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Current senior WH adviser identified as "significant person of interest" in Russia probe

Seems like a missed opportunity.

It sure does.
barbos, I can understand the outside perspective. The US is hardly an angel. Done bad things, supported some "bad hombres". Interfered in elections over the years, even supported some coups (Chavez comes to mind).

The problem here with the Russians though is that the Trump Campaign, transition team, administration seem to have met with a lot of Russians, typically bankers and spies. You seem to be concentrating too much on Putin trying to sway the election (I think he was trying to just weaken a Clinton Presidency), and not as much on 'Why in the heck are there so many Russians attached to people around Trump?'

The investigation into all of this started nearly 1 year ago, so the whole 'butt hurt' over the election isn't what is going on. In fact, the initial indications something was wrong was coming from European intelligence agencies when they were picking up chatter (and they don't need to black out American names in their intel, being a different country and all). The CIA's behavior is atypical, which indicates there is so much more under the surface, and we know that the CIA was making strides to make it as hard as possible for the Trump Administration to cover this stuff up.

Add this to the obstruction of two investigations against a guy the Trump Admin fired, there is something very wrong here. I have no idea why you can't see it.
It sure does.
barbos, I can understand the outside perspective. The US is hardly an angel. Done bad things, supported some "bad hombres". Interfered in elections over the years, even supported some coups (Chavez comes to mind).

The problem here with the Russians though is that the Trump Campaign, transition team, administration seem to have met with a lot of Russians, typically bankers and spies. You seem to be concentrating too much on Putin trying to sway the election (I think he was trying to just weaken a Clinton Presidency), and not as much on 'Why in the heck are there so many Russians attached to people around Trump?'

The investigation into all of this started nearly 1 year ago, so the whole 'butt hurt' over the election isn't what is going on. In fact, the initial indications something was wrong was coming from European intelligence agencies when they were picking up chatter (and they don't need to black out American names in their intel, being a different country and all). The CIA's behavior is atypical, which indicates there is so much more under the surface, and we know that the CIA was making strides to make it as hard as possible for the Trump Administration to cover this stuff up.

Add this to the obstruction of two investigations against a guy the Trump Admin fired, there is something very wrong here. I have no idea why you can't see it.

There's a golden opportunity here for Uncle Vlad - if he truly wants better relations with the US.
All he has to do is release the pissergate video or whatever other dirt he has on Cheato in a timely manner, and the left (which will certainly inherit control of the government as a result) will be beholden to him, and eager to do whatever pleaseth.
barbos, I can understand the outside perspective. The US is hardly an angel. Done bad things, supported some "bad hombres". Interfered in elections over the years, even supported some coups (Chavez comes to mind).

The problem here with the Russians though is that the Trump Campaign, transition team, administration seem to have met with a lot of Russians, typically bankers and spies. You seem to be concentrating too much on Putin trying to sway the election (I think he was trying to just weaken a Clinton Presidency), and not as much on 'Why in the heck are there so many Russians attached to people around Trump?'

The investigation into all of this started nearly 1 year ago, so the whole 'butt hurt' over the election isn't what is going on. In fact, the initial indications something was wrong was coming from European intelligence agencies when they were picking up chatter (and they don't need to black out American names in their intel, being a different country and all). The CIA's behavior is atypical, which indicates there is so much more under the surface, and we know that the CIA was making strides to make it as hard as possible for the Trump Administration to cover this stuff up.

Add this to the obstruction of two investigations against a guy the Trump Admin fired, there is something very wrong here. I have no idea why you can't see it.

There's a golden opportunity here for Uncle Vlad - if he truly wants better relations with the US.
All he has to do is release the pissergate video or whatever other dirt he has on Cheato in a timely manner, and the left (which will certainly inherit control of the government as a result) will be beholden to him, and eager to do whatever pleaseth.
Why would he release the video if it did exist? He would have potential power over the general Republican infrastructure at the moment.
There's a golden opportunity here for Uncle Vlad - if he truly wants better relations with the US.
All he has to do is release the pissergate video or whatever other dirt he has on Cheato in a timely manner, and the left (which will certainly inherit control of the government as a result) will be beholden to him, and eager to do whatever pleaseth.
Why would he release the video if it did exist? He would have potential power over the general Republican infrastructure at the moment.

