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Color me surprised...


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I didn't think any Trumpsters would express regret until they realized they were dumpster diving for food outside Trump's mansions...
It is really tempting to indulge in schadenfreude, but let's not forget whose fault this whole tragedy is - OURS.

Trump Supporters Are Already Starting To Tweet Their Regrets

OTOH, it's amazing to see that some people didn't realize they were voting for an unhinged racist xenophobic narcissist. They complained about the negative coverage of Trump by MSM, and now they act as if they weren't warned.


Oh yeah - such a surprise!
How are our local Trumpsters feeling about their Orange Knight right now?
I didn't think any Trumpsters would express regret until they realized they were dumpster diving for food outside Trump's mansions...
It is really tempting to indulge in schadenfreude, but let's not forget whose fault this whole tragedy is - OURS.

Trump Supporters Are Already Starting To Tweet Their Regrets

OTOH, it's amazing to see that some people didn't realize they were voting for an unhinged racist xenophobic narcissist. They complained about the negative coverage of Trump by MSM, and now they act as if they weren't warned.

View attachment 8905

Oh yeah - such a surprise!
How are our local Trumpsters feeling about their Orange Knight right now?

The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.
I didn't think any Trumpsters would express regret until they realized they were dumpster diving for food outside Trump's mansions...
It is really tempting to indulge in schadenfreude, but let's not forget whose fault this whole tragedy is - OURS.

Trump Supporters Are Already Starting To Tweet Their Regrets

OTOH, it's amazing to see that some people didn't realize they were voting for an unhinged racist xenophobic narcissist. They complained about the negative coverage of Trump by MSM, and now they act as if they weren't warned.

View attachment 8905

Oh yeah - such a surprise!
How are our local Trumpsters feeling about their Orange Knight right now?

The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.

True enough. I don't suppose there are any historical records regarding the number of people who have regretted their choice for president. Too bad - it would be interesting to see in a few months, if the majority of Trump voters are still enamored with their choice. If it could be proven (or disproven), I'd bet that there are more people regretting their President Elect than has ever been the case for a President Elect.
What do they mean "what the hell happened"? What happened is that the guy who spent the past year lying his ass off about pretty much every single thing that he said turned out to be lying his ass off. Given how often and specifically it was pointed out how he was lying, their only problem should be with themselves for believing him.

When people were talking about how Trump voters were stupid, this is the type of thing they were talking about. People who are tweeting their regrets are doing so because they're stupid.
What do they mean "what the hell happened"? What happened is that the guy who spent the past year lying his ass off about pretty much every single thing that he said turned out to be lying his ass off. Given how often and specifically it was pointed out how he was lying, their only problem should be with themselves for believing him.

When people were talking about how Trump voters were stupid, this is the type of thing they were talking about. People who are tweeting their regrets are doing so because they're stupid.

They must have been taking their Smart Pills pretty religiously since the election. I'm still surprised that any of them have the self awareness to realize they're about to be screwed over.
I didn't think any Trumpsters would express regret until they realized they were dumpster diving for food outside Trump's mansions...
It is really tempting to indulge in schadenfreude, but let's not forget whose fault this whole tragedy is - OURS.

Trump Supporters Are Already Starting To Tweet Their Regrets

OTOH, it's amazing to see that some people didn't realize they were voting for an unhinged racist xenophobic narcissist. They complained about the negative coverage of Trump by MSM, and now they act as if they weren't warned.

View attachment 8905

Oh yeah - such a surprise!
How are our local Trumpsters feeling about their Orange Knight right now?

The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.

But to regret voting for a liar who had proved himself beyond any doubt to be a lifelong pathological liar (and I use "pathological" in a literal sence) means they are dangerously stupid and not someone who was "duped" by a candidate who gave you good reason to trust them.
In fact, such a level of sincere stupidly is implausible unless the person actually suffers from severe mental disability. Thus, what it implies is these regretful Trumpsters knew he was lying about everything but willfully deluded themselves because they liked his racism, sexism, and general bigotry. Now that he is president, he is toning down that rhetoric and they are upset that he isn't quite the Grand Wizard that had validated their own hatreds.

BTW, it is similar with every non-voter or 3rd party voter that now regrets not voting for Hillary to prevent a Trump victory. In their case, they didn't and don't identify with Trumps bigotry, but did willfully delude themselves into a false equivalency that every available fact refuted beyond doubt.
Anyone claiming to be surprised by what Trump is gearing up to do (or not do), including his appointments, is a liar that deluded themselves for their own selfish reasons, and they are as much to blame for the harm Trump does as the political manipulators who worked to get Trump elected.
I didn't think any Trumpsters would express regret until they realized they were dumpster diving for food outside Trump's mansions...
It is really tempting to indulge in schadenfreude, but let's not forget whose fault this whole tragedy is - OURS.

