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Can you lhear it? Can you hear the pfffffffssssssssttttttttt of the republican revolution deflating?


Mazzie Daius
Oct 6, 2008
Local group: Solar system: Earth: NA: US: contiguo
Basic Beliefs
Republicans withdraw RHCJ (Republican Health Care Joke) to avoid collision of moderates and conservatives in their ranks.

In Spectacular Defeat for Trump, Push to Repeal Health Law Fails
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/us/politics/health-care-affordable-care-act.html hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

Look carefully and you'll see the water lapping up against Republican leaders feet.

Trump: "I'm done with this"


Trump like Jackson. Are you kidding? Jackson succeeded in destroying US bank. Trump failed to get his party to do something other than say NOOOOOOOOO!

Time to let the adults in to propose some more of that nice socialist legislation.

Tweet away tweety bird.
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Republicans withdraw RHCJ (Republican Health Care Joke) to avoid collision of moderates and conservatives in their ranks.

In Spectacular Defeat for Trump, Push to Repeal Health Law Fails
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/us/politics/health-care-affordable-care-act.html hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

View attachment 10392
Look carefully and you'll see the water lapping up against Republican leaders feet.

Trump: "I'm done with this"


Trump like Jackson. Are you kidding? Jackson succeeded in destroying US bank. Trump failed to get his party to do something other than say NOOOOOOOOO!

Time to let the adults in to propose some more of that nice socialist legislation.

Tweet away tweety bird.

Ah, but aren't you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the spectacle of President Bannon wreaking his revenge upon those who dared defy him?

For those people who say the Donald's popularity at this point in time doesn't matter, consider this. It is a lot easier to vote against a president (even in your own party) with approval ratings in the 30s (37%) than a president with approval ratings in the 60s (Obama at the same time in his presidency). If nobody likes you, I don't have to go along with you.
Pssst. Hey Donald. You could minimize the Just Say No faction by moving toward the center. Get something done. Watch your ratings move up. Have the left fretting about 2020. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Ah. Forget it. Your right. Sustained divisiveness. That's the ticket.
Yesterday Trump said he told the House/Senate to be aware because the voters were watching as he was trying to fulfill a campaign promise to repeal Obamacare.

He shot himself in the foot with that one.

He reminded the reps that their constituents who want good health care WERE watching them, VERY closely and they all knew RHC was a rich man's wet dream.
The insanity and dishonesty is almost too much to take.

Trump said HE had a plan. It was great and simple.

It turns out he had no plan and no clue that health care is not simple.

So instead of trying to come up with a plan he simply takes this piece of shit plan that Ryan, the most overrated human on the planet, as stupid as Trump, has been hawking for years.

Basically a plan to gut Medicaid and reduce taxes on the rich some more.

People that actually have to care for the sick of course hate Ryan's "plan" that tosses millions off health insurance and weakens the plans of millions more.

And does not do ONE thing about rising premiums.

It is a circus.

It is a madhouse.

It is the Republican party for the past 37 years. With only two goals, reduce the taxes on the rich and make life harder for everyone else.
Here's a conspiracy theory for the day:

The GOP has never had a philosophical objection to Obamacare, and would have instituted something similar, if McCain had beat Obama in 2008. However, once it became a Democratic policy and political victory, they realized it made a great campaign fund raising issue. Unlike Roe/Wade and gay rights, it didn't divide the party, so it was the go to issue. It was also safe, because no one expected to win the White House in the foreseeable future.

Shit happens. The bizarre victory of Donald Trump upset the careful balance of bold talk and no action, which kept the GOP in Congress. Suddenly they have to do something and they know it means a loss of seats in the House and the Senate, if they really make good on campaign promises to kill Obamacare and give tax breaks to the rich.

What to do? Plan A is to tell the Freedom Caucus to stick to their principles. This gives the party cover and lets the blow back hit Trump.

This has been a GOP strategy in State legislatures for years. There is always an abortion bill so restrictive and obviously un-Constitutional, it doesn't have a chance. The GOP legislators get to show it on their voting record at election time, knowing all the while it was a pointless exercise.
Listen to Trump's The-SKy-Is-Falling speech. He says that you are stuck with Obama care until it self-destructs, and he says it will... leaving what? People to die all over the country? He's saying it is a ticking time bomb and he's giving up on fixing it?

No wait, maybe Obama care will work (sort of), and better than what he tried to push though. Maybe he knows this and made the effort to placate his supporters and make a show at a campaign promise, so now he can move on.
Listen to Trump's The-SKy-Is-Falling speech. He says that you are stuck with Obama care until it self-destructs, and he says it will... leaving what? People to die all over the country? He's saying it is a ticking time bomb and he's giving up on fixing it?

No wait, maybe Obama care will work (sort of), and better than what he tried to push though. Maybe he knows this and made the effort to placate his supporters and make a show at a campaign promise, so now he can move on.

