We often hear Xian apologists saying variations on the theme of "The Resurrection must have happened because nobody denied it at the time!"
I have an idea I've seen an article or essay refuting this silly claim, but I can't recall where. Any suggestions?
Nobody denied it at the time (apart from the obvious reason of it didn't happen and therefore nothing to deny) because nobody at that time would know about it, even if it had actually happened, because the Bible wasn't written until decades and centuries later (various of its books written 50 or more years later, and not compiled into one book until over 300 years later).
If a village in any nation was razed nobody in any other nation would know about it unless a witness (probably one of the soldiers who did it) told someone else, and even then not many people in the world would know about it.
So its a combination of no mass communication, illiteracy, disinterest, and ignorance of most events in the world due to distance and intervening terrain such as oceans and seas. Also, of course, as with today some news would be suppressed for political reasons or re-interpreted.
Dan McClellan on you tube, a Biblical scholar, refutes much of what apologists claim, so maybe you could check his videos or ask him.