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Current senior WH adviser identified as "significant person of interest" in Russia probe

Re Monty Python, the media swallow what it is fed and then tends to spew them out again :) (Whether left or right wing).

As opposed to you, who is clearly able to process it all with level-headed clarity, free from any form of bias.
What are you talking about? wp is clearly biased and continues to present biased opinions that are anti-EU and United States. I'm not certain how you could consider that wp's posts are level-headed and free from any form of ...




Hey, wait a second. I see what you did there. You were being sarcastic. You stated an opinion that was the opposite of what you actually meant. What you actually meant was that wp [self moderated text]

[/self-moderated text]...with a flash light.
So what you are saying someone can be convicted based on hidden information?
I recall seeing a cartoon in a newspaper where someone was charged with a crime of leaking state secrets but the charges were not specified as they were also confidential.

The obstruction is out in the open. Trump has effectively admitted to it on TV. And I include within obstruction, not just attempts to impede the investigation, but various false statements, such as on security forms. Kushner should already have had his clearance revoked, and hopefully will be prosecuted for it.

Investigations do involve several lines of inquiry and theories. This is normal. Even wild cards are used to begin with. I'vebeen involved in lots of them. There will be hundreds more questions coming up.

Re Monty Python, the media swallow what it is fed and then tends to spew them out again :) (Whether left or right wing).

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