Trump Supporters Are Already Starting To Tweet Their Regrets

OTOH, it's amazing to see that some people didn't realize they were voting for an unhinged racist xenophobic narcissist. They complained about the negative coverage of Trump by MSM, and now they act as if they weren't warned.

View attachment 8905

Oh yeah - such a surprise!
How are our local Trumpsters feeling about their Orange Knight right now?

The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.

Well that's why it makes sense Trump comes after Obama. The left had their "Yes we can" president who over-promised and under-delivered so it only makes sense that the right gets one too! :p
Ya, it's like accepting an invitation to a vampire's dinner party and than acting all shocked and surprised when it turns out that you're the main course. You knew in advance that vampires ate people and people were telling you for months not to be around the guy when he's hungry, so there really isn't someone aside from you to blame.
The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.

But to regret voting for a liar who had proved himself beyond any doubt to be a lifelong pathological liar (and I use "pathological" in a literal sence) means they are dangerously stupid and not someone who was "duped" by a candidate who gave you good reason to trust them.
In fact, such a level of sincere stupidly is implausible unless the person actually suffers from severe mental disability. Thus, what it implies is these regretful Trumpsters knew he was lying about everything but willfully deluded themselves because they liked his racism, sexism, and general bigotry. Now that he is president, he is toning down that rhetoric and they are upset that he isn't quite the Grand Wizard that had validated their own hatreds.

BTW, it is similar with every non-voter or 3rd party voter that now regrets not voting for Hillary to prevent a Trump victory. In their case, they didn't and don't identify with Trumps bigotry, but did willfully delude themselves into a false equivalency that every available fact refuted beyond doubt.
Anyone claiming to be surprised by what Trump is gearing up to do (or not do), including his appointments, is a liar that deluded themselves for their own selfish reasons, and they are as much to blame for the harm Trump does as the political manipulators who worked to get Trump elected.

Guess it's a good damn thing then, that we are now in the age where there is no such thing as a fact. None of those folks will ever have to confront the fact that they willfully deluded themselves, nor the fact that they voted for a totally incompetent scumbag who has never had any of their interests in mind...
It's a good damn thing I tellya, because otherwise they might get depressed.
But to regret voting for a liar who had proved himself beyond any doubt to be a lifelong pathological liar (and I use "pathological" in a literal sence) means they are dangerously stupid and not someone who was "duped" by a candidate who gave you good reason to trust them.
In fact, such a level of sincere stupidly is implausible unless the person actually suffers from severe mental disability. Thus, what it implies is these regretful Trumpsters knew he was lying about everything but willfully deluded themselves because they liked his racism, sexism, and general bigotry. Now that he is president, he is toning down that rhetoric and they are upset that he isn't quite the Grand Wizard that had validated their own hatreds.

BTW, it is similar with every non-voter or 3rd party voter that now regrets not voting for Hillary to prevent a Trump victory. In their case, they didn't and don't identify with Trumps bigotry, but did willfully delude themselves into a false equivalency that every available fact refuted beyond doubt.
Anyone claiming to be surprised by what Trump is gearing up to do (or not do), including his appointments, is a liar that deluded themselves for their own selfish reasons, and they are as much to blame for the harm Trump does as the political manipulators who worked to get Trump elected.

Guess it's a good damn thing then, that we are now in the age where there is no such thing as a fact. None of those folks will ever have to confront the fact that they willfully deluded themselves, nor the fact that they voted for a totally incompetent scumbag who has never had any of their interests in mind...
It's a good damn thing I tellya, because otherwise they might get depressed.

Actually, it would be good damn thing if they did realize this, did get depressed and self-loathing, and thus either changed their ways or took themselves out so they didn't harm the rest of us.
I like the tweet saying "You are validating all of the negative voices" regarding Trump still tweeting. Just now validating that with his tweets?!
You have to consider the alternative: Hillary Clinton. None of these people you are pointing to are saying that they regret voting for Trump instead of Clinton. They are merely disappointed in Trump, for not delivering on his campaign promises, much like many of us are disappointed in Obama. And just like you'd probably not go back in time and change your vote from Obama to Romney/McCain if you could, I doubt any of these people would change theirs from Trump to Clinton.
You have to consider the alternative: Hillary Clinton. None of these people you are pointing to are saying that they regret voting for Trump instead of Clinton. They are merely disappointed in Trump, for not delivering on his campaign promises, much like many of us are disappointed in Obama. And just like you'd probably not go back in time and change your vote from Obama to Romney/McCain if you could, I doubt any of these people would change theirs from Trump to Clinton.
Many of these people wouldn't have voted.
You have to consider the alternative: Hillary Clinton. None of these people you are pointing to are saying that they regret voting for Trump instead of Clinton. They are merely disappointed in Trump, for not delivering on his campaign promises, much like many of us are disappointed in Obama. And just like you'd probably not go back in time and change your vote from Obama to Romney/McCain if you could, I doubt any of these people would change theirs from Trump to Clinton.

