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Conceptual penis as social construct: hoax paper easily passes peer review and is published

Close the Universities? Defund them?

Yes, people who want feminist intersectional quantum physics should be forced to pay for their own intersectional quantum physics.

No one should be forced under threat of imprisonment to pay for that. Public money that could go to feed starving widows and orphans should not be used to pay for that.
Close the Universities? Defund them?

Yes, people who want feminist intersectional quantum physics should be forced to pay for their own intersectional quantum physics.

No one should be forced under threat of imprisonment to pay for that. Public money that could go to feed starving widows and orphans should not be used to pay for that.

It depends.

If you want a nice free exchange of ideas you put a lot of money into education.

If you want to stifle progress you put less.
This seems to be a good example of the kind of nonsense that Skeptic was alluding to:


A feminist scholar with no academic training in physics has developed a theory of “intersectional quantum physics” to fight oppression.

Whitney Stark, a scholar affiliated with the University of Arizona and Utrecht University in the Netherlands, published her latest theory in a journal published by Duke University Press.

In the 2017 edition of the Minnesota Review, the feminist academic argued that “combining intersectionality and quantum physics” will help to understand “marginalized people” and create “safer spaces” for them.

If there was ever an archetypical example of Poe's Law, this would be it.


You would think that the Duke University Press would have alerted its journal editors to watch out for this kind of shit after the Sokal Hoax affair involving Social Text.
Hold on a sec...

In the 2017 edition of the Minnesota Review, the feminist academic argued that “combining intersectionality and quantum physics” will help to understand “marginalized people” and create “safer spaces” for them.

That is actually true. In 2999 A.D.
Yes, people who want feminist intersectional quantum physics should be forced to pay for their own intersectional quantum physics.

No one should be forced under threat of imprisonment to pay for that. Public money that could go to feed starving widows and orphans should not be used to pay for that.

It depends.

If you want a nice free exchange of ideas you put a lot of money into education.

If you want to stifle progress you put less.

So, if I have this right: anarchists believe the government should force people to pay for the promotion of ridiculous ideas in the name of "freedom"?
It depends.

If you want a nice free exchange of ideas you put a lot of money into education.

If you want to stifle progress you put less.

So, if I have this right: anarchists believe the government should force people to pay for the promotion of ridiculous ideas in the name of "freedom"?

The government does not force anybody to pay any taxes.

People are free to make no money and pay no taxes. Or they can freely go to prison and pay no taxes.

But if you want a decent society with opportunity for more than the rich you have to fund the things that make a society, like higher education.

Maybe the US should stop bombing innocent people all over the world and butting into everyone's business?

Then you can pay less taxes.
The fact that they got this published only exposes the incompatibility of capitalism and sound science, since the only place they could get it published was a pay-to-publish outlet.

The fact that hoaxers are now claiming to have demonstrated that "gender studies is crippled academically by an overriding almost-religious belief that maleness is the root of all evil." only goes to demonstrate the pathetic intellectual incompetence and dishonesty of the two hoaxers who sadly have University Professorships themselves.
It shows that have zero understanding of how to reason from evidence or how to design a simple study that would have actually spoken to their conclusion. They have no idea whether the content of their paper had any impact at all on its publication, yet the blindly deny that it was published merely for profit. All they had to do was write an equally nonsense paper that was critical of femaleness and send it to the same journal.

These authors fail to show anything they claim other than that pay-to-publish outlet had lower standards than a free to publish (pay to read) journal of the sort that comprise the core journals in all of the social sciences.

Maybe the US should stop bombing innocent people all over the world and butting into everyone's business?

Says the anarchist who thinks we should maintain and support a multinational treaty organization.

Actually what I said was we should rationally negotiate a transfer of responsibility and get out of NATO.

But facts are meaningless to some.
Originally Posted by ronburgundy
These authors fail to show anything they claim other than that pay-to-publish outlet had lower standards than a free to publish (pay to read) journal of the sort that comprise the core journals in all of the social sciences.

I have to agree. When I first heard about this whole thing I was inclined towards the side of the hoaxers on this one. When I looked into it though, the worst conclusion one could draw is exactly as you state. The fact that this was published in Skeptic by supposedly professional skeptics is an embarrassing problem as well. Then, when I heard James Lindsay's excuses in Serious Inquiries Only podcast, and viewed the info on that page, well, let's say I was less than swayed by his defense of the hoax.
They should have submitted it to one or more better journals.