When he senses it crumbling, I don't think he'll hesitate to change sides.
Why would he release the video if it did exist? He would have potential power over the general Republican infrastructure at the moment.
When he senses it crumbling, I don't think he'll hesitate to change sides.
But that wouldn't even be a change of sides... That would be discarding a tool that's no longer useful.

And then going down the list of succession, offering his files for future favors.
There's a golden opportunity here for Uncle Vlad - if he truly wants better relations with the US.
All he has to do is release the pissergate video or whatever other dirt he has on Cheato in a timely manner, and the left (which will certainly inherit control of the government as a result) will be beholden to him, and eager to do whatever pleaseth.
Why would he release the video if it did exist? He would have potential power over the general Republican infrastructure at the moment.

That tape would make zero difference to Trump fans and zero difference to people like me whose mildest reaction to Trump remains a barely suppressed gag reflex. In fact unless the tape showed him buggering a couple of five year old boys (preferably with blonde hair and blue eyes), I don't think it would have any effect whatsoever. Even then, not enough to make a difference.

Everyone knows and has known for years that Trump screws around as much as possible. It's just proof of what a man's man he is. Even some pretty creepy tapes of him and Ivanka are ignored. Personally I can't fathom how these worshippers of Reagan can stomach someone figuratively in bed with Putin.

I'm personally hoping for a mixup in his meds.
That tape would make zero difference to Trump fans
I think you're wrong. Or, not wrong, but thinking in the wrong direction.

Years back, the rarer you took your steak, the more manly you were.
Now, the trend for the Trump Follower is to take it beyond well-done, just as The Donald takes it. Manly Men, now, take it as carbonized shoe leather.

If a tape comes out, there will be a surge of popularity of whatever practice is on display in the tape. Or at least, many, many Trumpsters will brag that 'that's my fetish.' Because they simply must adopt and adapt, to show their support, and to buttress their belief that he's not a loon or a pervert. He's America. He's THEIR America. He tells the press to fuck off, so do the Trumpsters. He mocks Obama, so do they. He hates the ACA, they hate it more than they did when they just hated Obama.

If he sodomizes boys in the video, well, as Trump goes, so blows the nation.
This brings to mind something I've been hearing about for a couple of weeks now. Supposedly, there are recordings of The Apprentice, which behind the scenes have Trump being the authentic asshole he is, and very casually and with malice throwing around the word "nigger". These are supposed to unequivocally exist, and have been considered for release, but that those that have it wonder if it would actually do any good whatsoever, comments about shooting someone in Times Square notwithstanding.

Would it do any good? Hard to say.
That tape would make zero difference to Trump fans
I think you're wrong. Or, not wrong, but thinking in the wrong direction.

Years back, the rarer you took your steak, the more manly you were.
Now, the trend for the Trump Follower is to take it beyond well-done, just as The Donald takes it. Manly Men, now, take it as carbonized shoe leather.

If a tape comes out, there will be a surge of popularity of whatever practice is on display in the tape. Or at least, many, many Trumpsters will brag that 'that's my fetish.' Because they simply must adopt and adapt, to show their support, and to buttress their belief that he's not a loon or a pervert. He's America. He's THEIR America. He tells the press to fuck off, so do the Trumpsters. He mocks Obama, so do they. He hates the ACA, they hate it more than they did when they just hated Obama.

If he sodomizes boys in the video, well, as Trump goes, so blows the nation.
LOL...kind of reminds me of the pissing in a bar joke scene from Desperado...

Or in print if one likes:
Why would he release the video if it did exist? He would have potential power over the general Republican infrastructure at the moment.

That tape would make zero difference to Trump fans and zero difference to people like me whose mildest reaction to Trump remains a barely suppressed gag reflex. In fact unless the tape showed him buggering a couple of five year old boys (preferably with blonde hair and blue eyes), I don't think it would have any effect whatsoever. Even then, not enough to make a difference.

Everyone knows and has known for years that Trump screws around as much as possible. It's just proof of what a man's man he is. Even some pretty creepy tapes of him and Ivanka are ignored. Personally I can't fathom how these worshippers of Reagan can stomach someone figuratively in bed with Putin.

I'm personally hoping for a mixup in his meds.

