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Bob Woodward's new book

Oh, you don't think she wouldn't betray him at the drop of a hat?

I should have asked which of his children wasn't evil.
Poor Tiffany, always forgotten.
The cabinet should just go amendment 25 and stop playing around.
They have considered it, according to this person.


Orange baby man is about to hit peak meltdown.
What type of bullshit is this?

Mike Pence OP Ed said:
To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.


Although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people. At best, he has invoked these ideals in scripted settings. At worst, he has attacked them outright.
That reads like "We supported the good parts of his Presidency."

The ending is full on bullshit.

Mike Pence said:
There is a quiet resistance within the administration of people choosing to put country first. But the real difference will be made by everyday citizens rising above politics, reaching across the aisle and resolving to shed the labels in favor of a single one: Americans.
Reach across the aisle? The GOP flooded the aisle with acid!
How many more books can be published about Der Trumpster's incredible incompetence? I wonder how many current insiders are covering their asses and documenting the White House internal doings? How can Trump possibly hoe to win re-election in 2020? It makes my head hurt just trying to keep up with the near total dishonesty, incompetence, and stupidity of this orange fool.

Woodward's new book is going to set a new standard for Trump critics. And we have yet to see the flood of insider reports that book will shake loose for the titillation of Trump watchers everywhere. This all means for the 2020 elections, GOP Senators and Congressmen have to decide, will they jettison Trump, or hitch their careers to a man who is quickly becoming politically toxic. This is going to be interesting to watch how this all goes down.

Not very many more before it becomes illegal.
While it is written by a respected journalist who I am sure has sufficient backup to deal with lawsuits, it is sounding like a collection of tabloid gossip stories.
Tabloid stories are not believable. Just look to Guliani's various self-conflicting assertions for tabloid stories.

The fact that he will have actual tapes, that his claims will stand up in court, removes it completely from tabloid stories.

It fulfills Trump's narrative of people out to get him, which they are.
But Trump's narrative is the tabloid one. That people are out to get him because they still want Hillary to win the election. That they're all just making up lies because they're evil and have no good reason to resist his leadership.
THIS narrative expands on the reasons people have to 'get' him.
That he cannot lead, he can't even be trusted with pen, phone, or microphone.

I am old enough to rember who Walter Winchel was.

The Trump base sees and an endless stream of attacks from MSNBC and CNN. Not just objective criticism but moking and character. It just bounces off them as irrelevant.

It was all too much and too repetitive.

The book will have little impact. Unless it stresses Trump into a public meltdown or outright breakdown.
It just bounces off them as irrelevant.

It was all too much and too repetitive.
It bounces off them because they're authoritarians and have already decided Trump is in the right, no matter what evidence is presented. Before the evidence is presented, they've rejected it.

So it wouldn't make a difference if the attack was a precise sniper or a machine gun on full auto.
It bounces off of them because the far right, Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Savage and others have been doing it for years. It is the way politics is done now a days. So the right simply brushes it off as empty rhetoric, inspired by malice. To them, it is a game. Like political rugby. To get the ball past the goal line and nothing more.
It's the same 'nameless sources' defence. The people quoted are anonymous, therefore aren't to be trusted and he's essentially making the whole thing up. Same as every other book/quote of disarray within the Whitehouse release thus far, unfortunately.

Uh huh...

Just like he was "making the whole thing up" during Watergate... until it was proven that he wasn't.

That's actually how it is SUPPOSED to work. Innocent until proved guilty and all that jazz.
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.

I for one voted for Hillary and was looking forward to protesting against here policies by now. You'd think that when the majority of people vote against someone more often then they vote for someone it would be easy to side with those who oppose at least some of their policies. Instead it's all about loyalty to the tribe. That's what social media has brought us to.

I think its more that people didn't vote. Trump fired up his base and Hillary didn't fire up enough people oppose them. I think we need to stop thinking in terms of people who voted for him vs for her, when so many didn't vote at all.
People who do not show up at the voting booth. Millennials, African American, Latinos. Trump flipped three states with 77,000 votes to become president. It could have been different.
People who do not show up at the voting booth. Millennials, African American, Latinos. Trump flipped three states with 77,000 votes to become president. It could have been different.

But kucj as i hate what is going on, it is better than 8 years of him kibitzing, SAYING i would have fixed this, solved that, first 100 days, you should have given me the chance....
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.

I for one voted for Hillary and was looking forward to protesting against here policies by now. You'd think that when the majority of people vote against someone more often then they vote for someone it would be easy to side with those who oppose at least some of their policies. Instead it's all about loyalty to the tribe. That's what social media has brought us to.

I think its more that people didn't vote. Trump fired up his base and Hillary didn't fire up enough people oppose them. I think we need to stop thinking in terms of people who voted for him vs for her, when so many didn't vote at all.

My point was that everyone should embrace their right to complain, even when their candidate wins. The Trump supporters who are resorting to the sour grapes defense are choosing to ignore Trump's ineptness. They got the attack dog they wanted but refuse to take responcibility when it becomes apparent they got more than they bargained for. And the people who chose not to vote have given up their their right to have their concerns taken seriously.
I think its more that people didn't vote. Trump fired up his base and Hillary didn't fire up enough people oppose them. I think we need to stop thinking in terms of people who voted for him vs for her, when so many didn't vote at all.

My point was that everyone should embrace their right to complain, even when their candidate wins. The Trump supporters who are resorting to the sour grapes defense are choosing to ignore Trump's ineptness. They got the attack dog they wanted but refuse to take responcibility when it becomes apparent they got more than they bargained for. And the people who chose not to vote have given up their their right to have their concerns taken seriously.

I may have mentioned this before, but it reminds me of the fable "The Frogs Who Wanted a King". More so now than ever. :)
Trump is a huge shit stain on American history.

A sign of how disturbed and ignorant the American public is.

Trump is a symptom.

The incredible ignorance of many Americans is the problem.

Ultimately Trump is nothing but a transparent con-man that got elected.

He has no ideas. Only opinions.

But in the US today turn your head and there is an uneducated sucker ripe for the picking.
I don't think "everyone" want Hillary to still win the election. I for one, would like to see decency, honesty, and the rule of law back. The orange clown is a poser, he has no business being anywhere near launch codes. It's a very dangerous White House at the moment.

I for one voted for Hillary and was looking forward to protesting against here policies by now. You'd think that when the majority of people vote against someone more often then they vote for someone it would be easy to side with those who oppose at least some of their policies. Instead it's all about loyalty to the tribe. That's what social media has brought us to.

I think its more that people didn't vote. Trump fired up his base and Hillary didn't fire up enough people oppose them. I think we need to stop thinking in terms of people who voted for him vs for her, when so many didn't vote at all.
Or how the right wing poisoned the well that they convinced most Republicans to choose Trump over Clinton... or that at the last chance at the convention they picked Trump over Kasich or just about anyone else.
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