Social Text, perhaps? ;-)

Sure, but it still wouldn't have proved anything unless it was cited by others. Getting junk into a single journal is not a big challenge nor very telling of anything.

Better yet, they should have done a larger comparative review of junk papers in this and other fields, and then it might mean something.
This is an interesting rundown on a real paper that is about as crazy:

This guy who made the video is very detailed. Gotta sleep now or I would explain more...

But go to 20 min mark to see the action of how the paper comes with a pre built bias.
So, if I have this right: anarchists believe the government should force people to pay for the promotion of ridiculous ideas in the name of "freedom"?

The government does not force anybody to pay any taxes.

People are free to make no money and pay no taxes. Or they can freely go to prison and pay no taxes.
If I tie you to a chair and wave a sword over my head and ask you to choose which one of your hands you want to keep, it would be disingenuous to say "I am not forcing you to give up one of your right hand. You can freely choose to lose your left hand instead."

The key word there is "freely." A choice made under duress doesn't become a "Free" choice just because there's more than one box to check.

But if you want a decent society with opportunity for more than the rich you have to fund the things that make a society, like higher education.
That's obligation, not freedom. We have an obligation to chip in to the pool of national resources if we want to reap the benefits of those resources. The government's job is to manage the pool and make sure it's being used for all of our benefits. But contribution is MANDATORY, not a choice freely made.

Really, the "free" choice to avoid taxes is to leave the country altogether. In the above example, it would be the man in the chair saying "Untie me, I don't want to lose either of my hands."

Maybe the US should stop bombing innocent people all over the world and butting into everyone's business?

Then you can pay less taxes.
One can only dream...
The government does not force anybody to pay any taxes.

People are free to make no money and pay no taxes. Or they can freely go to prison and pay no taxes.

If I tie you to a chair and wave a sword over my head and ask you to choose which one of your hands you want to keep, it would be disingenuous to say "I am not forcing you to give up one of your right hand. You can freely choose to lose your left hand instead."

No sword. No beatings. Just a cell with a bed and food to eat.

One can freely put oneself into the cell if one chooses by not paying what is owed.

The key word there is "freely." A choice made under duress doesn't become a "Free" choice just because there's more than one box to check.

It is the cost of living in a society. That is not free.

The costs should be distributed such that they do the least harm.

But one can go find some deserted island. And live apart from any society and have no costs.

That's obligation, not freedom. We have an obligation to chip in to the pool of national resources if we want to reap the benefits of those resources. The government's job is to manage the pool and make sure it's being used for all of our benefits. But contribution is MANDATORY, not a choice freely made.

You think freedom is free. You're wrong. There are costs to have any measure of freedom within a society. Rights have to be enforced. Dangers have to be removed.
If I tie you to a chair and wave a sword over my head and ask you to choose which one of your hands you want to keep, it would be disingenuous to say "I am not forcing you to give up one of your right hand. You can freely choose to lose your left hand instead."

No sword. No beatings. Just a cell with a bed and food to eat.

One can freely put oneself into the cell if one chooses by not paying what is owed.
Again, that's not a "free choice." The guy with the sword is going to cut off one of your hands whether you want him to or not. If you chose "neither hand," then he will cut off BOTH of them (the government takes your tax money AND sends you to jail for tax evasion). If you resist the attempt to chop off both of your hands, the swordman will kill you (killed for resisting arrest, killed while escaping prison, etc).

That's obligation, not freedom. We have an obligation to chip in to the pool of national resources if we want to reap the benefits of those resources. The government's job is to manage the pool and make sure it's being used for all of our benefits. But contribution is MANDATORY, not a choice freely made.

You think freedom is free. You're wrong.
Freedom IS free. It costs nothing to be absolutely free. But it also BENEFITS nothing to be absolutely free. It's the "zero condition" where nothing is given and nothing is expected in return.

Freedom is also very very valuable. Which is why all of us trade some of our for wonderful things like security, safety, clean air, clean water, a functional economy, etc.

This is not a free society. This is a civil society with a great many liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Everything we love about living in western society comes at the cost of giving up a huge amount of our personal freedoms. All of the things that you are not allowed to do because they are illegal or because someone with a uniform and a gun will probably shoot you if you try it? Those are the freedoms you no longer have, because you traded them for security, safety, clean air, clean water and a functional economy.