Maybe releasing info on Cheato's financial misdeeds would be more novel at this point. But either way, those who bought his lies about Hillary and voted for Trump could be tipped, and Vlad could ingratiate himself to the Nation.
But Vlad might be reticent to do anything rash, for fear of getting nuked if he abandons his puppet.
That tape would make zero difference to Trump fans and zero difference to people like me whose mildest reaction to Trump remains a barely suppressed gag reflex. In fact unless the tape showed him buggering a couple of five year old boys (preferably with blonde hair and blue eyes), I don't think it would have any effect whatsoever. Even then, not enough to make a difference.

Everyone knows and has known for years that Trump screws around as much as possible. It's just proof of what a man's man he is. Even some pretty creepy tapes of him and Ivanka are ignored. Personally I can't fathom how these worshippers of Reagan can stomach someone figuratively in bed with Putin.

I'm personally hoping for a mixup in his meds.

Maybe releasing info on Cheato's financial misdeeds would be more novel at this point. But either way, those who bought his lies about Hillary and voted for Trump could be tipped, and Vlad could ingratiate himself to the Nation.
But Vlad might be reticent to do anything rash, for fear of getting nuked if he abandons his puppet.
Nobody who stands behind Trump is unaware of his many financial misdeeds. Inexplicably the same working class tradespeople who have been shafted over and over by Trump and his bankruptcies are standing hard in his corner. I truly cannot understand that, but there you have it. I feel like we are all caught in The Upsidedown.

Best case scenario is that either he becomes incapacitated, quits outright or enough treason and fraud are made public to turn enough of his party against him to convict. The we have Pence who is mentally competent if so small minded and regressive that even Indiana hated his guts. Pence lacks the charisma to do better than serve out the term. He's a mean spirited small minded asshole who has been elevated beyond his station due to the profound insecurities of the top of his ticket.

Our only hope is the midterms.
That's a bit bleak. The investigations are still likely to send at least some of this circus packing, and could conceivably get Trump the fuck out of the WH. Mueller probably can't prosecute Trump directly, but he can cripple his administration. It's already looking like this scandal will prevent the GOP from moving forward on anything, and while Trump will always have his utterly deranged and delusional fanbase, most GOP Congressmen don't.

It's not a sure thing - if any sort of reason still ruled the day then Donald Fucking Trump wouldn't be president in the first place. But I wouldn't brush off these investigations altogether. Facts may be powerless when the public is stupid and/or deluded, but the law isn't.
That's a bit bleak. The investigations are still likely to send at least some of this circus packing, and could conceivably get Trump the fuck out of the WH. Mueller probably can't prosecute Trump directly, but he can cripple his administration. It's already looking like this scandal will prevent the GOP from moving forward on anything, and while Trump will always have his utterly deranged and delusional fanbase, most GOP Congressmen don't.

It's not a sure thing - if any sort of reason still ruled the day then Donald Fucking Trump wouldn't be president in the first place. But I wouldn't brush off these investigations altogether. Facts may be powerless when the public is stupid and/or deluded, but the law isn't.

Unless they start turning up convincing details the whole investigation will turn into more of a circus.

Investigations can involve several dozens of lines of inquiry but questions are not conclusions.
Media spins only make this worse on the long run

Now I see Nigel Farrage is now under investigation

Nigel Farage dismisses claim he is a 'person of interest' in FBI's Donald Trump investigation as 'baloney'

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has said claims that he is a "person of interest" in the FBI's investigation into the Trump Campaign and its suspected collusion with Russia are "completely baloney" and "hysterical nonsense".

Sources close to the investigation told the newspaper Mr Farage piqued the FBI's interest due to his links to President Trump and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Mr Farage has not been accused of any wrongdoing and is not a suspect in the investigation.

Have you ever watched Monty Python?
Maybe releasing info on Cheato's financial misdeeds would be more novel at this point. But either way, those who bought his lies about Hillary and voted for Trump could be tipped, and Vlad could ingratiate himself to the Nation.
But Vlad might be reticent to do anything rash, for fear of getting nuked if he abandons his puppet.
Nobody who stands behind Trump is unaware of his many financial misdeeds. Inexplicably the same working class tradespeople who have been shafted over and over by Trump and his bankruptcies are standing hard in his corner. I truly cannot understand that, but there you have it. I feel like we are all caught in The Upsidedown.

