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Density of Earths inner core = 232.3 g/cm3

He has a knowledge base that has been proven many times. This is not like him being a preacher.

You are trying to tell me that the inner core of the earth is 18 times higher than seismologists have determined from a model. The model may be wrong and you right, but if I were a betting man I would bet against your calculation.

I have been off in calculations in the past and found out what I did wrong. I learned stuff in the process. Welcome to the club.

You don't know but you are betting that I am wrong? Why are you betting at all? Why don't you just say I don't know? Why don't you look at my calculations and see if they are right?

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my calculations make predictions about the structure of electron shells. Why don't you look at electron shells and see if my predictions are right?

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My model also explains the origin of the continental crust and the d double prime layer.
why is this type of shit published on talkfreethought, a casual hang out and not published someplace serious?
why is this type of shit published on talkfreethought, a casual hang out and not published someplace serious?

It's amazing how often that happens isn't it?

Yeah fuck sharing knowledge and information in the effort to continue growing and learning and becoming an ever more broad-minded (And interesting) person. Lets get back to what the internet is for; porn, memes and fucking about.
is this really nobel prize worthy?
is that even a thing?
density of earth = 5.515 g/cm3
density of ultramafic rock = 3.3 g/cm3
Radius of earth = 6370 km
Radius of core = 6370 - 2890 = 3480 km

Average density of entire core = (5.515-3.3)*(6370^3/3480^3)+3.3 = 16.9 g/cm3

Radius of inner core = 1220 km
Density of outer core = density of liquid iron = 7.2 g/cm3

Density of inner core = (16.9-7.2)*(3480^3/1220^3)+7.2 = 232.3 g/cm3

Density of iron = 7.87 g/cm3 (bcc) or 8.6 g/cm3 (fcc/close packing)
Density of inner core = 232.3 g/cm3 = 27 * 8.6 g/cm3
Exactly 27 times denser!
This means that the iron atoms in the inner core are exactly three times smaller
This is the expected result if electron shells are evenly spaced.
(Except it isn't clear why the iron atoms go from 3rd to 1st electron shell rather than 3rd to 2nd)
Iron has 4 electron shells but the 4th is already degenerate (which is why its a metal and a conductor)

Gravity at the top of the inner core = (232.3/5.515)*(1220/6370) = 8.067 g's

3/5 of earth gravity is due to density 3.3
Gravity = (0.6 g's * r/6370 km) + (0.4 g's * (6370 km)^2/r^2) for r=3480 to 6370 km

Gravity = 1.668 g's at r=3480 km
1.668*7.2/16.9 = 0.71 g's of that is due to density 7.2
Gravity = ( 0.71 g's * r/3480 km) + (0.958 g's * (3480 km)^2/r^2) for r=1220 to 3480 km
Gravity = 8.04 g's at r=1220 km 

integral of [ (0.6 * r/6370) + (0.4 * (6370)^2/r^2)] for r=3480 to 6370 = 3456 g's * km
integral of [( 0.71 * r/3480) + (0.958 * (3480)^2/r^2)] for r=1220 to 3480 = 7260 g's * km

3456 g's * 1 km * 3.3 g/cm3 = 1.13 * 10^6 bar
7260 g's * 1 km * 7.2 g/cm3 = 5.13 * 10^6 bar

Pressure at top of inner core = 1.13 + 5.13 = 6.26 million bar

I don't see the factors for compression of the mantle's rock and outer core's liquid iron at those pressures. Did you forget those?
density of earth = 5.515 g/cm3
density of ultramafic rock = 3.3 g/cm3
Radius of earth = 6370 km
Radius of core = 6370 - 2890 = 3480 km

Average density of entire core = (5.515-3.3)*(6370^3/3480^3)+3.3 = 16.9 g/cm3

Radius of inner core = 1220 km
Density of outer core = density of liquid iron = 7.2 g/cm3

Density of inner core = (16.9-7.2)*(3480^3/1220^3)+7.2 = 232.3 g/cm3

Density of iron = 7.87 g/cm3 (bcc) or 8.6 g/cm3 (fcc/close packing)
Density of inner core = 232.3 g/cm3 = 27 * 8.6 g/cm3
Exactly 27 times denser!
This means that the iron atoms in the inner core are exactly three times smaller
This is the expected result if electron shells are evenly spaced.
(Except it isn't clear why the iron atoms go from 3rd to 1st electron shell rather than 3rd to 2nd)
Iron has 4 electron shells but the 4th is already degenerate (which is why its a metal and a conductor)

Gravity at the top of the inner core = (232.3/5.515)*(1220/6370) = 8.067 g's

3/5 of earth gravity is due to density 3.3
Gravity = (0.6 g's * r/6370 km) + (0.4 g's * (6370 km)^2/r^2) for r=3480 to 6370 km

