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Comcast figures if you're gonna lie then lie big.

By absorbing this small company it will increase competition because we were never competing to begin with. We just divided up the country.
Mergers always lead to lower prices. Why look at AT&T. SW Bell (now under the flag of AT&T) bought most of the phone companies in the US and now we have cheaper cell service. If there is one thing people like saying these days, it is how cheap their phone and DSL bills are.
Well, sure. Once Comcast takes over an entire market and does away with all that pesky competition, they'll be able to charge so much money for their services that their customers will be forced to spend less money on food. So when Comcast says this will increase competition, they don't mean competition between individual companies, but competition between whole markets.

Mergers always lead to lower prices. Why look at AT&T. SW Bell (now under the flag of AT&T) bought most of the phone companies in the US and now we have cheaper cell service. If there is one thing people like saying these days, it is how cheap their phone and DSL bills are.
Hell, it isn't even the price which gets me... It is the lack of quality.
I'm actually relatively lucky in that I have two choices. Sadly, both suck reliability wise, and the one which sucks slightly less engages in the stupid overage-charging BS (instead of just traffic-shaping) so it isn't even an option for me really.

Broadband should be common-carriage and there should be no laws against municipalities or other GSEs providing the service.
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