There are costs to have any measure of freedom within a society.

You are confusing freedom with COMFORT. I could lock you in the world's fanciest mansion with the world's most comfortable bed and provide you with maids, cooks, housekeepers, and 12 of the world's horniest supermodels. You could be free to do absolutely anything you want inside that mansion... but you can never leave the mansion as long as you live, and if you ever do, you will be killed on sight.

Even the world's most comfortable prison is still a prison.
No sword. No beatings. Just a cell with a bed and food to eat.

One can freely put oneself into the cell if one chooses by not paying what is owed.
Again, that's not a "free choice."

If you are given a meal (a decent society) and don't pay for it and then go to jail because you refused to pay is this some great restriction on freedom?

Freedom IS free. It costs nothing to be absolutely free. But it also BENEFITS nothing to be absolutely free. It's the "zero condition" where nothing is given and nothing is expected in return.

If it is just you then I can come and take all you have by force and if I am more powerful you can do nothing.

That is not freedom.

Freedom is not free.

It requires having institutions that protect and defend rights.
The government does not force anybody to pay any taxes.

People are free to make no money and pay no taxes. Or they can freely go to prison and pay no taxes.

By that definition, no one ever has or could force anyone to ever do anything. It means there are only two possible states of existence: Total unfettered freedom or death.

For someone that pretends to care about "dictatorships" , you sure go out of your way to ignore the fact that the central role of all government is to enforce a social contract, and root is "force" for the good reason that force is always how all laws are enforced with the threat of physical violence the ultimate consequence of all law violation. No one goes to prison freely. They are taken their under threat of physical violence and death.
Again, that's not a "free choice."

If you are given a meal (a decent society) and don't pay for it and then go to jail because you refused to pay is this some great restriction on freedom?

In a purely free society you can take whatever you want when you want it and the only restrictions on your behavior is the ability of the owner of that thing to stop you from doing so. Its your choice vs his choice and settle it however you can. Prior to the invention of "society" this was called "nature." That is, "I'm going to eat you, and you are going to try to escape. Whoever is the fastest wins."

We didn't really like living this way, of course, because of the simple problem that nobody could really gaurantee always been the fastest or the strongest. Living in fear of predation by someone/something stronger than us is a MAJOR source of stress for humans; it's a pain in the ass, it makes us less productive, it makes us less happy and less comfortable. So we invented society and with that came the rules that make predation by one human against another strictly off limits. The benefit of this rule is, we can let our guards down and focus on more important things like watching Netflix, blues concerts and arguing with people on the internet. The downside of this rule -- if you can even call it that -- is we are no longer free to take what we want when we want it just because we're stronger than the person who has it.

Surrender some freedom, get some benefit. That's the funding basis of "society."

If it is just you then I can come and take all you have by force and if I am more powerful you can do nothing.

That is not freedom.
Yes it is. You're free to come and take what I have and I am free to try and stop you. Nothing and no one will interfere with either of our choices and we are COMPLETELY free to settle this ourselves. Whichever one of us has the bigger gun or the bigger sword or the bigger rocket launcher will prevail.

That is indeed FREEDOM.

Because we live in a civilized society, we no longer have the right to settle disputes with violence. We gave up that freedom, and for the most part we don't really miss it. We could, for whatever reason, choose to take that freedom back, but to do so we would have to give up the safety and security we bought with it.

Freedom is not free.
Incorrect. COMFORT is not free. Freedom is the price of comfort.

Those who value freedom accept a lower level of comfort. Those who value comfort accept a lower level of freedom.

It requires having institutions that protect and defend rights.
That, again, is comfort.

Freedom requires no institutions whatsoever. In the absence of other human beings, your ability to do whatever you want whenever you want it is completely unrestricted; you can build shelter where you want, hunt and fish where you want, eat, shit and fuck wherever and whenever and whatever you want. Add another human being into the mix, and your freedom is still absolute; you can both do whatever you want, including kill and rape each other.

It's only when you don't want to have to worry about what the other humans are going to do to you that some of those freedoms are given up for the sake of cooperation. Now you can live together comfortably, and focus on other things. Marriages, families, tribes, clans, these are all the prototypes of the broader sense of what we call society, and they ALL involve two or more people agreeing that there are some things they will never ever do to each other. But marriage, like family, does not make people more free, it makes them more cohesive and unified.
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