The sky is falling is a common theme in all of Trump's speeches. He needs to convince his audience how bad everything is so that he can pretend to fix it.

As for Obamacare, it is working (sort of) and a lot of people seem to be waking up to that fact...even going so far as to yell at their Congressmen at town hall meetings for trying to take it away. At least some of those Congressmen (apart from the Freedom to Die of Preventable Disease Caucus) seem to grasp the fact that throwing millions of voters off their crappy insurance and giving them even more crappy insurance (or none at all) is a first class ticket to a return to the private sector after 2018.

What remains to be seen is whether Trump sticks to his promise to move on to other things, and whether House Republicans will be able to come up with a suitable replacement that placates their rabid base and keeps the Obamacare beneficiaries from burning down the next town hall meeting. Fact is, the longer the ACA stays in place, the harder it will be to undo. Fragilego Mussolini has an advantage in that he doesn't have to get too far into the details. The House GOP has to make the sausage, and they've got some really tough cuts of meat to work with.
He would have broken a campaign promise even had he won. He promised a spectacular bill that would cover everyone. Trust me, Trump MAYBE had a fuzzy idea what this bill did, but that's all. He just wanted a victory. When he couldn't get it, he pointed the finger of blame - at Democrats, from which they didn't need a single vote.
Well, this blindsided the Democrats also. They had no idea just how quickly and thoroughly this attack on Obamacare would go tits up. So they had no plan either. Now it's up to them to tell America how to fix Obamacare. In 2018,the off year election,they have to have something to win. They need to come up with something. Bernie is back to telling us we need Single Payer on MSNBC. I hear nothing from the Democrat leadership.

We are falling into one deep rabbit hole.
Actually the right rabbit hole is a single payer with medicare with competitive commercial contractors which can apply over state lines in low population states. Makes mandate part of tax code for everybody. Single payer which is allocated to and through winning market providers.

Why commercial providers? We have an infrastructure in place.
Actually the right rabbit hole is a single payer with medicare with competitive commercial contractors which can apply over state lines in low population states. Makes mandate part of tax code for everybody. Single payer which is allocated to and through winning market providers.

If the profit motive is involved then waste is involved.

In terms of health care, profit is waste. It is health care not provided.
Republicans withdraw RHCJ (Republican Health Care Joke) to avoid collision of moderates and conservatives in their ranks.

In Spectacular Defeat for Trump, Push to Repeal Health Law Fails
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/us/politics/health-care-affordable-care-act.html hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

View attachment 10392
Look carefully and you'll see the water lapping up against Republican leaders feet.

Trump: "I'm done with this"


Trump like Jackson. Are you kidding? Jackson succeeded in destroying US bank. Trump failed to get his party to do something other than say NOOOOOOOOO!

Time to let the adults in to propose some more of that nice socialist legislation.

Tweet away tweety bird.

The US is running an over costly Medicare system which uses 17% of the GDP and is racking up huge debts each year in order to fund it. That doesn't mean the concept is wrong. Cuba runs a cost effective healthcare system which uses 10% of the GDP which is in line with European countries. Not only that Cuba has a very comprehensive system with more doctors per had of the population than the USA. Of course I could not see anyone in the USA rushing over to Havana to have talks on this

The Healthcare system does need reforming but of course not at the expense of the patient. Not all patients can afford insurance so some will be subsidised. The ideal healthcare plan should cater for 100% of US citizens. This in theory is how the UK healthcare system works. In recent years administration time has been reduced in hospitals to allow more time for treating the patient.
Actually the right rabbit hole is a single payer with medicare with competitive commercial contractors which can apply over state lines in low population states. Makes mandate part of tax code for everybody. Single payer which is allocated to and through winning market providers.

If the profit motive is involved then waste is involved.

In terms of health care, profit is waste. It is health care not provided.

Healthcare can be run more efficiently to reduce the administration time (paperwork), and as I understand in countries like Cuba, pay more attention to preventative measures. While cost is necessary for healthcare, there's no harm in reducing costs providing the same level of care or more is maintained.
If the profit motive is involved then waste is involved.

In terms of health care, profit is waste. It is health care not provided.

Healthcare can be run more efficiently to reduce the administration time (paperwork), and as I understand in countries like Cuba, pay more attention to preventative measures. While cost is necessary for healthcare, there's no harm in reducing costs providing the same level of care or more is maintained.

We've found over here that the more you muck about with capitalist action within the NHS, the vastly more you end up paying, always. Capitalist 'efficiency' is taking more from us and giving it to the rich.
Actually the right rabbit hole is a single payer with medicare with competitive commercial contractors which can apply over state lines in low population states. Makes mandate part of tax code for everybody. Single payer which is allocated to and through winning market providers.

If the profit motive is involved then waste is involved.

In terms of health care, profit is waste. It is health care not provided.

Waste can be rampant in non-profit situations, also.
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