Fair point. I do not remember anyone voicing regrets for voting for Obama during the 11/9/07 to 1/21/08 window when he was President Elect, however.
Trump is on pace to become the most reviled President in the history of the country, even by his own "supporters".
The tweet called Trump a cuck. This is not someone who'd ever vote for Clinton. Anyway, I voted for Obama in '08. We all regret a vote from time to time.

Well that's why it makes sense Trump comes after Obama. The left had their "Yes we can" president who over-promised and under-delivered so it only makes sense that the right gets one too! :p

Obama under-delivered?
Well that's why it makes sense Trump comes after Obama. The left had their "Yes we can" president who over-promised and under-delivered so it only makes sense that the right gets one too! :p

Obama under-delivered?

Not to the extent that some would say, but yes. I find his foreign policy backward and lacking mainly and don't appreciate the degree to which he made concessions with the republican controlled congress that ultimately proved fruitless. Overall we were promised more transparency from the US gov, an end to the US's military campaign in the middle east and comprehensive economic reform. All we got was Obamacare and the eventual closing of Guantanamo bay (Although not necessarily the end of enhanced interrogation)
Obama under-delivered?

Not to the extent that some would say, but yes. I find his foreign policy backward and lacking mainly and don't appreciate the degree to which he made concessions with the republican controlled congress that ultimately proved fruitless. Overall we were promised more transparency from the US gov, an end to the US's military campaign in the middle east and comprehensive economic reform. All we got was Obamacare and the eventual closing of Guantanamo bay (Although not necessarily the end of enhanced interrogation)

I don't think that Obama promised an end to any US involvement in the ME! However, facts are facts. At the end of the Bush presidency, the US had 173,000 troops on the ground in Iraq. Today we have less than 20,000 and the locals are in control.
Not to the extent that some would say, but yes. I find his foreign policy backward and lacking mainly and don't appreciate the degree to which he made concessions with the republican controlled congress that ultimately proved fruitless. Overall we were promised more transparency from the US gov, an end to the US's military campaign in the middle east and comprehensive economic reform. All we got was Obamacare and the eventual closing of Guantanamo bay (Although not necessarily the end of enhanced interrogation)

I don't think that Obama promised an end to any US involvement in the ME! However, facts are facts. At the end of the Bush presidency, the US had 173,000 troops on the ground in Iraq. Today we have less than 20,000 and the locals are in control.

Call me presumptuous but I don't think people voted for Obama on the premise that he would further enmesh us in the battle for the ME with islamic extremists. Still credit where due, he reduced the direct involvement of our military forces on the ground in favor of indirect support for various groups that happen to be in our indirect interest as a nation. Drone strikes and what have you.
You have to consider the alternative: Hillary Clinton. None of these people you are pointing to are saying that they regret voting for Trump instead of Clinton. They are merely disappointed in Trump, for not delivering on his campaign promises, much like many of us are disappointed in Obama. And just like you'd probably not go back in time and change your vote from Obama to Romney/McCain if you could, I doubt any of these people would change theirs from Trump to Clinton.

First, that is largely irrelevant. If the now wish they'd had not voted at all or voted third party, then their self-deluded choice to vote Trump still altered the outcome. IF just 150k people who voted Trump across WI, MI, and PA simply didn't vote, the outcome would be different.
Second, they are still dangerously stupid because Trump has given them nothing to regret that any non-mentally challenged person didn't know was going to happen.
Third, I think you are incorrect that they wouldn't have voted Hillary. The hard core GOP base wouldn't be expressing doubt about Trump. Some of this is likely coming from some of the blue-collar Union workers that typically have voted Dem. Also, Regret is caused by considering the path not taken, and by thinking your made the wrong choice. It is a desire to change the result by undoing your actions. Being disappointed in the person you voted for does not produce regret in voting for them, unless you now think the alternatives would have been better. Those that are upset he isn't prosecuting Hillary or Building the Wall wouldn't vote Hillary, but others are expressing regret about things that contrast him with Hillary, such as being a mentally unstable lunatic, or a person that will defund and destroy public education and Medicare and other things that Hillary would not have done.

There are almost no Obama voters who are left-leaning that regret having voted for him despite being disappointed, because they don't remotely think that McCain or Romney would have done better.
The people who regret having voted Obama are those dumb enough to blame him for only preventing a full blown depression, greatly improving the economy and returning unemployment to 2007 levels, but failing to magically bring back the exact high paying low-skill union manufacturing jobs to their particular region.
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