Gravity = 1.668 g's at r=3480 km
1.668*7.2/16.9 = 0.71 g's of that is due to density 7.2
Gravity = ( 0.71 g's * r/3480 km) + (0.958 g's * (3480 km)^2/r^2) for r=1220 to 3480 km
Gravity = 8.04 g's at r=1220 km 

integral of [ (0.6 * r/6370) + (0.4 * (6370)^2/r^2)] for r=3480 to 6370 = 3456 g's * km
integral of [( 0.71 * r/3480) + (0.958 * (3480)^2/r^2)] for r=1220 to 3480 = 7260 g's * km

3456 g's * 1 km * 3.3 g/cm3 = 1.13 * 10^6 bar
7260 g's * 1 km * 7.2 g/cm3 = 5.13 * 10^6 bar

Pressure at top of inner core = 1.13 + 5.13 = 6.26 million bar

I don't see the factors for compression of the mantle's rock and outer core's liquid iron at those pressures. Did you forget those?
density of earth = 5.515 g/cm3
density of ultramafic rock = 3.3 g/cm3
Radius of earth = 6370 km
Radius of core = 6370 - 2890 = 3480 km

Average density of entire core = (5.515-3.3)*(6370^3/3480^3)+3.3 = 16.9 g/cm3

Radius of inner core = 1220 km
Density of outer core = density of liquid iron = 7.2 g/cm3

Density of inner core = (16.9-7.2)*(3480^3/1220^3)+7.2 = 232.3 g/cm3

Density of iron = 7.87 g/cm3 (bcc) or 8.6 g/cm3 (fcc/close packing)
Density of inner core = 232.3 g/cm3 = 27 * 8.6 g/cm3
Exactly 27 times denser!
This means that the iron atoms in the inner core are exactly three times smaller
This is the expected result if electron shells are evenly spaced.
(Except it isn't clear why the iron atoms go from 3rd to 1st electron shell rather than 3rd to 2nd)
Iron has 4 electron shells but the 4th is already degenerate (which is why its a metal and a conductor)

Gravity at the top of the inner core = (232.3/5.515)*(1220/6370) = 8.067 g's

3/5 of earth gravity is due to density 3.3
Gravity = (0.6 g's * r/6370 km) + (0.4 g's * (6370 km)^2/r^2) for r=3480 to 6370 km

Gravity = 1.668 g's at r=3480 km
1.668*7.2/16.9 = 0.71 g's of that is due to density 7.2
Gravity = ( 0.71 g's * r/3480 km) + (0.958 g's * (3480 km)^2/r^2) for r=1220 to 3480 km
Gravity = 8.04 g's at r=1220 km 

integral of [ (0.6 * r/6370) + (0.4 * (6370)^2/r^2)] for r=3480 to 6370 = 3456 g's * km
integral of [( 0.71 * r/3480) + (0.958 * (3480)^2/r^2)] for r=1220 to 3480 = 7260 g's * km

3456 g's * 1 km * 3.3 g/cm3 = 1.13 * 10^6 bar
7260 g's * 1 km * 7.2 g/cm3 = 5.13 * 10^6 bar

Pressure at top of inner core = 1.13 + 5.13 = 6.26 million bar

I don't see the factors for compression of the mantle's rock and outer core's liquid iron at those pressures. Did you forget those?


This doesn't answer my question: Your picture has *one* column for densities, but we know that density is dependent on pressure (and temperature)!

2 columns of density

Yeah, in the left-hand part. On what are those second densities based, though? Is that just your best guess, or are those numbers in any way corroborated? For the most part, you're just adding 0.1 to the figure at 1 atmosphere, it seems.
2 columns of density

Yeah, in the left-hand part. On what are those second densities based, though? Is that just your best guess, or are those numbers in any way corroborated? For the most part, you're just adding 0.1 to the figure at 1 atmosphere, it seems.

All I can say is that the numbers are consistent with each other and the model presented
Yeah, in the left-hand part. On what are those second densities based, though? Is that just your best guess, or are those numbers in any way corroborated? For the most part, you're just adding 0.1 to the figure at 1 atmosphere, it seems.

All I can say is that the numbers are consistent with each other and the model presented

Not enough. How did you derive those density numbers in the second column? Can you calculate the pressure at each "layer" and source a pressure-dependent density for each constituent?
All I can say is that the numbers are consistent with each other and the model presented

Not enough. How did you derive those density numbers in the second column? Can you calculate the pressure at each "layer" and source a pressure-dependent density for each constituent?

The model is based on the assumption that the Rocky material that the Earth was made from had an average density of 3.346. The same as the Moon. These are the numbers that I got based on that assumption
Not enough. How did you derive those density numbers in the second column? Can you calculate the pressure at each "layer" and source a pressure-dependent density for each constituent?

The model is based on the assumption that the Rocky material that the Earth was made from had an average density of 3.346. The same as the Moon. These are the numbers that I got based on that assumption

It doesn't look like it.

Again, if you want to present density figures, you need to present pressure-dependent ones. Actual pressure-dependent ones based on the actual pressures. Not "take densities at surface pressure and randomly add 3%", but actual empirical figures.

Try again.
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