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Covfefe throughout the ages

Isn't that a Peter Sellers movie?
Could be... EVERYONE'S done it. Futurama, Get Smart, The Great Race, plus a zillion versions of the novel itself...
Yeah, but the movie was called "The Prisoner of Zenda".

Fuck this... I'm going to Google. Yes... there is a Peter Sellers film called The Prisoner of Zenda. I think I started watching this one. Don't think I finished it.
This just in, Trump's full tweet revealed:

Despite the negative press covfefe
Did gyre and gimble in the wefe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
I thought it might be a Vogon word, used in praise of their poetry:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles,
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer.
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and stipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don't!

Now, that wasn't that the most convfefe thing you've read all day?
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more so much more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and tweet'd it out
I lied about it all and pretended to be so tall
And did it covfefe!!!
Someone tweeted that may have been the moment a staffer had successfully wrestled the phone from Trump. Another suggested it could be Trump's safe word. The wheel of fortune tweet was the best.

I can't tell whether it is an anagram or whether he just fell asleep while tweeting as there is no punctuation. He likes trolling, so that is even possible. This guy just shouldn't be in the White House.

Do not cast covfefes about when stupidity will do. ;)
Is anyone else beginning to see Trump as a sort of political fidget spinner?
Always something to keep you occupied, but not accomplishing much of shit...
Well, Republicans are trying to repeal Dodd-Frank at the moment. Apparently barely sustainable banking practices wasn't offering the banks enough rope and we need to reenact operation Bankrupt the Planet. Trump is providing some cover.
Someone tweeted that may have been the moment a staffer had successfully wrestled the phone from Trump. Another suggested it could be Trump's safe word. The wheel of fortune tweet was the best.

I can't tell whether it is an anagram or whether he just fell asleep while tweeting as there is no punctuation. He likes trolling, so that is even possible. This guy just shouldn't be in the White House.

"Hiding in plain site"... most people are familiar with that term. "Steganography", however, is a term most people do not know. That is the "art" of hiding sensitive information "in plain site", using an image. You can take a portion of a JPEG image and change just enough of the bits around to hide a message in it without making a perceptual impact in the picture. Try it yourself in notepad (just put your message in the middle, not the very bottom or top) That is just one of many "backchannel" means to convey information. Terrorist cells might have a completely innocuous website (like about cars or food or whatever) that is entirely detached from their propaganda websites. There might be a page on that site with a blue background and a white stripe (for example). That means "standby". If they update the website to have a lighter blue background with a green stripe, that means "attack".

When Spicer conveyed that "a small group of people knew exactly what Trump meant" (yes, he literally said that), he was possibly alluding to a clandestine message to the Russians. That specific "spelling error" may have been a signal, or an encoded message.
When Spicer conveyed that "a small group of people knew exactly what Trump meant" (yes, he literally said that), he was possibly alluding to a clandestine message to the Russians. That specific "spelling error" may have been a signal, or an encoded message.

So, the defecation is about to hit the ventilation system?

Someone tweeted that may have been the moment a staffer had successfully wrestled the phone from Trump. Another suggested it could be Trump's safe word. The wheel of fortune tweet was the best.

I can't tell whether it is an anagram or whether he just fell asleep while tweeting as there is no punctuation. He likes trolling, so that is even possible. This guy just shouldn't be in the White House.
When Spicer conveyed that "a small group of people knew exactly what Trump meant" (yes, he literally said that), he was possibly alluding to a clandestine message to the Russians. That specific "spelling error" may have been a signal, or an encoded message.
Which is incredible stuff for Spicer to say, 'Oh, the President is using Twitter to send secret messages, so all is good.' Huh?! That is not​ good!
I was just kidding... never attribute malfeasance when stupidity is the more simple explanation. This all goes to show just how stupid this administration is, with respect to the optics of their every action.
I wonder if Trump realizes he's going to be one of history's greatest jokes until no one cares about 21st century American history anymore.
I was just kidding... never attribute malfeasance when stupidity is the more simple explanation. This all goes to show just how stupid this administration is, with respect to the optics of their every action.
I'll agree with that, but really, that was​ what Spicer meant.
Not my creation, but: Count on Vladimir for every future election
Trump outsmarted the libtards yet again!


Them dumbass liberals think covfefe ain't a real word even though Trump and Spicer both explained that it is so a real word! And now we know it's really a secret Arabic phrase that proves he's against terrorism! Them libtards called him stupid, but he's really playing 26-dimensional chess! That's how much smarter he is than them libtards!!!!!!

I bet you snowflakes feel stupid now! MAGA! MAGA! USA! USA!
I hope those are poes.
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