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David Wolfe: belief in a round Earth is a NASA conspiracy to steal your watch!!!!


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
I'm on hiatus from Facebook right now, but those of you who know me there have heard me rant and rave about David "Avocado" Wolfe.

For some reason, people on Facebook can't stop themselves from sharing his nonsense. Remember the claim that "big pharma" has a secret cure for cancer, but they won't tell anyone because it's more profitable to treat cancer? That came from David Wolfe.

Why does he do it?

Because if he can get you to not trust evidence-based medicine, then you will be more willing to buy alternative medicine quackery, which he sells. You should not trust what your doctor tells you to do about cancer because he's just motivated by profit, but for the low, low price of $200, you can buy a "grounding pillow case" from David Wolfe that will suck the "WiFi toxins" out of your head while you sleep. You can trust David Wolfe because big pharma is motivated by profit.

TMM normally does short videos on apologetics arguments (do check him out), but couldn't resist commenting on the latest stupidity from Wolfe. Apparently, belief in a round Earth is a NASA conspiracy to steal your watch. But you can trust what David Wolfe says because NASA is motivated by profit.

Please don't share things from this loon if any of his posts show up in your Facebook feed, and tell at any friends who share his garbage.
It's a short video, if that matters.

Or are you on a metered connection?

No, I just despise watching video. I much prefer to get my information from text.

I'm sure this is related to the fact that I have a short attention sp[ent]hellip[/ent] LOOK! SOMETHING SHINY! RIGHT OVER THERE! THERE IS SOMETHING SHINY RIGHT OVER THERE!

- - - Updated - - -

Although I have to admit that "NASA lies and says the world is round because they want to steal your watch" is orders of magnitude crazier than even Alex Jones' rant about gay frogs.
It's a short video, if that matters.

Or are you on a metered connection?

No, I just despise watching video. I much prefer to get my information from text.

Ditto. I can read. As a matter of fact, I can read the transcription much faster than sitting through the video. And I already know that Mr Wolfe is nuts. (Spoiler alert!) He'll never catch and eat those little piggies.
It's a short video, if that matters.

Or are you on a metered connection?

No, I just despise watching video. I much prefer to get my information from text.

Ditto. I can read. As a matter of fact, I can read the transcription much faster than sitting through the video. And I already know that Mr Wolfe is nuts. (Spoiler alert!) He'll never catch and eat those little piggies.

Yeah, text is generally faster communication than video unless the video contains a substantial part of the information conveyed.
No, I just despise watching video. I much prefer to get my information from text.

Ditto. I can read. As a matter of fact, I can read the transcription much faster than sitting through the video. And I already know that Mr Wolfe is nuts. (Spoiler alert!) He'll never catch and eat those little piggies.

Yeah, text is generally faster communication than video unless the video contains a substantial part of the information conveyed.
Like when you can read the power point faster than the presenter can read from it. You wonder why he's up there...
Ironically, it was specifically to produce a timebase accurate enough for celestial navigation, that Bulova, then led by Omar Bradley, developed tuning fork movements both for use in instrumentation and as wristwatches. For the entirety of the nineteen sixties, tuning fork watches were the absolute state of the art and are found in both early satellites, on the wrists of both Gemini and X15 Astronauts and in the control systems of Apollo.

Thus, in a very real sense, NASA, or at least NACA, gave us watches.
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