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Could Obama run as VP?

I know you have term limits that one person can only be elected president for 8 years (22nd amendment), but does that limit Obama from running for VP? Could he then serve as president if something happened to the elected President? Could Trump do this in 2024?
No, he can't be VP exactly because he cannot become the P in place of a downed P.

Trump could run for VP in 2020, as he still has a term of eligibility. If he wins in 2020, he can't be VP in 2024.

This is well outside my scope but isn't Secretary of State in the line of succession and a workaround was created for Henry Kissinger as he was ineligible to be President? Couldn't a similar thing also happen in this hypothetical or am I comparing apples to oranges?

that's my take... he can't get elected as President (clearly), and he can't take over the role either. (less clear).. so, the line of succession just skips him (which apparently has historical precedence)
Nope, he specifically said, "I condemn the neo-nazi's. How often do I have to condemn them? I condemn them." And then it's the neo-nazi's who say, "OH OK, Trump I get it. You don't like us. wink wink, you have to say that."

So, Trump is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

Keep living in your fantasy world. Best of luck

Trump has two voices when he speaks publicly.. when he speaks in a monotone manner and just stares at the teleprompter and reads it unemotionally, he is speaking to his base and loudly and clearly saying, "ignore this part.. .this is just me making fun of 'being old fashioned presidential'". And they totally ignore it. When he uses his billy-bob stupid-Joe voice, as he does 90% of the time, he is "just being himself".
This is pretty obvious to anyone.. if it wasn't.. then billy-bob stupid-joe wouldn't comprehend.
It isn't crystal clear. They could have written "be president" but they wrote "be elected president". Hence the potential loophole.
It isn't a loophole when context is introduced.

The 22nd Amendment didn't fall from the sky. It was written as a result of FDR winning a fourth election. Clearly, had FDR survived, and could no longer be President (though technically the amendment didn't effect the President already in power), Congress and the states would not have been happy with FDR being named Speaker of the House and then reascending to the White House, unelected.

Additionally, the founders explicitly put forth a process to determine who the President would be. Succession rules were established in cases of emergency. They were not developed as loopholes to power.

The "loophole" only exists if we ignore the intent of the Founders and those that ratified the 22nd Amendment.

The potential lack of clarity is if an ineligible to be President citizen can be in a line of potential succession to the Presidency.
Actually, it's unclear whether or not he could run as VP, according to Snopes. But, you could have looked up that answer yourself.

I read the Wikipedia entry before posting here. It also says it's unclear. So I thought it an interesting question for a thread.

If the VP is sworn in as president, with the prior president having more than 2 years remaining in his term, then the new President (former VP) can only be elected to one more term.

22nd Anendnent said:
Section 1
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.
Section 2
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.


Bolding mine. I didn't notice an answer to this part of your question, maybe I overlooked it.
He was talking about the people who want to keep the statues up just for the historical aspect, not because they actually supported the Confederacy.

Just like there's people in the world who collect Nazi paraphernalia but they are not Nazi's themselves.

No, he wasn't. Try to rewrite history if you want, but the video is there for all see. Trump said a rally where the chant was "Jews will not replace us" had some very fine people who at least had a permit.

Nope, he specifically said, "I condemn the neo-nazi's. How often do I have to condemn them? I condemn them." And then it's the neo-nazi's who say, "OH OK, Trump I get it. You don't like us. wink wink, you have to say that."

So, Trump is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

The problem is he continues to act like he supports them. We don't believe his denials.
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