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Capital Hill Autonomous Zone

Jason Harvestdancer

Oct 23, 2005
Lots of planets have a North
Basic Beliefs
So, several blocks of Seattle have been taken over by people who may or may not be affiliated with Antifa (which doesn't exist because it has no membership cards). It is apparently a giant commune.

The Seattle police have been ordered to back off. There are signs at the edges of CHAZ stating that people entering are now leaving the United States.

There are reports of various degrees of reliability of what is happening in these zones.

What do people around here think of CHAZ?
Confederacy 2.0. Or maybe more like Munich Soviet Republic 2.0 ...

In any case, it is unconscionable that Seattle leadership is apparently complicit with this takeover. At least through inaction, although a socialist city council member overtly supports them.
Socialist Seattle City Council Member Proposes Leaving ‘Autonomous Zone’ Permanently in ‘Community Control’

The governor needs to send in the National Guard. Barring that, Trump would now have a really good case to invoke the Insurrection Act and declare Seattle as being in active rebellion.
Apparently, the libertarians around these parts are against it because it's too much liberty.
How exactly do you figure than a part of town taken over by extremists (led by "Warlord Raz") furthers liberty?
If a pro-Trump militia had occupied part of a city would you be saying the same thing?
The revolution is moving fast. CHAZ is apparently now CHOP. (Occupied Protest) More realistic. At some point gotta go back to their parents' basement. Occupy 1.0 ten years ago fizzled out, too.
Apparently, the libertarians around these parts are against it because it's too much liberty.
How exactly do you figure than a part of town taken over by extremists (led by "Warlord Raz") furthers liberty?
If a pro-Trump militia had occupied part of a city would you be saying the same thing?

Exactly what is being occupied?

Didn't take those commies long before they ran out of food, LMAO.
Reminds me of the old Soviet joke:
Radio Yerevan said:
Question: Is it true that due to the achievements of the Soviet technology, we will soon be able to order food over the phone?
Answer: Yes, our sources tell us it is true. The same sources told us the ordered food would be delivered via TV.

By the way, from zer Twitter bio:
anarchomastia said:
18, she/they lesbian anarchist. abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization

Not only overtly racist, but also wants to abolish civilization. Maybe she should hunt and gather, like people did before civilization. Oh, xir is vegan? Just gather then.
So, some of the things I have noticed about CHAZ.

Don2 doesn't understand anything people are saying about this.

This zone it is working in a very unusual way. You have to admit, upper middle class white people know less about farming than survivalists, and their farm is an interesting experiment. If you wanted to go separatist and set up a commune, it is much easier (and cheaper) to GoFundMe to buy a bunch of acres far away from everything. Get those roundly mocked militia types together on a ranch like that and in a few years they'll be self-sustaining. I'm not convinced the very privileged Antifa kids could do the same. They prefer to put their encampment in downtown cities.

The coverage of CHAZ versus the coverage of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge shows the difference in opinion of the press.

They've already set up a hierarchy, have leaders, have their own version of law enforcement. Some reports even have them insisting that businesses pay a form of taxes to continue operating in the zone. They have a border patrol that frisks people coming in to ensure nobody is bringing in weapons.

When this first broke out, I wondered "why Seattle?" Their government is more friendly than others to this sort of ideology. Then I realized that is exactly why they did this there.

And everything I wrote above is not even giving my opinion on what is going on, it is simply stating the reports of what is going on. Don2's response will illustrate the point about how he doesn't understand what people are saying about this.
In other words, they are setting up a territory with govt. The horrors!

On a scale of 1 to Holocaust, this is about 0.5. But if you listen to conservolibertarians complaining about it, it's vegan this and recycling that interspersed with people are occupying land...it's worse than slavery!
I thought this thread was about the White House. It’s clearly an autonomous zone where U.S. laws aren’t enforced.
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