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Darwinian Decline of Liberalism

The empirical data show it remains very much true today in modernized societies. IF both your parents are Dems, you are 5 times more likely to become a Dem than a Republican as an adult, and the inverse if both parents are Republicans. Split party parents have kids that are more 50/50 but they tend to lean toward their mom's party. When kid's don't adopt their parent's party is usually because they merely go "independent" rather than to the opposing party. Note that this is true, even when the kid (wrongly) believes and claims that his parents had little to no influence on their own politics. Also, it isn't just nurture but genes and biology. This is growing evidence that biology plays are significant role is shaping ideology on all issues, including politics.
Thus, even if given up for adoption, a baby with conservative biological parents is more likely to grow up to be a conservative.

So what am I?

My parents were Republicans in the time before the neocons and the Tea party. Their politics didn't shift but the parties did--they ended up Democrats.
1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of them liberals.
Simple statistics dictate that a much higher number of embryos have failed to implant or aborted spontaneously in the same period.
The empirical data show it remains very much true today in modernized societies. IF both your parents are Dems, you are 5 times more likely to become a Dem than a Republican as an adult, and the inverse if both parents are Republicans. Split party parents have kids that are more 50/50 but they tend to lean toward their mom's party. When kid's don't adopt their parent's party is usually because they merely go "independent" rather than to the opposing party. Note that this is true, even when the kid (wrongly) believes and claims that his parents had little to no influence on their own politics. Also, it isn't just nurture but genes and biology. This is growing evidence that biology plays are significant role is shaping ideology on all issues, including politics.
Thus, even if given up for adoption, a baby with conservative biological parents is more likely to grow up to be a conservative.

So what am I?

My parents were Republicans in the time before the neocons and the Tea party. Their politics didn't shift but the parties did--they ended up Democrats.

What are you? Atypical.

One in six is not exactly long odds.
Actually, this might be the only claim even close to true that Starman has made in any of the dozens of threads he has started in the last week.

Fetuses don't have a political ideology yet, but the parents they will have do and their parents ideology is by far the strongest determinant of their future ideology.

Sure... except according to studies if said parental ideology is strong held, then they're actually more likely to cause children to adopt the OPPOSITE ideology. If parents don't particularly push their own beliefs on their kids, then their kids are likely to adopt (at least in part) the positions of their parents. If on the other hand the parents actively try to have the kids adopt their beliefs, then the kids are likely to rebel and diverge from their parents beliefs later on.

It is empirically true that "liberals" and "Dems" are more likely to get abortions (and Dem voting States have higher abortion rates). It would be rather amazing if that wasn't true. Personal and community attitudes determine behavior, so of course people who believe or are surrounded by people who believe that getting an abortion is evil, are much less likely to do it.

But as I just pointed out, that isn't necessarily true. People who believe that getting an abortion is evil are much more likely to aggressively push that belief on others, and in doing so actively encourage kids to resist that belief. And the fact that democrat voting states have higher abortion rates doesn't really prove anything; unless you believe that those states have the exact same quality of facilities/services for abortion and people live and die in the same state they were born never crossing any border.

Sure, some will lie and do it secretly, but beliefs and culture do have some impact on actual behavior. IOW, notably more fetuses that would have eventually become liberals and Dems are aborted than ones that would have become conservatives.

IOW, no. The assumptions underpinning this argument are shaky at best.
The religion of Liberalism is the belief in all things anti-American, anti-family, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion,
politically correct, and so on.

Factors which weigh heavily against liberalism's growth include, but are not limited to:

1. Abortion - Some 55,000,000 unborn American babies have been destroyed, the overwhelming majority of
them liberals.

2. Homosexuality - Adam and Steve can't conceive. Sure, they can donate their seed to lesbians, but few do such
things. It goes against their natures.

3. Murder rates among liberals - Homosexuals commit acts of violence and murder at a rate considerably higher than
normal men. Oh my how politically incorrect it is to state facts to liberals.

4. Murder rates among blacks - Blacks murder living blacks at several times the rate white men murder white men.
And blacks are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats.

5. Insufferable arrogance - Liberals incessantly claim intellectual superiority, and with it, smaller families. Oops!
You lose the Darwinian rat race. Sorry. Here come the Muslims to win it. They hate Christians even more than
liberals and atheists do. Actually, they hate everyone, even other Muslims. ISIS is bombing Saudi Arabia, and Syrian
Shiites. And practically everyone else. Some day, they may catch up with atheists like Mao and Stalin. We're talking
close to 100,000,000 murdered BECAUSE they were atheists, and rejected Nature's God, as named in our Declaration of Independence.

This does not explain the move to the left on social issues. When Ronald Reagan was elected president most Americans opposed interracial marriage. Now most Americans favor gay marriage. Support for the legalization of marijuana has also passed the fifty percent point.
This does not explain the move to the left on social issues. When Ronald Reagan was elected president most Americans opposed interracial marriage. Now most Americans favor gay marriage. Support for the legalization of marijuana has also passed the fifty percent point.
You're bringing reality into a fight based on *man's fantasy. That's like asking how two mountain ranges in Middle Earth can cross at a perpendicular angle....
This does not explain the move to the left on social issues. When Ronald Reagan was elected president most Americans opposed interracial marriage. Now most Americans favor gay marriage. Support for the legalization of marijuana has also passed the fifty percent point.
You're bringing reality into a fight based on *man's fantasy. That's like asking how two mountain ranges in Middle Earth can cross at a perpendicular angle....

For quite a few years public opinion polls have indicated majority support for higher taxes on the rich, and no cuts to middle class entitlements.

The only things that could spoil it for the Democrats in 2016 would be a serious foreign policy problem, or two summers of black ghetto riots. Otherwise Hillary might as well start packing for the White House, and looking for a moving company. :D
You're bringing reality into a fight based on *man's fantasy. That's like asking how two mountain ranges in Middle Earth can cross at a perpendicular angle....

For quite a few years public opinion polls have indicated majority support for higher taxes on the rich, and no cuts to middle class entitlements.

The only things that could spoil it for the Democrats in 2016 would be a serious foreign policy problem, or two summers of black ghetto riots. Otherwise Hillary might as well start packing for the White House, and looking for a moving company. :D

This post would gave been more believable if it had been acknowledged as being sent from a Cannabis shop in Denver.
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