’s his nature,” Dowd reportedly told Mueller. (In an interview with the Daily Caller shortly after parts of Fear were leaked, Trump attacked Woodward in a manner characteristic with Dowd’s alleged statement, accusing the Watergate reporter of having ”lot of credibility problems.”)

So, Dump's lawyers demonstrated to him why he should not be deposed and he still insists. So Dump's lawyers then go to the chief investigator and plea that Dump is congenitally incapable of NOT perjuring himself, and therefore should not be interviewed.

That sounds like 25th Amendment stuff, right there.
and felt Trump acted like an “aggrieved Shakespearean king.”

and felt Trump acted like an “aggrieved Shakespearean king.”

"...but the real difficulty with King Lear is that you've got to play him all, you know, shaky legs and pratfalls and the dentures coming out, 'cause he's ancient as hell, and then there's that heartrending scene when he goes right off his nut, you know, 'bliddle dee dee diddle dee bibble dee dee dibble beep beep beep,' and all that, which takes it out of you, what with having the crown to keep on."
Which of Trump's children is Cordelia?
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