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CPAC - Crazy People Addressing Crickets


Veteran Member
Mar 27, 2008
always on the move
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Atheist, skeptic, nerd
Well CPAC has started again. Do they have this like every other month? Seems like it.

Well the headlines of crazy stuff said there are swarming various news sources. But I like the pictures coming out

It's good that the crowd was smaller than usual, but it's appalling how much they love MTG. 🤮


You may not be able to access the entire article without stealing it, so I'll quote parts.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Shortly after U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrapped up her speech, which mostly focused on attacking medical treatments for transgender youth, she made her way down media row at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

A hoard of fans begging for photos and journalists with cameras and microphones shouting questions crowded around her. While there were other high-profile Republicans around at the same time, including Donald Trump Jr. and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, none drew quite the spectacle that Greene did.
“She is a rock star,” Melissa Cornwell exclaimed to her CPAC crew, all of them donned in red sequin jackets that said “Proud Texan” on the back and yellow T-shirts that when they all stood together spelled out “Trump.”

Cornwell said she came to CPAC this year to hear from former President Donald Trump, who will deliver the closing speech Saturday. But she was also glad to hear from Greene, whose speech Cornwell described as “right on point.” Cornwell said Greene has what it takes to be president one day or perhaps Trump’s vice president if he wins in 2024.

“Her beliefs are solid,” Cornwell said. “That’s what America needs to get back on track to protect our youth and support our Constitution.”

Catholic University student James Ong was among those stretching their necks for a glimpse of Greene after her speech. He said he had agreed with most of what she said, especially regarding the “culture wars” and conservative values. Ong also believes that Ukraine should not get a blank check from the U.S., although he disagrees with Greene’s implication that America should withdraw completely from any involvement in the war.
I had no idea how popular this idiot is outside of her nutty district in Georgia. I can't even perceive of why anyone would think she'd make a great president. She apparently has a cult following, including from some young college students.
it's appalling how much they love MTG.
It's predictable. She's stupid, they're stupid.
If you are a dumb-as-a-post trumpsucking moron, MTG lets you think that people JUST LIKE YOU are qualified to be in the United States House of Representatives.
So naturally, they love her. And the funny thing is, that they would be correct to think that - as long as they live in her district or one just as FOXwashed as hers.
I can't even perceive of why anyone would think she'd make a great president.
Well, it takes understanding their perspective. "Great" for them means "on message, easily controlled, and completely shameless."

She either always was or definitely now is in someone's pocket, and you can smell the bad faith wafting off her from a mile away.

Beyond that, her idiocy is lightning rod/rodeo clown for all of the actual evil shit they want to have legislated.
Well, it takes understanding their perspective. "Great" for them means "on message, easily controlled, and completely shameless."
She has no intellect, wishes to rule by decree, admires Putin, possesses zero scientific curiosity and is 100% emotionally operated. If I'm a fellow idiot, what's not to like?
Well, it takes understanding their perspective. "Great" for them means "on message, easily controlled, and completely shameless."
She has no intellect, wishes to rule by decree, admires Putin, possesses zero scientific curiosity and is 100% emotionally operated. If I'm a fellow idiot, what's not to like?
Hence why she's "perfect" for them.
This is just desperate;

Props to the Q-tards though. Even when a room is half empty they still won't social distance. Just doubling down on the Herman Cain fan club.
1 Timothy 2:11-2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Sit down and shut up bitches! This IS a Christian nation!

A speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference inspired an eruption of cheers after he called for the eradication of “transgenderism” on Saturday—yet another escalation amid the seemingly nonstop legislative push from Republicans across the U.S. to cut trans rights.
“If transgenderism is false—as it is—if men really can’t become women—as they cannot—then it’s false for everyone,” the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles said at CPAC. “If it is false then for the good of society and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion, transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely.”

“There can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. It is all or nothing,” said Knowles.
This is the kind of shit Putin et al. were pushing back as far as 2012? Fascists need a good distraction. Just googled and Daily Wire seems enamorada with Russian laws along these lines being passed while it invaded Ukraine.
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