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Celebration Parallax - a factual statement is good or bad depending on who says it


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
segment starts at 7:05

Maybe it is a form of gamesmanship, letting your side know you are doing well/poorly in its goal but not wanting the other side to notice it and do something about it. Freezing the competition.

Group 1 --- "Hey guys we are doing great in reaching for goals A and B!"

Group 2 -- "Listen up, X is ramming A and B through"

Group 1 -- "Actually, we are not doing A even though we just said we are in our meeting which was streamed. Also what you call B is really P which is totally different."
The vanilla part of Anton's thesis is so obvious and well-known that it should be lumped with other breaking news like "Dog bites man" or "2+2? Still 4!"

Who is Michael Anton anyway?
Wikipedia said:
Anton was Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategic Communications on the National Security Council under Trump. He is a former speechwriter for Rupert Murdoch, Rudy Giuliani, and Condoleezza Rice ...

In a March 2016 essay written under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus (after the ancient Roman consul), Anton said, while defending the "America First" slogan, that the America First Committee (which included prominent antisemites and opposed the US entering World War II) had been "unfairly maligned." Anton also argued that Islam "is a militant faith", and that "only an insane society" would take in Muslim immigrants after the 9/11 attacks....

His pseudonymous September 2016 editorial "The Flight 93 Election", published in the Claremont Review of Books, compared the prospect of conservatives letting Hillary Clinton win the 2016 United States presidential election with passengers not charging the cockpit of the United Airlines aircraft hijacked by Al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks.
I am NOT big on academic credentials, but I was amused to note that Anton doesn't even have a PhD. I suppose if he did he'd be working for a more prestigious bullshit-tank like AEI. (Unnecessary, diversive.)

The bull-shit meme "Both sides do it" may have been valid and useful once. Anyone still clinging to that meme in 2021 A.D. has lost their grip on reality.
I am NOT big on academic credentials, but I was amused to note that Anton doesn't even have a PhD. I suppose if he did he'd be working for a more prestigious bullshit-tank like AEI. (Unnecessary, diversive.)

If you actually believed this, you'd have deleted it, not used strike-through. Or rather, I do believe you find it 'unnecessary' and 'diversive' (sic) but you just wanted to say something condescending and smug.
The vanilla part of Anton's thesis is so obvious and well-known that it should be lumped with other breaking news like "Dog bites man" or "2+2? Still 4!"

Who is Michael Anton anyway?
Wikipedia said:
Anton was Deputy Assistant to the President for Strategic Communications on the National Security Council under Trump. He is a former speechwriter for Rupert Murdoch, Rudy Giuliani, and Condoleezza Rice ...

In a March 2016 essay written under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus (after the ancient Roman consul), Anton said, while defending the "America First" slogan, that the America First Committee (which included prominent antisemites and opposed the US entering World War II) had been "unfairly maligned." Anton also argued that Islam "is a militant faith", and that "only an insane society" would take in Muslim immigrants after the 9/11 attacks....

His pseudonymous September 2016 editorial "The Flight 93 Election", published in the Claremont Review of Books, compared the prospect of conservatives letting Hillary Clinton win the 2016 United States presidential election with passengers not charging the cockpit of the United Airlines aircraft hijacked by Al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks.
I am NOT big on academic credentials, but I was amused to note that Anton doesn't even have a PhD. I suppose if he did he'd be working for a more prestigious bullshit-tank like AEI. (Unnecessary, diversive.)

The bull-shit meme "Both sides do it" may have been valid and useful once. Anyone still clinging to that meme in 2021 A.D. has lost their grip on reality.

Sure, our side lied when we said that the Holocaust never happened; But your side said 35% of prisoners in US jails are black, when really it's only 34%, so clearly both sides tell lies.

He wanted to say something condescending because the guy is a dick.

If Biden says he is in favor of expanding the age of Medicare to 60 that is believable.

That is the kind of weak pathetic position Biden would have.

If Trump said the same thing nobody but his cult would believe him.

No stupid "celebration parallax".

Trump is a pathological liar.
I would argue that a factual statement has value depending on who says it - not whether it is good or bad.

In this case, Michael Anton is a vile cunt so who gives a fuck what he says. The scumbag has my permission to go fuck himself with a rusty rail spike.
I am NOT big on academic credentials, but I was amused to note that Anton doesn't even have a PhD. I suppose if he did he'd be working for a more prestigious bullshit-tank like AEI. (Unnecessary, diversive.)

The bull-shit meme "Both sides do it" may have been valid and useful once. Anyone still clinging to that meme in 2021 A.D. has lost their grip on reality.

I don't like to make a major edit to one of my posts; that can cause confusion if members have read the post before edit. Here I reduced the size of, and struck out, a bad diversion rather than deleting it.

I've done VERY little with my Mod powers. In fact, I'm mostly Modding my own posts! Here I show what I might do to the post if I were an aggressive Mod.

I usually use an enlarged Font on sentences I want others to heed. But I can understand that some members will prefer to focus on "fine print." :)
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