Best case scenario is that either he becomes incapacitated, quits outright or enough treason and fraud are made public to turn enough of his party against him to convict. The we have Pence who is mentally competent if so small minded and regressive that even Indiana hated his guts. Pence lacks the charisma to do better than serve out the term. He's a mean spirited small minded asshole who has been elevated beyond his station due to the profound insecurities of the top of his ticket.

Our only hope is the midterms.
That's a bit bleak. The investigations are still likely to send at least some of this circus packing, and could conceivably get Trump the fuck out of the WH. Mueller probably can't prosecute Trump directly, but he can cripple his administration. It's already looking like this scandal will prevent the GOP from moving forward on anything, and while Trump will always have his utterly deranged and delusional fanbase, most GOP Congressmen don't.

It's not a sure thing - if any sort of reason still ruled the day then Donald Fucking Trump wouldn't be president in the first place. But I wouldn't brush off these investigations altogether. Facts may be powerless when the public is stupid and/or deluded, but the law isn't.

I agree with all of the above - Trump's core fanbase of irrationals cannot be altered, the GOP agenda can be slowed significantly, and the only hope for real change is a tidal wave of Dems elected in 2018. Regardless, there will be a trail of carnage leading to the 2020 elections, and if Trump is still alive and in office, he will be guaranteed 38-42% of the popular vote no matter what. All that remains to be done is to get 10-14% of the rest of the electorate (or even less if surgical precision is applied to the electoral districts) swayed by Russian fake news and a fresh round of fearmongering... and we'll have Trump until 2024.
It is IMPERATIVE that the above mentioned tidal wave comes to pass, or the USA will become a banana republic satellite of Russia.
Unless they start turning up convincing details the whole investigation will turn into more of a circus.

Yay, WP is back to spew more fake news. There are already a lot of convincing details about obstruction. But stop pretending you know all the details they have.

Investigations can involve several dozens of lines of inquiry but questions are not conclusions.
Media spins only make this worse on the long run

Nobody has more consistently put a worst false spin on this story than you,

Now I see Nigel Farrage is now under investigation

Nigel Farage dismisses claim he is a 'person of interest' in FBI's Donald Trump investigation as 'baloney'

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has said claims that he is a "person of interest" in the FBI's investigation into the Trump Campaign and its suspected collusion with Russia are "completely baloney" and "hysterical nonsense".

Sources close to the investigation told the newspaper Mr Farage piqued the FBI's interest due to his links to President Trump and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Mr Farage has not been accused of any wrongdoing and is not a suspect in the investigation.

Have you ever watched Monty Python?

I have, you remind me of Mr Creosote.

Yay, WP is back to spew more fake news. There are already a lot of convincing details about obstruction. But stop pretending you know all the details they have.

Investigations can involve several dozens of lines of inquiry but questions are not conclusions.
Media spins only make this worse on the long run

Nobody has more consistently put a worst false spin on this story than you,

Now I see Nigel Farrage is now under investigation

Nigel Farage dismisses claim he is a 'person of interest' in FBI's Donald Trump investigation as 'baloney'

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has said claims that he is a "person of interest" in the FBI's investigation into the Trump Campaign and its suspected collusion with Russia are "completely baloney" and "hysterical nonsense".

Sources close to the investigation told the newspaper Mr Farage piqued the FBI's interest due to his links to President Trump and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Mr Farage has not been accused of any wrongdoing and is not a suspect in the investigation.

Have you ever watched Monty Python?

I have, you remind me of Mr Creosote.


So what you are saying someone can be convicted based on hidden information?
I recall seeing a cartoon in a newspaper where someone was charged with a crime of leaking state secrets but the charges were not specified as they were also confidential.

Investigations do involve several lines of inquiry and theories. This is normal. Even wild cards are used to begin with. I've been involved in lots of them. There will be hundreds more questions coming up.

Re Monty Python, the media swallow what it is fed and then tends to spew them out again :) (Whether left or right wing).
Re Monty Python, the media swallow what it is fed and then tends to spew them out again :) (Whether left or right wing).

As opposed to you, who is clearly able to process it all with level-headed clarity, free from any form of bias.

I don't see anything but bias where conclusions are based on allegations. This applies also to bad press about Clinton some months ago.
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